HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 635 ORDINANCE N0 . 6 , AN ORDINANCE TO BE lNTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE TO LEVY THE ASSESSIrMT UPON THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED -IVITHIN ANNEX NUIRBER ONE TO SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER " ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYE,TTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , the majority in value of the property holders owning prop- erty adjoining the leialitAt to`-be affected , sad situated IR A. uex ' Number one t 111 to South College Avenue Improvement DSstriot Nutaber One of the pity of Fayetteville , Arkansaa , orgaxized for thepurpose ofimproving by dradixg , rollixg and paving rthb streets and parts ofstreets within Annex Number One to South College Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas , have petitioned the City Couxoil of the Citi of Fayetteville , Ark- ansae , tor tke coastrustiox of said improvement and that t1te ousts thereof skall be assessed upon the real property of said Distriot , aecordixg to the benefits to be reeeived ; aad WHEREAS , said benefit received by each blook , lot and parcel of real property situated ix said District , equals or exceeds the local asseament , and WHEREAS , thke estimated seat of said improvement is 9181626o42 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED -BY-THE CITY COUNCIL OF . TTM CITY OF . FAYETTEVILLE , ARIiANSAS : - - SECTION ONE : That said several blooks , lets and parcels of real prop- erty Is said District , be aseesaed aesording to the assessment list for said eifmprovenext Distriet , as tke sane now remains ix the Office of the Recorder or Citi Clerk ; aad that 10 per centum on said blooks , lote and parcels shall be pai annually on or before the first Monday in November , until the whole o ' bc said local assessment skall ' be paid . SECTION TWO : Thal all Ordixanoes and parts of Ordinances in conflict kerewith .be , and the same are hereby repealed. , and this Ordlnanoe shall taL-e effect and be in force from acid after its passage , approval aiad piabliaation . Passed cad approved. this 11th day of Octebor , 1926 . 40 �""�� � � ATTEST �haivq ,a[ APPROVED IX�X ( IM LERit . r . MAYO], , MiCROFRAQ DATE OCT 4 1978 REEL {