HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 703 Provided, howaver, that the Grantee shat: Comply vijbl: all ordinances , resolutions , regulations , or orders w.hloh. are Herr In offea or 1"riich r. be passed and become: effective hereafter, Foverni.ng the lay9.ng cf pipes, excavatio, ; , refilling of ditches , the cutting, injuring. , and repairi_nC of psveaents , and safeguatrling individuals arai.nst i;rjar-f orcr-sionad by reason of acts of the Grantee, or arq act of the Grantee perm?;-ttcd u:rder t1iia ordinance . It is understood that a bond vrill ba rcc}uired ^:ucle shall guarantee that the streets , pavements , and '.mprovem3nte which are changed, affected, or injured by resson of th.3 pri.vilcrca granted under this onllnanco ti.ill be rcpalced in as good condition as they r.:erc be;fa..a such changes occurred. Said bond to be maze in favor o£ the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas . In addition to the above bend the Grantee shall ` make a maintainance bond in favor of th3 Gr, ntor, tdr_ch shall n-uarar,tea maint.rinance of all repairs for a period of Five yca;-s . All bonds to be approved by the City Council of the jity of 1ayottovil.I^, Arl.ansss belorr:� any work is done re� thin the public streots or alleys . . 3. Nothing in this franchise shall be construed in such a manner as to in anywise abridt-e or affect the right of said City of F:;yetteville , ArkLnsas, to pass and enforce the necessary police r - gilations for the protection of the citizens of said City of Fayettevi'-le , rsl :anaas and ai their property, and the property of the Grantee herein. It is further by and between the parties hereto that this lr. nohise is net exclusive and the City Council of the City of .'r-yette ri11e ,k -'ki; ssas ; hereby expressly reserves the privilege of granting f..rther gee franch= aes to any person, ' firm, partnership, or corporation dur::nj the tern of th_ia franch;se . 4. The Grantee heroin shall supply natural ;-as under the teres and . conditions herein specified to all applicants not in arrears for- any bills for natural gee , service pipes and appliancr_s o;;ning or orcupy-l'i-,g premises on or abutting tha • strsots , avenues , al.!ays , roads , hi.ghrrays, and of .er Public places within the City ofFayetteville , Arksnses, in which sued gas rains or service pipes are paid, and the . said Grantee shall. have tk ; gr to make and enforce a written agreement with all applicants for natural gas with reference to making a deFosi. t for service , and fixing the terms and conditions upon which natural gas is to be served to the individial appli- cant. Such contracts , hovrever, shall conform to and comply vith tre of the State of GrkansaJ , and of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and all regulations governing the same and also the right's hereinafter f_-,cd and establishers. 5 . The Grantee shall lay pipes £rom the mein pi.paa to the+ cons•,n::Z�r ' s property line to the expense of the said Grantee . Froa the consumer ' s property line to th, meter, the Grantee shall have tho right to la; the service pipes at the conmrae_ ° s enpensr_ at a reasonable price to' be fixad by a written contract ::a.th tiro indivi0val cozsur3rr. and .70m the ' 3:ete.r on, the . consumer shall have the r ght to Eeaeet his Orin ;as f'Ater -to lany his pipes, and to install his fixtures•--all of said r:ork, hc. -cver, to be done in strict compliance with the tezris rrd ror._livions of any rand all ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas. in force ant the tis,e of said work; .- t being the intent of the said City Council of the said City of Fryetteville , Arkansas , in this franchise ; to reserve Unto U-salf the right to pass are, enforce any and all ordinances it may see fit to re. gul to such work . And the Grantee herein shall have the right to :Hake and` enf.orce as a part of the Ordinance 703- 3 the condition under which it will supply natural gas for haat, light, power, fuel, or other purposes as herein provided, sll needful. rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Arkanca: s , and the provisions of this franchise . 6. The Grantee herein shall furnish promptly to the iyroper authcri- ties any and all inforn„tion which may be asked for by than in regard to the size , location, or dopth of any of the pipes, mains , conduits, or service piles in any form whatsoever, and DV and all other ir:fornation in regard to its occupation of the streets , avenues , alleys , mads , ft#h highwaysp or other pablie places of the said City of r'ayetteville , Arkansas which they demand. 7 . Vhenever the word "Grantee " occurs in this ordinance , it shall mean, and it shall be understood to 'us C . 0. Moore , his stem;-cors and ' assigns , and whenever the word "authorities". or " proner authorities " occur in this ordinance , it shall mean and it shall be understood to be the duly authorized officer or officers , committee or board representing the said City of Fyyetteville , j>rkarsas . B . The said Grantee herein, its successors , and assigns shall have a period of 30 days from the iinal passaL:e , approve 1, and publication of this ordinance , and not longer in which to begin the laying of pipe lines and laterals for the distribution of natural gss in the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and said Grantee shall , in good faith, continue said work to its completion. A failure upon the part of. the said Grantee herein to comply with the foregoing provisions of this section as to the time in 'which tobeciln work, the manner in which said. work shall be done ; and the progress to be made , shall operate to -render this franchise null and void and of no binding... force or effect. 9 : If the Grantee herein shall within 30 days frcm the final. pass— ' age , approval, and publication of this ordinance begin. the actual layin(t of pipe lines and laterels for the distribution of natural gas in the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and shall keep continuously at said work vdth a force of worlanen as large as is practicable :miler the circumstances and lay not less than 3000 feet of main each month, then, in that event the said Grantee herein shall have unt l Jan, 204 1930 and nit loner to construct, build, and lay "as mainsand. laterals into the said City of Fayetteville , P.rknnsas , and to be ready with an adequate supply of gas in all of said mains and laterals , and otheir lines for the distribution of natural gas and to actually frxni.ah natural ,-as to all consumers within the corporate limits of the City of: Fayetteville , Arkansas . A failure on the part of the said Grantee hereinte ,coaaly with the last mentionood pro. vision as to the time fixed herein, shal1 render this franchise null and void and the same shall be of no bindin[, force or effect ; it beinC agreed by the parties hereto that time is of the esso):; e of this franchise . All gas sold under this franchise shall be masured on a 4 ounce .basis and shall have a heat value of not less thin 950 PvT .Uo noR cubic foot . A cubic foot shall be 1723 cubic inches of €.as under eight ounces of pressure nhen the temperature is 60 .Farenehait. 10 . A bond sha.l.l be furnished to the ;:Aty ' of iayetteville , lxkansas' Ordinance 7-03-11 to guarantee that the Grantee herein will act faithfully and will carry out the terms , conditions , and agreeiL nt,s in this ordinance' set forth , with respect to the time in tirhich such work harein mentioneC and set forth shall begin, ohall progress , and shall Le com!)'1. 3'ted . A failure on the part oi' the said Grantee to begin -pork in Lhe time herein mentioned shall be considered and treated as a damsi;e to the City of Fayetteville, r:rkansas and s4id Grantee herein, ii,s xa= successors and assigns , and its bondsmen shall be and become liable to the said City of F'ayettavi.11e , Arkansas in the said sum of 1'103000 . 00 for liquidated d.ajaaf-es--it being specifically understood and agreed that said above r,:entioned failureon the part of said Grantee shall oc deomed and treated as liquidated dar,�af;es to the said City of }layetteville , ,lrkansas in said sin of 810, 000. 00 and not as a penalty. 11 . The Grantee herein shall do no injury to any street, avenue , alley, road, highway, or other public place , or bridge , stream or water course within the corporate limits of the said City of Fayetteville , Ark , and shall in no manner disturb or interfere with any public or private sewer, water, or drainage system, now or hereafter Laid or constructed by the said City of Fayetteville , 1r}cansas , or by any authorised parson, firm, or corporr.tion, without the consent in v,•iting of the City .;ouncil of the said City of Fayetteville , ! rl nsas_, Nor shall any drainage system be laid or constructed Co as to in any manner disturb or interfere wit' i any gas main or service pipes which shall have been laid prior to the time of laying or constructinr such drainage• system , except :in case of a conduit whic}i must operate as a gravity conductor which could not be constructed without the chane: of gas lines , then, in that event the cost of changing the grade of the gas line shall. be borne by the person, persons , fife , corporation, . or muni cipal_. ty desiring such chan;te , and then only upon the a.-lproval of the Ci.ty , Council of the City of r'eyette- ville, Prkransas . -1.2 . That if arty section or part of a section of this ordinance shall be declared null s.nd void by any co. ipetentauthority, the re:aain- ing portion thereof shall not t,e affected thereby. 13 . . This ordinance shall be considered a contract and shall remain in force for a period of 25 years from the date of vaittcn acceptance by said Grantee , and such acceptance must be made within one day after date of publication of this ordinance and filed iAa; th the City Jlerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, and in of the failure of the Grantee to file such acceptance within the ti as specified herein all rights of the . Grantee hereunder shaJ.l terminate . 14 . The said Grantee , its successors , and assiirns , shall hold said City of Fayetteville, Arkansas free and harmless of and zrom any > and all liability, damages , actions , and causes of action causod by, or through the neglect or mismanagement of the said Gr4ntee , in the erection, instal- lation, construction, reconstruction, repair, operation, maintenance , management, and control of said gas plant and distr:i.bu4n:- systeta. 15. The Grantee , its successors and assigns hereby warrant and guarantee as a part of the consideration of the passage. of this Ordinance c:nd franchise , that it will furnish f-as to the City of Fayetteville , i1rk . , and to its inhabitants at the rate of not to exceed the followinf; maximura amount, to_VVit; ri Ordi.nauce 703•--5 DOM9TIC 2ATG: lot 1000 cu, ft. 9 1 . 85 per M. cu. ft. next9000 . 85 next 40, 000 . 6o Loss 10¢ per cu. fto di scount if pa-. .d before 10th of month fol-lvwi.ng datra of consumption. CO'=TICI1,L "ATE : lst 502000 cu- ft - 50,! per . i.'. " . ft. net next 50,000 45s next 50,000 40r� next 50, 000 35¢ over 200, 000 300 INDUSTRIAL RATE Maximum rate 30¢ rilinimum raise 150 Net subject to individual contract. 16 . This ordinance shall Lake effect and be in force from rnd after its passage , approval , and publication, rnd the said frEnc'hise shall be and remain in full force and effect for the term of 25 years thereafter; pro— vided, hoverer, that said written a�'cep ance by the Grantee be filed in the Office .of the City Clerk of the City of Payettoville , Arkansas as ftwz,�m provided in Section 13 hereof, and apps val of bonds required in Section2 and 10. April 24, 1929 . r!:.: ORDINANCE NO . /0.1 AN ORDINANCE GRAIMMG TO C . 0 . MOORE , Ills SUCCESSORS , LI:SSES , AND ASS ; (:NS , THE RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY GAS NIAINS ALONG TIIE STREETS , AVENUES , ALLEYS , ROADS , AND HIGHWAYS , AND O'1'Hl;R PUBLIC: PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS FOR THE PURPOSI'I OF DISTRIBUTING AND SELLING NATURAL GAS TO THE RESIDENTS OR IN'IIABITMTS 01: 'fill: SAID CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND TO OTHERS , AND ALSO TO LAY PIPE LTNL'S IN THE S'I'REE'rS , AVENUES , ALLEYS , ROADS , AND HIGHWAYS ) AND O'rilER PUBLIC PLACES AND GROUNDS WITHIN SAID CITY OP FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS FOR THE PIJRPOSIS OF CONVEYING NAMI AL GAS THROUGH AND WITHIN SAID CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS FOR DISTRIBUTION '1'0 THE RESIDENTS OR IN'HABI'TANTS OF 'TIIE SAID CITY OF FAYE'1'T'EVILLE , ARKANSAS AND TO OTIIERS FOR INDUSTRIAL CCRNEIICIAL AND DOMESTIC PURPOSES , AND PROVIDING T HE REGULATIONS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SAID GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTP.'tl , AND FOR . 0 IER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY TIB: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OD FAYIfl'1'IiVILLE , ARKANSAS : I . That subject to the terms , conditions , and stipulations mentioned and set forth in this ordinance , consent and permission is hereby given to Grantee herein , and to its successors , losses , and assigns to lay , construct , equip , operate , repair , and maintain a system of gas mains , pipes , conduits , and feeders for the purpose of supplying and distributing natural gas for light , fuel , power , and heat and for any other purpose to the residents or inhabitants of the City of Fayetteville , ' Arkansas , and to others , and to lay , construct , and maintain a system of mains , pipe lines , pipe conduits and feeders , and the necessary attachments , connections , fixtures , nil(] appurtenances for the purpose of conveying , conduction , or distributing natural gas from any point beyond the city limits of said City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas in order to enable the said Grantee to distribute and sell natural gas to the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and to the residents or inhabitants thereof , :Intl to others , provided , however , and upon the condition that the said Grantee herein lay , construct , equip , operate , repair , and maintain what is technically known as a low pressure gas system within said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and provided further , and upon tho con - dition that said Grantee horoin shall deliver or cause to be delivered an adequate supply of natural gas for the needs and requirements of the inhubt - tants for domestic , commercial , and industrial purposes and that the same be distributed to nil willing consumers under the terms and conditions of tilts ordinance , and lines w111 ho extended 150 feet for each new consumer . And provided further that the Grantee shall submit to the City Council . of the City of Fayettcvl lie , Arkansas A plat showing the proposed location of all gas mains and the rogula0r!t for Approval , anti that no mains shall be constructed or no regulator station shall be estabilshod until such Approval Is hod and the same ! n mado it matter of record in the minutes of the mooting Of said City Council . It ! s undorstood that the City CnunclI will require that distributing maim bo placed in Chu Public alloys so far as It is practical to do so . 3 . The main pipes and sorvico plpos of the Grlmtoo herein shall bo laid and maintained in the strrots , avonuos , alloys , roads , and highways , and other public places within the said City of Fayettevlllo , Arkansas , as now laid out , or an the sumo may hereafter be established , anti when so laid in said streets , avenues , alloys , ronds , 'Intl highways , and other public places , the sumo shall be laid In accordance with the linos and gradus its now usr"blishod , or which tiny horeart. or be estubllslmd by the City of 141yottovillo , Ark . '