HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 623 'Ordinance Number W 2 3 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , " ! ORDINANCE TO APPROFRIATE ONE TIIOUSA14D 0I4E HUNDRED AND TGENTY 7o10 DOLLARS OUT OF THE GENERAL STREET FUND FOR PAYI.IENT OF PAVING IN"r,RSECTIONS IN DOULGAS STREET IMPROVELTI NT DISTRICT NIMBER ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . " BE IT ORDAINED By The City Council of the City of Fay- - etteville , Arkansas : Section One . The City of Fayetteville having heretofore agreed to pave the intersections within Douglas Street Improvement District Number One , and the same having been paved by the C . A . Moreno Construction Company and accepted by E . M . Ratliff , City Engineer , the City Clerk is hereby directed to issue a warrant payable to the said C . A . Moreno Constriction Company out of the General Street Fund in the sum of One Thousand One Hundred Twenty- Two ( fi1 , 122 . 00 ) Dollars . Section Tiro . That this Ordinance 'be in force and effect fr. om .and after its passage , approval and publication and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith , be and the same are hereby repealed . Attest,: Appp�r�o Vi CITY CLERK , id A Y 0 R . Passed and approved this 28th day of June , 1926 . M`GWoF��114 �ie VP- �E .