HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 603 Cn C ORf�IdAIvCE Iv,ji . . . . . . . n . AN ORDII AlICb; Ti) BE RI7TI'.Ch1?' ) , Ai1 i)RDII:AIIC} ; DIV II) I1.it -1 CIT ' i)'r' FA'iETTiVIi,LF. , AR1SAN3A.2 . 0MO ZONES OR DIS^RTCTS "OR nIITLD .T_NCr PURi' OSF.S, AND Db; SCRIBTNG THE 3OUNDARIES THEREOF . " BE IT ORDAIN}' D BY THE CI"Y. COUNCIL OF TTIE CITY OF FAYETTEVILT.F, , 4RK 4I SA.S : SECTION OINF : That the 6I7Y of Fa;re `teville , Arkansas , is hereby divided into zones , or distrirts , for building purposes , and said sones or districts are hereby laid off , and the territories to be. embraced are de - scribed by metes and bounds as follows , to -r, it ; FIRE 'ZONES Beginning at the intersection of the South line of west Spring Street , with the east lane of ior• th Church Stand runnning thence east to a point 300 fee east - of the east line of North College Avenge , thence South parallel with the east line of Col '_ege Avenue , and a distance 300 feet therefrom , to the north line of Rock St . , thence west along the north 'line of Rock St . , to the east line of Churg St . , thence north along the East line of Church St . to the nlace of the beginning . ALSO Tieginning at the intersection of the east Hire of 'north Gregg St . with the south line of ':lest Dickson St . and ru;.r. ing thence north aldng 'regg St . to the South line of ':lest Lafayett Avenue , thence 'east along the south line of 'nest Lafayette Avenue , to the north- east corner• of lot f two ( 2 ) 3lock six ( o ) , Countg Court Addition , thence south parallel to Greg,, St . to t're south line of Scott St . , thence east along the south line of Scott St to the :vest line of Ralston St . , thence :loath along the ;iest line of Ralston St . to the south line of 'gest Dic'.cson St . , thence east, along the south line of ;lest Dickson St . tb • :tbe gest line ccof north Locust St . , thence South along 0 the west line of Borth Locust St . to the south- east corner of Lot Eight ( S) l, o c Kock Fiv) ( .5 ) , Orij i.ndl . Plat , thence .vest on a line parallel to V1est Dickson St . to tl, e east ' Sine of Borth School 3t . ', thence Soutn along the east line of North School St . to the north lino of :'lest Spring St . , thenre due west along the north line of `.lest Spring St , to the east line -nf Univeritlr St . thence north along the east line of. University St . to the south line of y� � 2 J s , Dickson Stand thence east along the soit}i '11nef ',lest Die' son St . to th place of beginning . INT'rIRIIFDIATF ZONE Beginning at the intersection of the south line of ',Test Dickson St . , with the east line of Arkansas Avenue . , thence north along the east line of Arkansas Avenue , to tete south line of West ;Maple St . , thence east along the south line/of West Maple St . , to the St . Louis and San Francrosco Rail Road , thence south- east along the 5t . -Louis and San Francisco Rail Road to the south line of best Lafayette Avenue , th cng the south line of Test Lafayette , Ave us , o }ie east line of St . , thence South along the east line of �tSt . to the north line of Scott St . , thence east along the north line of Scott ,St . , to the ':;est lime of St . Sharles St . , thence north along the west line of St Clharles 3t . to the north line of I'test Lafaye ette Avenue . , tnence '.'fest along the north _line of lvest Lafayette Avenue , to the east line of Vandeventer Avenue . , then cenorth along the east line of Vandeventer Avenue , to the south line of '.:est Maple St . , thence east along the south line of ',lest blaple St . , to the west line of lalnut St . , thence south along the ':Jest line of 'ilalnut ST , to the north line of Sutton St . , thence ?,Jes along the north line of Sutton St . to the west line of Willow St . , thence south along the 'Jest line of Willow St . to the south line of East Dickson St . �' . -t. �eut?r�x?e•-art"" •, a s r cTcson ,�'t;t�"t're-1'!�t l�.n , ,. ,• , thence south alomg the west linB of Willow St . to the North line of .Feast Spring St . , thence :Jest along the north line of Fast Spring St . to a point 300 feet east of the east line of North College Avenue . , thence south parallel to North College Avenue , and a distance 300 feet therefrom, to the north line of Pock St . , thence West along the North line of Rock St . to the west line of South School St . , thence south along the west line of South School St . to the North line of West South St . thence west along the north line of. Siest South St . to the east line of South West St . , thence north ' along the east line of South IWPst St . to the south line of 4lest Meadow St . , thence east along the south line of West PHeadow St . to the east line. of North School st . , thence north along the east line of North School st . to the north line of Spring St . , thence west along the north line of west Spring St . to 'a. w #S he east line Of University 3t . , thence north along the east line of University 3t . to a point 400 feet south of the south line of sv'est Dick- son St . , thence west parallel to Vies ' Dickson St and ,a distance 400 feet therefr• om, to the east 'Line of .North Dune, n St . , thence nortt, along the east line of North Dimoan St . to the 'south line of vJest . Dickson St . , and thence east along the south line of est Dickson St . to the place of beginning ; except the part ofthis territory included in the fire zones before described . OUTER ZONE All territory within the City limits not included in the other zones . SECTION TWO : -That all ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be , and the same are hereby , repealed, and this Ordinance sha1l take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved this 6th day of Apri1, 19?.,6 . APi'R0'Jt7. . / MAYOR - ATTEST;