HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 621 40 f i ;tel ORDINANCE NUMBER vL. , AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIAT* ING . THE SUM OF $2, 000.00 OUT OF THE •STREET FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAVING THE INTERSECTIONS OF STREETS IN ANNEX NUMBER ONE TO NORTH C@LLEGE AVENUE IMPROVE* MENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYEETTEPILLE, ARKANSAS . " BE; IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYEETEPILLE, ARKANSAS : N. SECTION ONE : That htere is hereby appropriated out of the Street Fund of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, the sum of Two Thousand ( $2, 000.00 ) Dollars in Cash for the purpose of paving the intersectionsof streets in Annex Number One to North College Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayette- villa, Arkansas, including the intersection of East Spring Street and Willow Avenue , SECTION TWO : That the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, be ' and- 'he is her0y authorized - and directed to issue a warrant on the Street Fund �of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, in the Sum of Two ( $2, 000:00 ) Dollars, said warrant to be due and payable on demand, and to be made in favor of whomsoever the Board of Improvement of said . Improvement District may direct. SECTION THREE: That this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, and all ordinances in conflict . herewith are hereby repealed. speoiifically repealing Ordinance No, 594. Passed and approved this 1111 day of May, 19260 Attest; / Approved; • e lJ� � Clerk. ti Mayor . MICROFILMED DATE OCT-°HIB REEL,-