HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 715 •l r 1 ORDIN 1dCE 1JG , 715 AN OR7IFLIPlCc TO D'? 7WITL D '1f:1I0�7INANC CR^f PLU illllG TIT 0}rIICL OF GAS }2BI7}G I1dSisCTOR, P}LOVIDING Il'OR T!i i APPOINTT.TNT OF SkID OFFICES, AND .6llUTI'S ; PRO'dIl)I: 'G FOP Tits. EXA-?IITATIO'? /,itO LI^ Pl.^,I11G OF GAS FITTIR Iid THE CITY OF rf:Y-:TTE'd_TL} .';� tK . ); i:'? , AA: : Oit IJGILOS FOR SUCH [iJRi On.: , ?RO'iI JI^IC FOR TT.' SIL S ti!?y LCNCTli 0 Fon T I I17 �, ;r"' ?.t �+ L' n F' PIi>rS TO � U,^>?;D THE � .IO . 0_ I'}f SA16 E MR TIF^ fu .LIOATIOTI f'0? q):IT) It,>P';CTIOtt . ATlll HE F53� TO D ^,IL'uL^ D F R SAID DMi' CTIOTI i�30VIJIiTG lttT„� r^.P ? GU- LhTIONS Ji1FJ T ;STS OF PIPING, i'R.OVIDIT'G P P!f;I,TI? FGiL 'itOi;' TIO'T, fl?ZO P03 OTHER PIJRPOSr✓S , t DE IT ORDAINED BY TIF' CITY COIJNCIL OF FrY^TTPVILfi; , ARP.it” ASa 1 • That there be and is hereby created the Plumbing Inspector, which shall be office Of City Gas filed by appointment by the Payor, confirmed by the Council . That said inspector shall file a bond in the swa of ; 1 , 000 . 00, conditioned that he • ill faithfully perform the duties of said office . 2. ,That the said Gas i'1'umbin� 'Inspector and his as AR " hereby auth'orizedy empov,ered) 'and• directed .to supervise ail g appliances , fixtures, and apparatus as piping, Placed in or. in any manner connected With any building or structure , and� to see that all such piping co.aplies with the conditions of this ordinance, and is in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters , hich Rules and Regulations are hereuy adopted and made a part of this ordinance , under which all Etas pipi.nt: must be done . 3 . Tdo person, firm, or corporation shall install , cons , or repair any gas piping, appliances , fixtures truct, reconstruct , or apparatus within the City Of Fayetteville , Arkansas until such person, firm; or corporation shall have secured license as hereinafter_ provided, and shall have executed a Stood and sufficient bond in the swa of «1 , 000. 00, having thereon as surety, a Bonding Company duly authorized do business in the State of Lrkansas , conditioned for the faithful erf of, and compliance With the tei•rs , requirements , and provisions of this ordinance , and such further and future ordinances of the City of this as may be hereafter passed to protect the inhabi- tants of said City of Fayetteville frau imperfect or defective gas plumbing* . Said bond shall be further conditioned. ;het such person , firm, or corporation shall , vrlthout additionrl cost to the person for vrhola . the work is done , tion any defect therein, due to faulty wprcaarsltip or incorrect construc- tion, or due to £th, material used or furnished by such person, firm, or corporation, and that such person, fir,t, or corporation shall forthwith reconstruct or repair such work vvithin . for ty-sig-}it hours after notice from the City Gas Plumbing Inspector to so reconstruct or repair the same . In case of gas leaks , the City Gas Plumbingr Inspector or any of his duly appointed assistants shall iufaedi.ately cut off tite gas supply from the premises affected, without notice . Likev:ise , the said City Gas Plumbing Inspector or any of his assistants may in the interests of the public safety, order the gas supplied to any customer cut off iimdediately without notice % and when pas is of said Inspectoso cut off it shall not again be turned on, except by order r. hr1iC :OFI Wp AT DE 5 1978 REEL.3 •J Ordinance 715--•2 The City of Fayetteville may, for i•teelf or for the use and benefit of any person injured or damaged by reason of fcilure to repair any defective gas piping, or an defective installation, construction, reconstruction , or repair thereof, maintain suit on said bond in any court having jurisdiction thereof., or suit may be maintained thereon by any person injured or damaged by reason of any breach of any of the con— ditions of said 'bond . The bond herein required shall be a continuing bond, and shall not expire until one year after the date whereon the principal iii 'said bond did any of 'die - or:•; c(An;<uapl.ated in w:i.s ordinance .. That upon the approval, of said bond by the City . Council, the individual. , firm, or corporation desiring to .do such work shall, after having passed the examination hereinafter required, secure from the .City Collector of the City of Fayetteville , a lice}ase which shall be not transferable > In the event of the disolution of any coMparry or partnership holding such license , tho member retaining such. license shall be required to renew the bond herein provided foi! before doing any such viork provided for herein . That the names of each and every member or representative of any firm or co—part— nership obtaining the license shall be given to the City Collector. The sum of Ten Dollars per annum shall . be paid for such ' licensc ; provided all such license shall bear date the first of the month of issuance and run to January first following and schen issued 'after January first of each year, the proportionate part remaining part ' of . such year shall be computed from the first day of the month in .which the same is issued. ...'KA"INATION OF nAS FITTERS Before securing a license , applicants must submit to and pass an examination before the . Bocsd of Examiners of Plumbers, duly appointed and acting under the authority conferred on them by Ordinance No. 571, passed and approved September 114, 1925, and by amendment thereto by Ordinance No . 575, passed and approved September 21 , 19259 aE to their ' practical experience and skill in the installation of piping for #as , their know— ledge of the fundamental principles involved, and also their knowledge of the requirements of this ordinance . A favorable report of the Board of Examiners must be presented to the City Collector before he is authorized to issue a license . Fees for examination are the sane as. provided .for Sanitary Plumbers in said Ordinance No. 571 . Any Plaster or Journeyman Plwnber holding a license under said Ordinance No . 571 may secure a gas—fittersls license under this ordinance by taking the examination and by payment of the fees herein prescribed. PERMITS—PI PES 4* Before commencing any gas fitting installation, the Gas Fitter must file with the Gas Plumbing Inspector, a diagram accurately made out showing the sizes and lengths of pipes and the kind of fixture to be supplied by each branch . A permit will then be issued by the Inspector, if the diagram is approved. Pipes must be best quality wrought iron or steel, with malleable iron fittin,-s, and sizes and lengths shall comply with the "aules and T rulations of the "ational Board of Fire Undervikiters for the installation, maintenance) , and use of pi. in and fittings for City gas , ' and all work will be done in accordance idth these regula i . :n Ordinance 715--3 For all large industrial buildings , the plans for piping should be take , up 'directly with the local office of the gas co,apany. 5 . Inspection and tests shall be made as provided in Rules LSO and 41 of the before mentioned Hational Tire Underwriters Rof;uIEAions . 6 . Fees. The fee for the inspection of each system of piping shall be 112 . 00. If tested in sections at different times , each test ;12 . 00. In case the system does not stand the test, or is otherwise defective or im. complete , neceseitating an extra trip by the Inspector, an additional charge of 421 . 00 tiviill be made . Fees to be paid by the Gas Fitter when the Inspector ' stcertificate ' of acceptance is delivered. - 7 . That ' any' person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance , shall be deezed .guilty of a misdeirteanor and upon conviction, shall be fined in any su:a not erceeding ' r15 . 00, and each and every day ' s continuance of such violation shall constitute and be deemed a'.seoaratd offence . 8 . This ordinance shall take _effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication. Jan. 13 , 1930 a J