HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 689 ORDINANCE IIO )!7f F All ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE FORE DEFINITELY DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE CITY COLLECTOR , THE CITY CLERK ANJJ THE CITY ATTORNEY WITH REFERENCE TO COLLECTION OF DE- LIRQUENT TAXES IN IISPROVEIMNT DISTRICTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . The City Clerk is hereby directed to compile a complete list of the Improvement Districts of Fayetteville , Arkan- sas. showing the dates on which the bonds issued by the respective Improvement Districts become due . After the completion of said schedule the City Clerk is further di- - rected to place copies of said schedule in the hands of the City Collector and tt.t� City Attorney, SECTION 2 . Ninety days before the bonds of any Improvement District become due it shall be the duty of the City Collector of the City Of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to mail statements to each property owner in each Improvement District who has not paid the installment due in the preceeding year ; the said statement shall give : 1 . The owner of record . 2 . A description of the property . S . The amount of the tax due . 4 . The date vhen the 20j5 penalty will attach , which shall be sixty days prior to the due date of the bonds in the particular district . SECTION 3 . Sixty days before the bonds of any Improvement District shall become due it shall be the duty of the City Col- lector to compile a list of all property owners in each n1e3 q9"t district in the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , // who are delinquent in the payment of the installments due the preceeding year , and after certifying to the correct - ness of said list , transmit same to the City Attorney . SECT I= 4 . Upon receipt of the certified list of delinquent tax payors referred to in Section 3 hereof , it shall be the duty of the City Attorney to immediately pursue- the necessary legal steps to collect such delinquencies . SECTION 5 . For his services in collecting delinquent taxes referred to in Section 4 hereof , the City Attorney shall be entitled to a fee . of ten percentum of all taxes so collected by him. SECTIOLI 6 . Failure by any city official to fully comply with all the requirements of this ordinance shall constitute cause for removal from office of such city official of the city Lf Fayetteville , • Arkansas , SEC'TIM 7 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith , be , and the same are hereby repealed . This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passaCe , approval and publication . Passed and approved this 1 (oTi4 day of _1928 . ' Ultty Clerk . ' .,ayor� MICROFILMED DATE OCT 4