HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 687 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , GIVING AND GRANTING TO THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENT OF WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , THE FULL AND COMPLETE CONSENT OF THE CIT Y OF FAYETTEVILLE TO THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF ADDITIONAL BONDS OF THE 17ATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE IN THE SUM OF FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ( 050 , 000 , 00 ) , AND CONSENTING THAT SAID BOARD OF IM,1'ROVEMENT OF WATER I1VPROVE1,oTM DISTRICT NULIBER ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE MORTGAGE THE WATER PLANT AND ALL THE REVENUES AND INCOME THEREOF TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREON , WHEREAS , the Board of Improvement of Water -Improvement District Number One has requested that the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , by a proper ordinance give the consent of the City of Fayetteville to the borrowing of the money hereafter referred to , and to the mortgaging of the Water Works Plant , revenues and property to secure the payment of the money borrowed ; and , WHEREAS , under ordinance Number 642 of the City of Fayetteville , duly passed and approved November 1 , 1926 , and duly published as the law requires , the City of Fayetteville gave its consent to the bo=owing of money by the Board of Improvement as recited in that ordinance ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that the Board of Improvement borrow additional money to make necessary extensions and to complete said water works system ; and , WHEREAS , the report of the Engineer and the findings of the Board of Managers and the findings of the Board of Improvement show that it is necessary that said water works system be completed MICROFILMED DATE OCT 4 1978 - 1- REEL ilk by, making the extensions and completing the construction of additions to said water works system ; and , WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville finds that it is absolutely necessary to make said additional improvements and to make the additional extensions contemplated ; and , WHEREAS , it is necessary to enlarge said water plant by making said additional extensions and improvements ; End, WHEREAS , there are not sufficient funds on hand belonging to the City of Fayetteville and to the Board of Improvement of said District to make said necessary improvements ; and , WHEREAS , it is necessary for the Bard of Improvement to make said additional improvements . NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville as follows ; SECTION 1 . The said City Council hereby confirms , ratifies and adopts the action of the Board of Improvement of Water Improvement District Number One looking to the making of said additional extensions and improvements,, and hereby approves the plans for the making of said improvements and authorizes the said Board of Improvement , in so far as the City Council has the power , to proceed with said improvements and to borrow the money necessary to make the same . SECTION 2 . The said Board of Improvement cf Water Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas be , and it is hereby authorized , empowered and directed to issue its bonds amounting in the aggregate , exclusive of interest , to the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ( 050 , 000 . 00 ) , and the City of Fayetteville - 2- consents to the issuance of said bonds , said bonds to be issued in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars 050 , 000 . 00 ) , and to mature serially in the years 1942 to 1946 , both inclusive , and said bonds to be dated June 1 , 1928 , and to mature in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ( 010 , 000 . 00 ) in each year , the interest to be paid semi - annually . SECTION 3 . There is hereby appropriated and set aside for the payment of the obligations of said Water Improvement District out of the operating revenues of said Water Improvement District Number One the follolAing sums in the following years , said sums to be used in the payment of the interest and principal of said bonds , to-wit : NULMER OF DENOMINATION OF ALIT . Atli e TOTAL PENCIPAL BONDS BONDS PRINCIPAL , INTEREST DUE . AND INTEREST DUE . �\ DUE . Dec . 1 , 1928`01 , 250 . 00 01 , 250 . 00 June 1 , 1929 1 , 250 . 00 '; 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1929 12250 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 1 , 1930 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 191930 11250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 121931 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 191931 19250 . 00 1 , 2.50 . 00 June 1 , 1932 12250 . 00 11250 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1932 19250 . 00 11250 . 00 June 1 , 1933 1 , 250 . 00 11250 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1933 19250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 111934 1 , 250 . 00 10250 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1934 19250 . 00 12250 . 00 June 1 , 1935 1 , 25U . 00 11250 . 00 Dec . 111935 11250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 191936 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 111936 13250 . 00 11250 . 00 June 101937 10250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1937 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 191938 13250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 111938 1 , 250 . 00 11250 . 00 June 1 , 1939 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 191939 19250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 1 , 1940 12250 . 00 1 ,2 50 . 00 Dec . 191940 1 , 250 . 00 11250 . 00 June 111941 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 Dec . 111941 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 250 . 00 June 121942 1 , 250 . 00 1 , 25o . 00 1 to 10 010000 . 00 0109000 . 00 Dec . 121942 11 , 250 . 00 11 , 250 . 00 June 1 , 1943 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11 to 20 11000 . 00 10 , 000 , 00 Dec . 191943 11 , 000 . 00 11 , 000 . 00 Number of DATES MAT . ABET INTEREST TOTAL PRNNCIPAL bonds DUE PRINCIPAL DUE DUE AND INTEREST DUE June 1 , 1944 750 . 00 750 . 00 21 to 30 01 , 000 . 00 101000 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1944 101750 . 00 101750 . 00 June 111945 500 . 00 500 . 00 31 to 40 1 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 Dec . 1 , 1945 10 , 500 . 00 100500 . 00 June 111946 250 . 00 250 . 00 41 to 50 10000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 Dec . 111946 10 , 250 . 00 100250 . 00 The City Council hereby appropriates and sets aside out of the revenues belonging to said water works system the sums above named for the payment of indebtedness made necessary to make said improvements . SECTION 4 : The City of Fayetteville which has heretofore taken part in the operation of the water plant by the appointment and action of a Board of Managers , hereby consents to the issuance of said bonds , and in so far as said City has the power , gives , grants and authorizes the said Board of Improvement of Water Improvement District Number One to take all necessary steps for the purpose of issuing said bonds and securing the payment of the same , and making, executing and delivering a valid mattgage to secure the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon . SECTION 5 : This consent does not obligate the City of Fayetteville itself to pay said bonds or any interest thereon . SECTION 6 The City of Fayetteville hereby grants to the holders of said bonds the right and privilege to take over said plant and operate the same as security for the payment of the bonds in the event that such action becomes necessary for the protection of the holders of said bonds and the city hereby consents and - 4- and gives authority and power to the Trustee and to the holders of sai d bonds to operate the plant if default be made in the payment of the bonds and interest , which operation shall continue until all bonds and interest thereon are paid ; and full power is given by the City of Fayetteville to the Trustee and the holders of said bonds to collect rentals and pay the same on the debt , and to operate said plant , and to make an accounting to the City of Fayetteville and the Board of Improvement at the end of the operation . SECTION SEVEN : This ordinance is necessary for the protection of the health of the inhabitants of the City of Fayetteville , and an emergency is hereby declared for the reasons that the water works system above described is not complete without the additional contemplated extensions and improvements , and without said improvements the said system is inadequate and there is great danger of fire Xor lack of sufficient water pressure ,to some of the buildings in the City of r'ayetteville , and said improvements are necessary for the protection of the health and safety of the people of Fayetteville , and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication . Passed and approved this jjt�!_day��of"^ June , 1928 . Juayor . ATTES : i y Clerk , - 5-