HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 704 w rt - ORDINANCE NUMBER '7 e 4Z AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENT OF SEWER IMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT NUMBER ONE OF THF CITY OF FAYEETEVILLE , 'ARKANSAS , TO SIGN A LEASE CONTRACT FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN .RIGHT- OF-WAY BELONGING TO THE ST . LOUIS AND SAN FRANCISCO RAILWAY COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT SEWER THEREON , WHEREI'S : In the reconstruction of the Sewer Plant for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , it has become necessary to locate a sewer pips line on the right - of-way of the St . Louis and San Francisco Railway Company from a point at or near Rock Street on the 0 . & C . C . main line to Station 7592 plus seven feet , in ac - cordance * 4th lease agreement between the parties hereto of date of May 27 , 1929 ; and M. EREAS : The St . Louis and. San Francisco Railway Company desire a joint contract with the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the' Board ' of Improvement of Sewer Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the St . Louis and San Francisco Railway Company , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section One : That the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the Board of Improvement of Sewer Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , are hereby author- ized and directed to sign a lease contract for the use of certain Right - of- way belonging to the St . Louis and San Francisco Railway Company for the construction of sewer pipe line and for the operation and maintenance of the same . 'Se•ction Two : That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval ard ' publication and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict haEewith be and the same are hereby repealed • l�. Passed and approved this the �' 7 day of May , 1929 . ATTEST : ' /'rL 6rdL4_0,� _ APPROVED : I �, , `/ �� MICROFILMED City Clerk PATEOCT 5 i�e Mayor . _ Tyy ! . I Ari Olt DTNANCI . 'AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF 711E P11Y l-0F STATE OF ARKANSAS , FAYETTEVILL ARRANSAti A-ND } as THE ADARD Of— JMiPROVFMFNT.; County of Washington J - LPs Si:WI? R" IR£PROVf'TI,I'DJ1• ' DTS_^ - TRIf T NUMBERONFr F •THE C,IIY OF F A)I� • f-'- :K A NS A S. TO SIC N A% , tI ttAYh 00 '- I, ----- - ------ - �----------, do solemnly swear a'FANT FnR 7H1 . I14Ri OF CER+. that I am manager of the FAYETTEVILLE\DEMOCRAT, a daily news.aNG- R.ICf OP W &'s*NDON,Gr4 paper published in said county, and that I was manager on -the dates of 'iNC, TO TJiF, .S P. 1,DC F�jI :YD • AFI' FRANCISCO RAILW{, P •, PANY publication hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide T . CONSTRUCT SE,Ell, PERI~_, circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly published ON i` in said county for a period of one month next before the date of publication WHEREAS: 'In •jhe;recBiistructiani of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said advertisement was pub. of the Sewer Plant fpi'. ahe City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, it",has beconto necessary to locate a ioi q&r? pipe , liiia lished in said newspaper___ �^^ ^ �_____time ^ ^ aak €er n eekr' Pon- Oil the right- ofi'tfie St. 136 .rivnly and San Francisco Rai "v C61t y ^^ the following dates! from a point. at or neer? Rock' Stre'gt` on; the 0. & , C. C. main'* line to•"Sta- .j tion 7592 plus .seven feet;. in'aCccrd=. ____________________________________it____�C t_________________ 192 _ once with lease- agreeiiienb- betweeiI -, the parties hereto ofdut6 of MayY27,! ( Signed) ____dam �l_�_ 1929; and 7, `. , ; ^ _ S I _ ___— —_____—_____ __________—__ . WHEREAS T}ie „t,rLo4iis . and' 29 • Shn Francisco Railw rporepeny da Subsc ibed and sworn to before me this ___-_�fI J sire aJ joint, contract' ,1with tithe` City -- -----------day of provement District Nu rof Sewn I'6 ___________________ 2-- -• of Pa ettev!Ile Arkan Board of In movement ml)er One• of the Pity of 1Fa, ettevrlle,'" rkan9hit; and the _ t.. Lows • and ' Shn: >r ranc!sco Railavay. Com - . . ---------- ----- ---- - --- - - ----- ----------- NOW. .: Ln.-::y!_ � . ,,t; NOW. THERLF'ORF;,_ BE IT. ,OR DAINF.D BY T1IFrCITY;CCIUNCIL„ OF THE CITY OF .FAYETTEVILLE, I ----------------------------- - ------------- - ARKANSAS: • . SECTION ONV theMe ` r of- the Cit y, of Fuyettev,Hle. ArkaasiC` My Commfeaion ExPir" Oft 15; IVA and the Board o - !InrpI.Q idnt,'of'. j Sewer Improve!ilent Distl4ic Nun,*' One of the , Ci y , . T'agattOdille,� r Imams, are hereby authorjyed grid , :directed ao 'sign 'a;aeaic'pptraet for • the use of certain Right-of-way .lie longing 'td ;th . iSs. L. 'sj; end: Ssii ' ' I`rii ncisco Railways Co anyt for the c'3nstrucfion^oE'sewer glltez-lines andi' for'• the ope'ratidii d'ng ntd(dt�hance-df�(t the same. - Fc 4 _ . . . •. ' ,: SECTION° TWO''." 'Tbht`Hiiis ' ordi- nance be in full force and eRect•.from ' and after ,its -passgge, -approval' and, Publication and all ordinances. sand'• pmts of ordinances in ;eoii1lict herbs' with be and.- the same . gre hereby repealed. . ._ ...... Passed and ap'pr'oved this; the' 27th day of-Alay, 1929._ _ ._ ,. {" ' Approved : .T:_S. Tribbla, .,Mayori . i Attest: J. C: Massie, .City Clei•k:� , ( Seal. ) . . 29-lt=c, .