HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 633 t ORDINANCE NUMBFR . _ t AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF CERTAINTERRITORY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , INTO . AN IMPitOVEi 'ENT DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING EAST HOCK STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SOUTH W LLEGE AVENUE TO THE EAST LINE OF MILL AVENUE AND MILL AVENUE a - FRpTA THE SOUTH LINE OF EAST ROCK STREET TO THE JUNCTION OF THE AUNTS - F VILLE . ROAD AND HUNTSVIILLE ROAD FROM THE .JUNCTION OF MILL AVFN UE TO THE ' NEST LINE OF THE ALLEY WHICH LIES BETWEEN LOTS SEVEN ( 7 ) and EIGHT (8 ) , BLOCK TWO ( 2 ) , NORWOOD ' S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE , ARKANSAS . r WHEREAS ; at a meeting of the Uity Council of the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , on the L day of4P 1320 , a Petjtion y, signed by ten ( 10 ) owners of real property within the District herein - after described in Section One ( 1 ) of this Ordinance . was presented to said City Council , asking that it take steps for the making of an Improvement consisting of grading , rolling and paving the . "fo]lowing , Streets and Parts of Streets as may be more fully determihed ' by , the v Board of Improvement of said District , to -wit : Y - ' East clock iltreet from the East line of SouthlCo1lege tivenue, to the .East line of Mill Avenue and Mill avenue from the�Soutki- line of East xock Street to ' the junction of the Huntsville Road and Hunts ville Road from the Junction of Mill Avenue to the West line of the I / alley which lies between �6ven ' ( 7 ) and Eight ( 8 ) , H"lock' Two ( 2 ] , Norwood ' s Second Addition to the City of Fayetteville ,, Ark nsaso e'/HEHEAS , in said Petition it was further prayed that the City Council lay off a stipulated portion of real estate into an Improvement District for making said Improvement , NO`."/, THErtEFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Q TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSA6 : SECTION ONE : That the follo*ving Lots , Flocks , Streets , ' j Alleys and parcels of real estate in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ( be , and the same are hereby laid off and declared to be an Improvement District within said City , to -wit : Beginning at the "outhwest corner of Lo8Fl�gee7e( 3 ) , Block . wiGR oc1 y 19 DATE I REFI Page *#2 i Three ( 3 ) , Boles Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and running thence East to the Southeast corner of said Lot Three ( 3 ) ; : thence in a South - easterly direction across the alley to the Southwest corner of Lot Three ( 3 ) , Block Two ( 2 ) , Boles Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence r South to the, Southwest corner of Lot Eleven ( 11 ) 9 Block Two ( 2 ) , -Boles Addition �.. . to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the Southeast corner of said Lot Eleven . ( 11 ) , Block Two ( 2 ) ; thence in a Southwesterly direction .to the Southwest corner of Lot Three ( 3 ) , B1ock . FourjQ , Bo,les Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction to - the South- east corner of Lot Three ( 3 ) , Block Four ( 4 ) , Boles Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction to the Southwest cor- , ner of Lot Six ( o) , Block Four ( 4) , Combs Addition to the 8ity of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southeasterly direction to the Southeast corner of said Lot Six ( o ) , Block Four ( 4) 9 Combs Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkan - sas ; thence in a Southeasterly direction across the street to the 3 outhwest corner of Lot Five ( 5) , Block Four ( 4 ) , Comb ' s Addition to the City of Fayette - Ville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the South line of said Lot Five ( 5 ) to "the . Southeast corner of said Lot Five ( 5) -, Block . r'our._.; (4) . , Comb ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the west line , of _Lot ,Thirty-nine ( 39 ) �,.County Court Plat of the-Southwest -Quarter of -, Section Fifteen ( 15) , Township Sixteen ( lo) North, Range Thirty ( 30 ) Vilest ; thence in a Southwesterly direction to the Southwest corner of said Lot Tnirty- nine ( 39 ) ,• �thence in a Southeasterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot �nirty-seven ( 37 ) 9 'County Court Plat of the Southwest Quarter, Section Fifteen ( 15) 9 Township Sixteen ( lo ) North, Range Thirty ( 34) 19est ; thence in a North- easterly direction along the East line of said Lot Thirty-seven ( 37 ) to the South line of the Huntsville Road ; thence in a Northeasterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot Seven (7 ) , Block Two ( 2 ) , Norwood ' s Second Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence ina Northeasterly direction to the Northeast corner of � said Lot Seven ( 7 ) 9 Blook Two 12 � Norwoodts Second r' Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence, in a Northwesterly direotion along the line of the alley to the Northeast corner of Lot One (1 ) , Block One ( 1 ) , Norwood ' s Second Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence North tD the Nortneast corner of Lot Forty `(40 ) , County Court Plat of the Southwest Page & 0 6# 3 Quarter of Jection Fifteen (15 ) 9 Township sixteen ( lo ) North , :range Thirty ( 30 ) rest ; thence in a Northwesterly direction to the Northeast uount corner of Lot Forty—trio ( 42) , Y Court Plat of the SouthwestQuarter of Section Fifteen ( 15 ) , Township 6ixteen ( lo ) North , range Thirty ( 30 ) West ; thence North to the 14ortheast corner of Lot Three ( 3) , Block Two ( 2 ) , xeridry ' s � ddttion "to tYie •City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; tYs�e West to the Northwest corner of Said Lot 'Three ( 5 ) 9 Bloxk Two ( 2 ) 0 Hendry ' s Addition to the City of r'ayetteville , rkansas ; thence in a Northerly. direction to the ooutheast corner of Lot Eight ( 8 ) , Block Two ( 2 ) , Hendry( s Addition to the Coty of Fayetteville , Arka-nsas ; thence North to the youth line of East. nock Stteet ; thence West to i the Eastk line of Mill Avenue ; thence in a Northerly direction across East . h%ock Street to the Southeast corner of` Lot One ( 1 ) , Plock Two ( 2 ) `;'Hiek ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence North One Hundred and :Fifty ( 150 ) feet ; thence West to the East line of South College Avenue ; thence South along the East•� lin` ' of South College ' Avenue - to the place of beginning : , The abgve� proper.ty is further described by Lots and Blocks as follows : Boles Addition to the ' City of Fay etteville , Arkknsas : Block Three ( 3 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) 0 Two ( 2 ) , and Three ( 3 ) . Block Two ( 2 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , 'Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) 2 Five ( 5 ) 9 six ( b) , . Seven ( 7 ) 9 Fight ( 8 ) , Nine ( 9 ) , and Ten ( 10 ) and Eleven ( 11 ) . Block Four. ( 4 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) and Three ( 3 ) 0 ' Block One ( 1 ) , Lot's One ( 1 ) 2 Two ( 2 ) 9 Three ( 3 ) , and_;:r'our ( 4 ) . �;omb', s Addition to the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Block Four ( 4 ) 9 Lots One ( 1 ) 2 Two ( 2 ) 2 Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) 9 Five ( 5 ) and Six (:o ) . . ' Hick ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Block One ( 1 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) . Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , and Four ( 4 ) . Block Two ( 2 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two (2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , and the South 29 . 1 feet of Four Arkansas : Hendry ' s Addition to the � City 'of Fayetteville , ' r o � l1 Page * * &# 4 Block Two ( 2 ) , Lots Three (13 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , SiRIo ) , Seven ( 7 ) , Eight ( 8 ) and- Nine ( 9 )' . Norwood ' s Second addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : I Block Two ( 2 ) , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , " our ( 4 ) , << Five ( 5 ) , Six ( o ): and .Seven ( 7 ) . Block One ( 1 ) , Lot One Mel County "'ourt Plat of the Southwest Quarter of Section Yifteen ( 15) 9 1- ownship Jixtee-n ( 16) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) west : Lots Forty ( dO ) , Forty-one ( 41 ) 9 Forty-two ( 42 ) , Thirty -seven ( 37 ) , Thirty-eight ( 38 ) , Thirty Eight A ( 38a ) , 'Thirty -fnine ( 39 ) , Porty -three ( 4.3 six- teen ( lo ) , the South 55 . 5 feet of Pifteen ( 15 ) and the South 55 ft . of Seventeen ( 17 . SECTION TWO : That the said Listrict *shall hereafter be known and designated as Improvement Listrict Number Thirty-three ( 33 ) of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION THREE : That said District is laid off for the ♦ , elf - ;—• purpose of grading, rolling and paving .iofasaid" streets and parts of streets as may be more, fully deterrfiinedehereafter by the Board of Improvement of said Iingrovement -District . ' ` n :• , SECTION FOUR : -':hat this BrdinancI be ^in flzll force And . ef- J. fil feet fromaand after its passage , approval and publication and all Ordinances and parts of " rdinances in conflict herewith ,be , and the same ,.a-re ,,hereby repealed . ®� c eP/asse�d and approved this 1.41 qday of S%ptP* 19260 Attest" �y / i I /�T�A� {,Q � APPROVED : �QQ�g Mkr� � CITY CLERK MAYOR . ,;