HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 717 Ordinance Numbsr. d 40 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTLTLED , " AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORISE AND DIRECT THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO PURCHASE AN AUTOL:OBILE CHASSIS ." BE IT ORDAINED BY , The City CBunc#1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section One . The Board of Public Affairs of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for sealed bids and to award a contract to the lowest and best bidder for the purchase of one ( 1 ) automobile chassis , for the use of the Fayetteville Fire Department , at a total cost not a .D to exceed the sum of Section Two . That this Ordinance be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication , and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith , be , and the same are hereby repealed . Passed and approved this 20th day of January , 1930 Approved : Attest : 10'�CITYMAYOR CLERK ;AiC:O . . . . - Proof of Publication LEGALs ORDINANCE NO. 717 AN ORDINANCE TO BE EN- State of Arkansas TITLED, "AN ORDINANCE TOIJ' SS AUTHORIZE IIDIRECT County of Washington, BOARD OF PUBLICAFFA RS OF 9 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLF I In T I, George G. Stockard, on my oath state that I am manager and PURCHASE AN AUTOMOBIL? br CHASSIS," I In i ' editor of the Fayetteville Daily Leader, a daily paper published at Fay- BE IT, OBfDAINEi) BY, The City ' wf etteville, in Washington County, Arkansas. That the at ached legal notice Counclg: of the City of Fayetteville, by Arkans6sm,. - �^ SEC�hON ONE. The Board of tir which came to my hands on the . _ day of 7 Public, Affairs of the City of Fay. ettevilie, Arkansas, are hereby au- 19.3.Q., I have dul published in the Fayetteville Dai Leader for a period thorized and directed to advertise se' for sealed bids and to award a oil cq�ltraet to the lowesDsnd lxest bitl- wa The first publication thereof being made der for the purchase of one (1) automobile chassis, for the use of OII the___ fq__ - -- ----- of---- _!-«cam /_______ .___ 93_Q___ and the the Fayetteville Fire Department, at 1 ` a7total cost not to exceed the sum of Th last publication thereof being on the_.2_-1F_ -----day of_ ---------- --- ----- - SECTION TWO. That this Ordi-Lse' nance be in force from and after its paci , approval 'and � _______ - same are Ordinances or parts th reo; me , � —f the hereby and lice finances or arts thereof ,'�eE - -- in conflict here with, be, and the red Subscribed and sworn to before me this__. __ ________________day of d approved this 20th day 'l of January, 1930. am APPROVED : 19 --� - - -� - . AT J C MASSIE, will City Clerk, ' sec `r �� '� otary Public: y gro --- _-. _-- 17- T. S. TRIBBLE, Mayor. lila 7h 7 why