HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 707 C ORDINANCE NUMBER 707 AN ORM TO BE EN- TS DANCE PRE- $ FEE FOR r ` Is EGU- STATE OF ARKANSAS THEas: ^OTHER PUR- t County of Washington j BE 'I'I"`'bRDAINED BY THE CITY ICOUNCILOF THE CITY OF FAY- I, ______ ______ _____ ^^^_- _____ ______Idosolemnlyswear ETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: that I am manager of the F jEITtLLE DEMOCRAT, a daily newspaper Section One. That, hereafter, it published in said county, and at I was manager on the dates of publication shall be unlawful for any person, hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide circulation in firm, partnership, copartnership, as- sociation, or corporation to engage said county on said dates, and had been regularly published in said county for in the business of a real estate brok- a period of one month next before the date of publication of the advertisement er or rental agent. or for any cpm- hereto annexed, and that said advertisement was published in said newspaper pensation or valuable consideration to sell, offyr for sale, buy or offer to buvf, oc 'to negotiate the purchase or __ ____time _ sale; -6r exchange of real estate or following date)r: personal property, or to louse, or to offer to lease, or rent or offer to rent (� any real estate within the corporate ---WWW ------ ----_- ------ --_- ---- ------ - Le{/Y--"__A 47 ---- -_--- - 192_ limits of the City of Fayetteville, Ar- (/ kansas, whether such property be lo- _ cated within or without the said City (Signed ' ljmits of the said City of Fayette- _ ville, Arkansas. without first having' eechred from the City Collector of Sube 'bed and sworn to before me this______ __ _ _ __. ----day of the Said City of Fayetteville, Arkan- , sas, a license to so engage in said ___, 19 _ business: Provided, that no such li- ---- ------ -- -- ---- - acnes sha'11_ be issued in the name of any firm, ' partnership, co-partner- , shlP, association, or corporation, but ----- . - - . _ ___ _ __ ____ ____ __ ______ ______ __ ____________ each individual person so engaging in such business shall secure a per- sonal -license to so do. Provided fur- ______ ______ ______ ____ __ _ ______ ____ _____ ---- � ______ ther, that this ordinance shall not 41 apply to any person, firm, partner- ship, co-partnership, association, or My Commissirm Expires Oct. 18, 1939 corporation. selling or ranting his or their individual property_ Section Two. Each real estate broker or rental agent issued a li- rense under the nrovisions of this Ordinance, shall. within ten days from the date of such lieense. obtain and maintain a place of business within Ohe corporate limits of said 'City of � Fnyetteville, Arkansas, and shall die• iphw a . sign designating to the public sue U+place of business. S 'Etioii Three Each applicant fpr' license, under the provisions of this Ordinance. shall be required to pay to the City Collector of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars ner an- num, and =aid City Collector shall is- sue to such applicant a license au- thorizing said applicant to engage in the business of a real estate broker. I . or a rental agent. for the period of one vear from the date of said license. I Section Four. Any Person, firm, , i nartnership, co-DartnershiD, associa- tion, or cornoratinn viol=ting anv of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeauor 'and upon a conviction therefor, shall be fined in ary sum not less than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for +he first offense. and not less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. nor more than Two . Hundred Fifty ('5250.00) Dollars for the second, or succeeding offense, and each breach of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. Provided further, . that no person, firm, partnership, co- Ipartnership, association, or corpora- tion who has not procured a license as herein provided, shall, be allowed to charge any compensation whatso- ever as a real estate broker or a rental agint, and any contract for compensation by any such person, 'shall be deemed . null and void and of no probative and binding force and effect. Section Six. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with, be, and the sAme are, herebv reuealed, and this Ordinance shall I take effect and be in force from and ' after its passage, approval and pub- lication. _ 1 � A*,ssed and app"rovzd this 25th day ot June, 1929. Approved : T. S. Tribble. Mover. At+est : J. C. Massie, City Clerk. ( Seal.) 25-1t-c � n ORDINANCE NUMBER '70 , AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , "AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING A LICENSE FEE FOR EARL ESTATE BROKERS REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF THE SA'._E AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . " BE IT ORIAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE - VILIE ARKANSAS . Section One . That , hereafter , it shall be unlawful f or any person, firm, partnership , co -partnership , association , or corpora - tion, to engage in the business of . 6 real estate broker or rental agent , or for any compensation or valuable consideration to sell , offer for sale , buy , or offer to buy , or to negotiate the purchase or sale , or exchange of real estate or personal property, or to lease , or to offer to lease , or rent or offer to rent any real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , whether such property be located within or without the said City limits of the said City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , with- out first having secured from the City Collector of. the said Cit y ' of Fayetteville, - Arkansas , a license to so engage in se- d business . Provided , that no such license shall be issued in the name of any firm, partnership , co-partnership , association , or corporation , btLty each individual person so engaging in such business shall secure a personal license to so do . Provided further, that this ordinance shall not apply to any person , firm, partnership , co -partnership , absbciation;� 3r borporation, selling or renting his or their in- dividusl property . - i Section Two , Each real estate broker or- rental agent issued a license under the provisions of this Ordinance , shall , within ten days from the date of such license,, obtain and maintain a place of business within the corporate limits of said City 'of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , and shall display a -sign designating to the pub - 44,CR DAT f C/oNb Rff�`� lie such place of business . 12 t _ ...a84 C • �• y l n . .. , _ _ Section Three . Each applicant for license , under the pro - visions of this Ordinance , shall be requiEed to pay to the City Collector of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , the sum of Twenty - five ( $25 . 00 ) Dollars per a,rnn7m, and said City Collector shall issue to such applicant . a license authorizing said applicant to en- gage in the business of areal estate broker , or a rental agent , for the perihod of one year from the date of said license , Section Form : Any person , . firm, partnership , co= partnership , association , or corporation violating any of the provisim s of this ordinance , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and Ipon a con- Viction therefor, shall be-. fined in any sum not less than Fifty ( $50 . 00 ) Dollars , nor more than One Hundred ( $, 100 : 00 ) -Dollars for the first offense , and not less than One Hundred ( $100 . 00) Dollars , nor. more than Two Hundred Fifty ( $250 . 00 ) Dollars for the second, or succeed- ing offense , and each breach of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense , Provided further , that no person, firm, partherthip , co-partnership , association , or corporation who has not procured a litnense as herein 'pr'ovided, shall be allowed to charge . any compensa - tion whatsoever as a real estate broker or a rental agent, and any contract for compensation by any - aich person , shall be deemed null and void and of no probative and„binding force and effect . Section Six . All ordinances and parts of ordinances } in conflict i herewith, be , and the same are , hereby repealed , and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , ap - proval and publication . Passed and Approved this 12 th. day of June , 1929 ' APPROVED : MAYOR * ATTEST : Clerk . ORDINANCE NUMBER. 707 AN ' ORDINANCE TO BE EN- TITL-ED,'=:a`AN , .ORDINA'NCE .PRE- SCRIBING;: A LICENSE FEE FOR ; REAL ESTATE -.BROKERS REGU- I STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ,.LATING`�THE ' ljUSINE8S.`OF THE ss: SAME," AND FOR `OTHER . PUR- County of Washington POSES -' BE IT ORDAINED BY T11F" CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAY- I_ ____________ _____ _ __ __ _ __ ____, do solemnly swear ETTEVILLE, . ARKANSAS: that I am manager of the FETTEVILLE DEMOCRAT, a daily newspaper Section One. That, hereafter, it published in said county, and at I was manager on the dates of publication shall be unlawful for any person,'. hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide circulation in firm, parion, orship, ration oto eng as-. said county on said dates, and had been regularly published in said county for in theion, ne corporation to engage. in- the business of areal estate- brok- ', a period of one month next before the date of publication of the advertisement er or rental agent. or :for any com- hereto annexed, and that said advertisement was published in said newspaper peosation or valuable consideration to sell, offyr for sale, buy or offer to /---times-encs-a ^�^� f �� eeles seneeeutjvel en-tA- bui _or to negotiate the purchase or ------ ------ - 3 'sale;-or exchange of ^ reap -estate or. following datey(: personal property, or to lease, or to offer to lease, or rent or .offer -to sent any real estate' within the corporate __ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ __ _ __ _ ?� _____ ______ 192_1i ------ ------ ----- ---- - limits of the City of Fayetteville, Ar- kansas, whether such property be lo- cated within or .without. the said City (Signed) - --- ---- _ ____ ______ ______ _ __ _ _ . _-___ _ ______ ,limits: of the. said City, of , Fayette- ville, Arkansas. -without first having 7se6ured from the City . Collector of Subs ibed and sworn to before me this------ -- E't___. ____day of the said City of Fayetteville, Arkan- _ _ � s'as a license toso engage in said busm ss Provided, that no such of ( cense shall' part ere p, thename r- , I� I anv firm i partnership, co-partner- / ship, association, or corporation; but ; - - - ---- * each %.individual * each ..individual person so . engaging _ in such business 'shall secure a peri" -sonal license to so do. Provided fur that, that that this ordinance shall not artily to anv., person, firm, partner- , ship,. co-partnership, Rssociation, or '�.'y C.-:)rpYAissioL Expirea QCI. 16, 19.22?) ..corporation. selling or'rti'nting his or their individual �pronerty. i Section Two. Each "real estate broker or rental ' agent .issued a li- rense under the nrovisions of this .Ordinance, shall. within ten days from the date of such license. obtain and maintain a - place of business within the .corporate limits of said City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; and shall dis• ' plav a sign designating to the public ' - such place of business !rection Three Faces iapplicant f6'r ' license under the provisions of .this Ordinance. shall be required to -pay ; .tn the Caty" Collector of the City " of i Fayetteville; : Arkansas, the sum of. Twenty-five (825.00) . Dollars ner an- num, and said Citv Collector shall is- sue to s-sue -to sudi applicanta license an., t:horizine said applicants to engage, in the business of a real .estate broker: ( or a rental agent. for the period--of , one veer from the' date of said licen'se: I I Section Four. Any person. - firm, i nartnership, co-nartnershin, associa- � t;on, or corporation violating any .of,I Ile provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a ' misdemeanor . and' upon a conviction therefor, shall be. fined in '.anv sum not less than ' Fifty Q50.00) Dollars, nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars £or the first offense. and not less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. nor more than Two . Hundred Fifty . (5250.00) Dollars for the second, . or succeeding offense, and. each breach of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. ' Provided further, that no person, firm, partnership, co- 'i .Partnership, association, or. corpora- tion who has not - procured a license as, herein provided, shall, be allowed to . charge , any compensation whatso- ever as a real estate., .broker or a , , rental aging and any contract for cmmnensation by any such person, shall' be deemed :null and void and of no probative and binding force and street. Section Six. All ordinances .and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with, be, and the seine are, hereby' repealed, and this Ordinance . shall take effect and be in force from and after .its passage, approval and - pub- liciatiori 1 % _ 7asded and app.toved this 25th day , of June, 1929. "Approved : T. S''. Tribble. Mayor. Approved : . J. C. Massie, City Clerk. ( Seal. ) _ _ - __ 25-it-cl