HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 638 o ORDINANCE NUMBER 0 AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF CERTAIN TERRITORY WITHIN THE COR* PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYUTTEUI1LEg4RKA11SASlINT0 AN IMPROVE MENT DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING DAVIDSON STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE TO THE EAST LINE OF HIGHLAND AVENUSSAND NORTH COLTSGE AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LINE OF DAVIDSON STREET TO THE NORTH CITY LIMITS OF :THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 0 ARKANSAS .& Whereas . at a 'meeting of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on .-.the Sth day of March, 19262a Petition signed by ten ( 10 ) owbers of real property within the District hereinafter described in Section One ( 1 ) of this Ordinance was presented to said City Council, asking that ' it take steps for the making of -an Improvement consisting of gradinggrolling and paving the following streets and parts of streets as may be more fully determined by the Board of Improvement of said District . tomwI t ; Davidson Street from the West line of North College Avenue to the East line of Highland Avenueoand North College Avenue ( sometimes called the Springdale Road ) from the North line of Davidson Street to the North City limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Whereas , in said Petmtion it was further prayed that the CI City Council lay off a stipulated protion of real estate into an Improve ment District for making said Improvement . N0190THEREFOREgBE . IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE? ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That the follow Lots , Blocks , Streets , Alleys and parcels of real estate in the City of Fayetteville .. Arkansas , be and the same are hereby laid off and declared to be an Improvement District within said City . to-wit ; Beginning at the intersection of the North line of David- son Street with the West line of North College Avenue ( Sometimes called, the Springdale Road) and running thence East along the North line of Davidson Street to a paoint on the North line of said Davidson Street which is 210 feet and 6 inches East of the East line of North College Avenue ( Some.times called the Springdale Road) and runniMER8he§ We North parallel DATE V/ % REEL��6 l #2 . with the East line of North College Avenue ( Sometimes called the Springdale ' Road ) to the South line of an unknown street which lies one block North and parallel. with Rebecca Street ; thence in a Northerly direction , across said unknown street, to a point on the North line of said unknown street which is 210 feet and 6 inches East of the East line `of North College,/Avenue ; thence in a Northerly direction, parallel with the East line of North College Avenue $ Bometimes -called the Springdale Road ) and a distance of .210 feet and 6 inches therefrom, to a point on the North line of Block 3 of County Court Platof the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, which point is 210 feet and 6 inches East of the Plast line of North College Avenue ( Sometimes called the Springdale Road ) ; thence West to the NortlAwest corner of Block 13 , City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence South to the Northwest corner of Lot5, Block 12, City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thencein a Westerly direction, across the Street, to the Southeast corner of Lot 50Block lOF# City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence West to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 , Block 1O, City Park Addition to the Cit y of Fayetteville , Arkaneas ; thence South to the North line of Prospect Avenue ; Thenee in a Southerly direction , across Prospect ' Avenue , to the Northwest corner of Lot 1 , Blook 180City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ;thence South to the North line of Trenton Boulevard; thence in a Southerly direction , aoross Trenton Boulevard, to the Northwest corner of Lot 3 , Blook 14, City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence South 108 . 5 feet ; thence West 40 feet ; thence South 50 feet ; thence West to the East line of Highland Avenue ; thence South to t the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 , A . L . Trent ' s Subdivision of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the West line of North College Avenue ( Sometimes called the Springdale Road ) thence North , along the West line of North College Avenue to t lace of beginning; The above property,, is further o s and Blocks as follows : ; MAPLEWOOD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKAIISAS : Block A , The West 210 . 5 feet ; Block B, Lots One ( 1 ) , T%vo ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) ,Eight ( 8 ) and Nine ( 9 ) , COUNTY COURT PLAT OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 100TOlYNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANOE 30WEST : #3 . Block Eight ( 8 ) , Lots Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4) , Six ( 6 ) , and all that part of Lot Two ( 2 ) which lies West of a line drawn parallel with the East line of North College . Avenue ( Sometimes called the Springdale Road ) and lying a distance of 210 feet. and 6 inckes East therefrom ; also , all that part of Lot Five ( 5 ) which lies West of a line drawn parallel with the East line of North Coll.ege' Avenue ( Someb times called the Springdale Road ) and lying 210 feet and 6 inches East there' - ;: from ; Block Four ( 4 ) , Lots Nine ( 9 ) , Ten ( 10) and Eleven ( ll ) . Block Three ( 3 ) ,Lota Two ( 2 ) , Four ( 4 ) 0Five ( 5) , and the West half of Three ( 3 ) CITY PARK . ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : BLOCK Thirteen ( 13 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) Eight ( 8 ) , Nine ( 9 ) , Ten ( 10 ) ,Eleven ( ll ) , Twelvejl2 ) , and Thirteen ( 13 ) ; Block Twelve ( 12 ) , Lots , One ( 1) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4) , and Five ( 5 ) ; Block Eleven( ll ) , The East 170 feet ; Block Seuenteen( 17 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) ,'and Five ( 5) ; Block Nineteen ( 19 ) ,Lots One , ( 1 ) , and Two ( 2 ) ; Block Eighteen ( 18) , Lot One ( 1 ) ; Block Fourteen ( 14 ) , LotsOne ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3) , and Four ( 4) ; Block Twenty One ( 21 ) , all that part of Block Twenty-one ( 21 ) which lies ' East of the North and South line which- has as . its beginning point the Southe corner of Lot One ( f)�, Block gigYiteenklS) , City Park Addition to the City of Fayettevil Arkansasi ✓ A . L . Trent ' s Subdivision of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Block Two ( 2 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4) , Five ( 5 ) , and Six ( 6 ) ; Block Three ( 3) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three( 3 ) , Four ( 4) _, and Five ( 5 ) . SECTION TWO ; That the said District shall hereafter be known and designated as Improvement District Number Thirty-One ( 31 ) of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansase SECTION THRT47j ; That said District is laid off for the purpose of grading rolling and paving said streets and parts of streets as may be more fully determined hereafter by the Board of Improvement of said Improvement District . P � #4 SeCTION FOUR ; That this Ordinance shall be in Hill force and effect from and after its passage approval and publication and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed . Passed and approved this 25th day of October . 1926 . � p Attest ; OLAW Q O , Approved'' 0 Clerk . Mayor * eu I � ORDINANCE NUilfBDg� 63g { AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF CERTAIN TERRITORY• WITHIN STATE County of Washington ARKANSAS ashingl ,THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF , J} as. ton THE CITF OF FAYETTEVILLE, . ARKANSAS, INTO AN IMPROVE. MENT DISTRICT FOP. THE PUR- ; S, ______- lt 2J2y� ----- STREET FROM THE WEST L , do solemnly swear POSE OF IMPROVING DAVIDSON that I am man - r of the FAYETTEVILLE DEMOCRAT, a daily news- INE OF NORTH COLLEGE t AVENUE Paper published in said county, and that I was manager on the dates of TO THE EAST LINE OF HIGH- publication hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide LAND AVENUE, AND NORTH circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly published in said county for a period of one month next before the date of publication COLLEGE AVENUE FROM THE NORTH - LINE OF DAVIDSON of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said advertisement was pub- STREET TO , THE ' NORTH CITY i / LIMITS OF. THE 'CITY `OF FAY- lished in said newspaper_____1_---time- -- - - — r ems, ETTEVPLLE,•A_ RBAN SAS : `_:� sZMRtiveiy, on the following date: Whereas, at a meeting of the City ' Council of -the City of Fayetteville, I ______________________________ ---------I_________----- 192 . �c Arkansas,`. orr the day of March, 1926, a° Petition signed rby ten ( 10 ) I� ( Signed) owners of real property within : the �i U r - -------------------------- District hereinafter described in Sec- � 2 tion One •( 1) *of 'this Ordinance wa's Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------ ---day of presented to said City Council, ask- ing t$at it take steps for the making /?/ry-- , --_-----_ 192-b_• ez? of an Improvement consisting of o") grading, rolling and paving the fol- lowing streets and parts of streets . ------------- th. Bc;ay� be *of I prollyv determined by id the Board of Improvement of said ------------------ _ �--- � Distriet, ;to-wit: Davidson - Street from the West J • , line of North 'College Avenue ' to.t.he r ' East line of Highland Avenue, andl, 1 �..�- North College Avenue (sometimes < ;«fled the Springdale..Road) from the North line of Davidson. Street to the North City limits of the Cify of vFay' - . .. etteville; Arkansas. Whereas, in said Petition it was further prayed that, the City Council lay off a stipulated portion of real estate into an Improvements District for making said . Improvement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Olt - DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ' OR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, - • _ RANGE 30 WEST : Block Eight (8) , Lots Three (3) , Four (4) , Six (6) , and all, that part of Lot Two (2) which lies West of a 1 RKANSAS : line drawn parallel with the East City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; thene line of North College Avenue , ( Some- ' I SECTION ONE : That the follow- in a Westerly. direction, across the times . called the Springdale , Road) ag Lots, Blocks, Streets, Alleys and Street, to .the Southeast corner. of Lot and lying adistnnce of 210feet ;andl� !ayett it real estate in the City he 5, Block 10, City Park-'Addition to the 6 inches East therefrom ; also all iayetteville, Arkansas, be and the City of Fayetteville,. Arkansas ; thence that part of Lot Five (5 ) which lies lame are hereby Mid off and declared West- to the Southwest corner(of Lot West of a' line drawn parallel with io be an Improvement District with- 5, Block 10, City Park Addition to the hast line of North'College Ave- n said .City, to-wit: the City of . Fayetteville; Arkansas ; nue g (Sometimes called the Sprint.,-- Beginning at the intersection of thence -South to the North line of P dale Road) and lying 210 feet and 6 the North line 'of Davidson Street, Prospect Avenue ; thence in a South- inches East therefrom ; with the West line of North Collegeerly direction, across Prospect Ave Block Pour �(4) , Lots Nine (9) , Avenue ( Sometimes called the nue, to the Northwest corner of Lot Ten (10) and Eleven (11) . Springdale Road) and running thence 1, Block 18; City Park Addition to Block Three (3) , Lots Two (2)', East along. the North line of David- the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; Four (4) , Fire (5) , ' and the West ison Street to a point on the North thence South to the North line of half of Three (3) . lline of said Davidson Street whichi Trenton Boulevard ; thence in a South- CITY PARK ADDITION. TO THE is 210' feet and '6 inches East of thel i,rl' direction, across Trenton Boulc- CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR- rEast -line of- Nosh-College:-- Avenue vafd, to the' Noi•t51West corner of Let KANSAS : - Mond) , called the Springdale 3, Block 14, 'City. -Park Addition to Block Thirteen ( 13) , Lots One ( 1 ) , 11 Mond) , and running thence North the City of- Fayetteville, Arkansas; .Two ( 2) , Three (:I) , Four (4) , Five 5Pal•allel with the East line of North thence Soutli' 108:5 feet; thence West - (5) 9 Six . (6) , Seven, (7) , Eight (8) . ' College Avenue ( Sometimes called 40 feet; thence ;Sou_th '50 feet ; thence Nine (0) ,- Ten ( 10) , Eleven ( 11 ) 2 the :Springdale [toad) to the Southl West to the East line of Highland Twelve ( 12)y and Thirteen, ( 1.0.) ; ' line of pan unknown street which lies Avenue ; thence - South. to the South- Block Twelve ( 12) , Lots One ( 1 ) , one block • North and parallel with ) west corner of •Lot 1, Block 2, A. L. Two (2) , Three (3) , Four (4) , and Rebecca Street;=thence in a Norther- I Trent's SubdHcisiotf - of Oak Grove Five (5) ; ly direction, across said unknown r Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Block Eleven ( 11 ) , The East 170 street, to a point on the North liner Arkansas; thence East to the West feet ; • ' of said unknown street which is 217 line of North College Avenue (Some- Block Seventeen (17) , Lots - One feet and 6 inches East of the East times c�:illed the Springdale Road ) ( 1 ) , Two (2) , Three (3) , Four ( 4 ) , line of North College Avenue ; thence -thence North, along the West line of and Five (5) ; in a Northerly .direction, , parallell North College Avenue, to the place Block Nineteen ( 10) , Lots One ( 1 ) , with the East line of North College of beginning. and Two (2) ; Avenue (Sometimes called the Block Eighteen ( 18) , Lot One. ( 1 ) ; . The above property is -further de- Springdale Road) and a distnnce of scribed by Lots and' Blocks s.as fol- Block Foui`teen ( 14) , Lots One (4) , 210 feet and 6 inches therefrom, to allows :- ' Two (2) , Three (a) , and Four (4 ) ; - - point on the Norjh line of Block :3 of Block Twenty-one (21) , all that Count Court Plat of the Northwest MAPliEWOOD ADDITION TO County part of Block Twenty-one (21 ) which' Quarter of the Sputhwest Quarter of THE CITY OF , FAYETTEVILLE, -ARKAN,` AS : lies East of the North and South line Section 30, Township 16 10Norh, fee Range which has as its beginning point the 30 West, which point is 21b feet and li Block A, the West 210.5 feet; Southwest corner of Lot One ( I) . �, inches -East of the Fast line of North Block - 13, Lotsi One ( 1 ) , Two (2) , Block Eighteen ( 18) , City Park Addi- I College Avenue . (Sometimes called . Three (.^,) , Four (4) , Five (5) , Six . tion .to the City of Fayetteville, Ar- I the .Springdale Road ; thence West to (6), Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine kansas. he Northwest corner • of Block 13, (0) • 1 - A. L. Trent's Subdivision of Oakll City Park Addition to the City of COUNTY COURT- PLAT OF THE Grove Addition to the City of Pay- I Fayetteville, -Arkansas ; thence South NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE ctteville, Arkansas : to . the Northwest corner of Lot 5, SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SE '- Block Two (2) ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two Block 12, City Park Addition to thel TION 10, TOWNSHIP 16 NORT .. (2) , Three (3) , Four (4) , rive (5) , r-- iand Six ( 6) ; Block Three ( :i) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two (2 ) , Three (1) , Four (4) , and Five ( 5) . .. . SECTION TWO : That the s- id District shall ' hereafter . be known and designated as Improvement Dis- trict Namber- Thirty-One (31) of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. SECTION ,THREE : That said Dis- trict is laidioff for the purpose of . grading, rolling and paving said streets and Parts of, streets as may - be more fully determined hereafter by the Board of Improvement of said Improvement District, SECTION FOUR : That this Ordi- ounce shall -be in % full force and of- feet from and after its passage, ap- proval and publication and all Ordi- nancesand parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same arc, hereby repealed. Passed and approved this 25th day of October, 1026. Attest: J. C. iltassie, Clerk. Approved : Allan M. Wilson, Mayor. 30-1t