HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 612 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN . TERRT-TORT.IN , THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, Al TO NORTH COLLEGE :AVENUE. IMPROYEMENT :DISTRICT NUMBER ONE OF SAID CITY, DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF, AND NAMING - THE SAME. " WHEREAS : on the 31st day of August, 1925 there was filed wittiAhe City Council Oil. _ .. . . :. .._ t _ . oY the City of Fayetteville* Arkansas , a petition purporting to contain the signatures of a majority in assessed valuation of the owners of real property within the territory therein described and set forth, and praying that said territory be annexed to North College Avenue Improvement District Number Cal the City of Fayetteville* Arkansas , and created into an Improvement Die trict to be known as Annex Number One to North College Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, for the purpose oP improve- ing, by grading, rolling and paving with concrete pavement East Spring Street from the East line of North College Avenue to the West line of Willow Avenue; WHEREAS : on the 3rd day of- May,--1926,- the •City Council of - the-City of Fayettevilley Arkansas* did, by resolution duly . passed and approved;''; direat the City Clerk of said City-to give notioe by publication once a week'`for tyro weeks in same newspaper having a general circulation in said City of Fayetteville, Arkansas that such petition had been filed, describing the territory therein set forth* and that on the 24th day of May, 1926, at 7= 30 P.M. thereof, a meeting of said City Council would be held in the office of the Mayor, at which meeting said petition would be oonsidered, and that all persons owning real property within the territory therein deeeribed might appear . and show 'cause for or against such annexation; and WHEREAS : Such notice was so published by said Clerk, 6coording- to law; and Oil I , WHEREAS : The said time for said hearing has - arrived and said hearing has been duly and properly had by said City Council •,' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS : MICROFILMED DATE OCT a L978 SECTION ONE : , REEL ���' That after hearing all persons who desired to be heard; and Ert'er due investigation and consideration of the petition hereinbefore mentioned, in which consideration the said City Council has been guided by the Ceritficati Ir of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas as to the ownership oP the lands described in said petition, and by the Certificate of the/Couaty Clerk of said County as to the assessed valuation of said lands, hereafter described �j in Section Two of this Ordinance, the fi nding of said City Council is as follows, to�wit; The total assessed valuation of said lands, according to the laet4asessment of the some for state and county purposes, now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Washington. County, Arkansas is the! sum of $18, 390.00;• and the assessed valuation of the lands in said territory belonging the the persons whose names appear subscribed to the said petition is the sum of $10, 810.00, according to said assessment ; and that therdfore"eaid petition is signed by the majority in assessed valuation of the owners of real property in said territory. SECTION TWO: That the territory hereinbefore mentioned# torwit; - Beginning at thq Southwest corner of Lot Twelve A ( 12a ), County Court Plat of the North-west Quarter of Section Fifteen ( 16 ), Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North, Range Thirty ( 30 ) West and running thence East 243.6 feet to the West line of Lot Fourteen ( ls) , said County Court Plat, thence South 79 feet; thence East 313 .6 feet to an alley; thence in an Easterly direction to the Southwest ; corner ' of Lot Seventeen ( 17 ) , said County Court Plat; thence East to the West line of Willow Avenue ; thence North to the intersection of the West line of Willow Avenue with the South line of East Spring Street; thence North 40 feet; thence . in a Westerly direction to the South-oast corner of Lot Nine ( 9) , Block Two ( 2 ) 0 Valley View Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; thence in a North-esaterly directiob to the North- east corner of said Lot Nine , thence West to the Northweet corner of Lot Nix ( 6 ) , Block Toro ( 2 ) , Valley View Addition to the Aty of Fayetteville, •Arkansas ; thence in a Wssterlt direction across Conner Avenue to a *point which is due East of the d . North wrest commer of Lot Two (2 ), County Court Plat of* the Northwest Quarter of Section Fifteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North Range Thirty ( 30) Went ; thence West to the Northwest corner of said Lot Two ( 2 ) ; thence South along the East line of North College Avenue to the point of beginning-- said territory being i further described by lots and blocks as pts Twelve ( 12 ), Twelve A ( 12a) , Thirteen ( 13 ), Thirteen A ( 13s), Thirteen B ( 13b ) , Thirteen 0( 13o ) , the North 204 feet of Lots Foutteen ( 14 ) and Fifteen ( 16 ) , Lot Sixteen. ( 16 ) , all that part of Lot Seventeen lying immediately West of Block One ( 1) , Valley View Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , all of Late Two ' ( 2 ), Three (3 )9 Three A (3a), and the South 118 feet of Lots Four (4), Five ( 6) Five A ( Be ) and Six ( 6 ) in the County Court Plat ' of Section Fifteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North, Range , Thirty ( 30) West; LoteOne ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 )$ Three ( 3 ) and Four (4 ) in Block One ( 1 ) Valley View. Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; Lots Six (6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) 9 Eight ( 8 ) and Nine ( 9 ) in Block Two, Valley View - - Addition- to-the -City of- Fsyettevi-lle, Arkansas ,= whieh said description .by._lots_ .and blocks is based on the Sewer Map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, compiled by Burns & McDonnell of Haneas . City Mieeouri, and the Plat of Valley View Addition I' to •the " City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , as the same now remdne in the office of the Circuit Clerk ans Ex-Offioio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansaep - be$ and i the same is hereby annexed to North College Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville$ Arkansas , and is hereby created into an Improvement Districtfo e purpose of improving East Spring Street from the East line of North College Avenue to the West line of Willow Avenue by gradings rolling and paving the same with concrete pavement, and that said Distract shall be known here after as Annex Number One to Nowth College Avenue Improvement Distr of Number One of the'City of Fayetteville$ Arkansas. - - SECTION THREE : , That all ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed and approved this 24th day of May, 1926 . Attest; EL - Approved; 1 t Clerk. Mayor.