HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 700 (2) ft AL EEORDINANCE N0 . _ D O __U AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN STREET 11TROVE?.ENTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AID APPROPRIATING FUT_TDS TO PAY THEREFOR . CIHEREAS 6urb and Gutter District I? o . 38 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , . has been legally organized for the purpose of grading , Trolling and the construction of curb and gutter in certain streets and Paving District T' o . 39 of the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , has been legally organized for the purpose of grading , rolling and paving certain streets in the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , and , WHEREAS it is the policy of the City of Fayetteville to in such cases./construct the improvements in the street and alley intersections and to pay the cost thereof , and , 'aIIEREAS '"the City Engineer has computed the cost of constructing the improvements to be made in the street and alley intersections in said improvement districts and has reported the same to the city council , and , WHEREAS C . E . Pierce of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has proposed to enter into a contract with the City of Fayetteville for the making of such improvements for the amount reported by the city engineer , therefor$kr BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI5 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARIANSAS . SECTION ONE . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , enterL into a contract as hereinafter set forth with C . E . Pierce of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for the making of such street improvements as are to be made in the street and alley intersections in Curb and Gutter District I?o . 38 and Paving District No . 39 , according to the plans , speigifications and drawings of the engineer and that such contract be executed by the I; ayor of the City and attested by the City Clerk crith the seal of said city affixed . LECTION TWO , MICROFILWD DATES^i�7g - C O N T R A C T . REEL This Agreement made this **L 1 �y of I.iarch , 1929 * by and between the City of Fayetteville in Washington County , Ark. '1 I ansas , hereinafter called the City and C . E . Pierce of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereinafter called the Contractor . 17ITNESSETH : The Contractor agrees to provide all of the material and to perform all of the work for the construction of the street improvements in all street and alley intersections in Curb and Gutter District No . 38 and Paving District No . 39 in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , - organized for the purpose of grading , rolling and constructing curb and gutter and paving in the following named streets , or parts of streets in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ' to-wit : North Walnut Avenue from the North line of East Maple Street to the North line of Johnson Street ; North Olive Avenue from the North line of Gunter Street to the South line of Johnson Street ; Johnson Street from the East line of North walnut Avenue to the hest line of Forth Mission Avenue , and Gunter Street from the East line of North Ualnut Avenue to the West line of North Mission Avenue all of which improvements are to be made as provided and set forth in the plans , specifications and drawings prepared by E . M . Ratliff Company , . Engineer , which are made a part of this contract ha fully as if set forth at length herein . The Contractor agreds to begin work under this contract within five days after notice from the City and to complete said job within four calendar months thereafter . The City agrees to pay the Contractor in current funds with warrants issued upon the general fund of said city as follows : One warrant for "31174 . 02 , payable one year after date ; one warrant for $1120 .02 , payable two years after date ; one warrant for 4x1066 . 02 , payable three years after date ; one warrant for 01O12 . 02 , Parable four years after date ; one warrant for $ 1025 . 09 , payable five years after date. In witness Whereof the said City has caused this Contract to be executed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk with its official seal and the said Contractor has hereunto set his hand for the Execution of the Contract the date first above written . i CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKU?SAS , Attest BY IJayor . City Clerk . Contractor . ' I . i / < AM SECTION THREE . _ That sufficient money be appropriAted from the general fund of said City of Fayetteville to pay the contract price for such street improvements as set forth in said contract . SECTION FOUR . That the City Clerk issue five warrants payable out of the general fund of said City of Fayetteville to the said C . E . Pierce or any other person , firm or corporation designated by him . Said warrants to be approved by the Plfayor and to be in the amounts and payable at the times hereinafter set forth , to -wit : One for 01174 . 02 , payable one year after date ; one for {V1120 . 02 , payable two years after date ; one for 1066 . 02 , payable three years after date ; one for $ 1012 . 02 , payable four years after date ; one for N1025 . 09 , payable five years after date . SECTION FINE . That this Ordinance take effect and be in full force from and after its passage/m-nd approval . and publication . Passed and approved this 25th day of March , 1929 . /�, la � Mayor . i Attest ; Attest . City Clerk . 1 � . . . � � � - A � �� � °� ��s � � � � � o � o E 1 ORDINANCE NIiAI l Ir 70.) '. AN ORDINANCE - ESP , BLISIIIING �, ' IPAVING.IMPROVEb11 N1 D1StRI(!'1, i STATE OF ARKANSAS ) INUMBER - 42, DESIGNATING THE '' ) se. ' SAME, AND APPOI��l TING.. ITS �� County of Washington BO�1{D�y1` P IMPROVEMENT. BOA Persjos claim as used ,the wnec_g�.t,'of a m- .X rioy ty jbics'sed I, ______ _ ___ . _ ._____ __ ____ _______ do solemnlyswear value;— real rproperty ,located' that I am many df�the FAYETTEVILLE DEMOCRAT, a daily newspaper w�Un aTil re limits ; ptP_. the "te)"rytory I published in as county, and that I was manager on the dates of publication -heremafAr _described have fded.;witb' 1 the City ICuuncil of the Cit yf of-Y''ay= hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide circulation in ' eta11yin a Arkansa"s„ 'their petit; o /said county on said dates, and had been regularly published in said county for take yin&. t�i�t `£he said Clty Cbvnc a period of one month next before the date of publication of the advertisement take al! 'ntcessany steps r £orm% an' hereto annexed, and that said advertisement was published in said newspaper ImprovpierlL District embracing -tlle territory .therein described for =• tlie purposir ol'I�egrading; rolling and -pav _----- ------ /____time ______ ____ _ on the ing a pdrQ0. of South School Avenue , following date( as thwY iiii;?fit"kforZi and -,_ WHERWA5 � After due notiee,.• as .requited ;!ly% IatV the City ,Council of _ �_� __ ___ _______ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ 192_ the Oityx4of y4ftedille Arkansas, "-'-" ' _- """`- _ ---- 1 'It hkard"rall : *ties desiring. to be heard, and 'hay ascertained and de- termiq, ,'khat card "f1e)•<ttion i9 sr ned- (Signed) . ---' _ __ - ------ ------ - ----- - ------ - by _ _ -__ _ _ L the real r er d wit}im _ - - Eby thepp . g _ . i five (78,^f ) � per ce6' m' assessed .val antro S . cribed and sworn to before me thie______ f `t.__l� _ ____day of the t in said-jokition t n�'.deEerm mescri68iL, wn ers mor -t an Sevent majo '' m �,y a xr'1'. op y giiiiLd y the Certificate of of Washe ---- been --- - - - - -- -- - -- Cl krof thetysaArkansart of to h-� ------ -- ------ ownership _ y g Such inton Coun , ------ 7 - - ---- - - --- -----L--� ---- '-of said real property, .and' by the Certificate of the County Clerk of said County as -to the -assessed ------ ------ ---- - --- --- ------ ---- --- valuation .thereof; NOW; ,THEREFORE, BE IT OR- My Commission Expires Oct. 15, 1829 DAINED BY.` THE CITY COUNCIL =-T---'------ OF TIIE CITY; OF FAYETTEVILLE` if „ot On ( ' ) , Block Fourteen (i4'), Three (3) Four (4) Five • (5) , Six, •ARKANSAS. n, ° r r .uson s Addition, to the City ',of. (6) .Sey t; r SECTION• ONE : That there" is ayettevdle, Arkansas, and running Ten Q . Elevel5 (1L) Twelve ( 12) T, hereby established an .Improvement thence West to the Northwest comer Thirteen (13) ,4-, Fourteen ( 14) and I` ) District emb'r'acing the following real of said Lot One (1) , Block . Fourfleen Fifteen property to-wit; + t ,.for the, purpose, f :ira rolling Be idntn ( 14).Ferguson s Addition to the Citw•,of P p se• q S ding, -_g 'g'tl+1Dhe Northeast corn �Fayotteville, Arkansas;.. thence South aria . paving South , School - .:Avenue to tlt6t ,Southwest corner , of lot from the South line. tdf Prairie 'Aven- : welv '' (,12), Block Fourtceft 4 uA Cu South line of Fourth Streei,- .,erg�" Ii1,'s Addition City of Fayette- (4htch is also the South boupdary of kkansiis,; th''blee in ii 'South '.the ,City of, .Ptayetteville where said eastecl vndiraritiori . elong 'the Gine . 'Fourth Street intersects School . arB•loer Fourteen ( 14) , ; to the. ,Avenue. gp'ihiJ'eat Corner of"Lot Rifteen ✓(15) ' Said District. shall be known_,as Pav- lock'-Fourteen; (14) Ferguson rAd 'inIict Number Forty-two iony City ytY+eFayetteville,: Arkah- '(42)V, . 1� Pi�9 p, pf:the .-i)tt ,E.Fayetteville, Ark- sas ;:.. thence ,-South -Fifty tr.(50) .feeta ans5d and s>`. Clth•k, . F::B. Clark t�Hence East td✓"'aj point which- is' Fifty and . A:_ Brown ai•e hereby named '(.50)' feet South.'of thest- Southeacor- 'CommLissioners whh Il caffip'ase the ner o fL6t -Six`(6)'; Blohk Nine (9) , Board of Improvement for said ' Die- Ferguson.',s Addition,• City of Fayette- tict.: - ville, Arkansas; ' thence North to the SECTION TWO : This ordinance Northea'st 'corner - of Lot Nine 1 (9) , shall take effect,and be 'in force from Block Eleven: (11 ) , 'Ferguson's Addi- and after, its passage. tion;.. City, of Fayetteville, Arkansas• j Passed and gpproved � this 15 ' day thence West to the. East line of School 0ftl3f$ 1929 ,i'aa. '\Sehue mthenee ' in a Southwesterly ,(Seal.) :y V.S.,TRIBBLE, Mayor d' rection across-School .Avenue to,the Attest ; "`-' J. C. 2MASSIE, City Clerk '6rtfiea'st corner_of Lot..- One ;(.1) , . .' " 16-1t-c B7Pack'•Fourteen . (14) Ferguson's:Ad- dif i n Cjty�oP.1?¢yetta Hle, Arkansas,, h A the pSint. 'of beginning. IIII Thea '' above; property ,is further di veribed, by Lots_ and :Blocks as fol- lo ✓s: 'Ick Nine (9) , Ferguson's Addi- tion, Lots Six (6) Seveu- (7) , Eight (8) =Nine (9) and Ten (10); . II Block . Ten (10) , Ferguson'& Addi- I tion, Lots Seven.{7) Eight (8), Nine illli (11en ( 10) , Eleven (11). . . and Twelve (22) ; - ` Block Eleven '( 11) , Ferguson'AAd' ditioii, Lot§'Seven (7.)} Eight (S); and 1 Nine .(9) ; f ; Block Fourteen (14), Ferguson's Addition, Lots` One ( 1 ) , Two (2), r:I .44:.'. v .,i