HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 646 Ordinance Numberl � { AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION ,ONE OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 643 , PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 15 TH`" DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1926 . " BE IT ORDAINED By The City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas : SECTION ONE . That Section One ( I ) of Ordinance , Number 643, passed and approved on the 15th of November, 1926 , and recorded at page 120 of the record of the proceedings of the City Council , be amended to read as follows : " It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons operating, representing or employed by any garage , automobile � - -- � storage-company,automobily As alae^agenoy,-eleotric. repa-ir , �\ __ battery service , rental service _ or filling station or automobile wash rack, to park at any ones time more than iSlx � cars held for sale , storage , repair or other service , in any one blo upon the streets of the : 'City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . " ; L SECTION - TWO . That - this Ordinance be in force and effect from and - after its passage , approval and publication, and all ordinances or` parts thereofAn conflict herewith , particularly . Section One of Ordinance 643 , be and the same are hereby repealed . Passed and approved this , 6th day of December , 1926 . ~ Atte - ". Approved : CITY CLERK M A Y O R . ; !� a _ / V �` � - w ORDrjANCE 1o. 646 AN ORD7MKT•'CE TO BE 'ENT1PLED "APT ORDINANCE TO MEND SECTION ONE OF ORDINANCE Noe 643, PASSED AIN APPROVED THIS 15th day of NOVETdBi3R, 1926. BE IT ORDAIWED BY TH!'. CITY COL'NDIL OF THE CITY . OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARSKNSAS Section le . That Section 1 of Ordinance Noe 6433 passed and. approved on the t ay of November, 1926; and recorded at page 120 of the record of the proceedings of the City Council, be. amended to read ,as follows : "IT shall hereafter be unla:a.ful for any persc or persons , operating representing, or employed by any garage ; automobile storage company, automobile sales agency, electric repair; battery service , rental service or fillinC station, or automobile wash rack to park at •any one time more than Six ( 6 ) . for . ale , , storage , repair or other ser- vice in any one block upon the streets of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . " Section 2 . That this ordinance be . in force and effect from and after its passage , approval, and publication, and all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith, particularly SRction 1 of Ordinance Noe 643, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and approved this 6th day of December, 1926/ MIOR000 REE1.J'"