HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 598 / . j aw ORDINANCE NUMBER MICROAL MED DATE OCTa, REEL AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF CERTAIN TERRITORY WITHIN THE C TE LIMITS OF TH�,,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , ';INTO AN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING DAVIDSON AVENUE FFOM THE WEST LINE OF COLLEGE AVENUE TO THE WEST EINE OF HIGHLAND AVENUE AND COL nGE AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LINE OF DAVIDSON AVENUE NORTH TO TIM CITY LIMITS , VMREAS , at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ,on the 9th day 'of March , 1926 , a Petition signed by ten ( 10 ) owners of real property within the District hereinafter described in Section One ( 1 ) of this Ordinance was presented to said City Council , asking that it take steps for the making of. an Improvement consisting of grading , roll - ing and paving the following streets and carts of streets as :may be more fully determitedtby the Board of Improvement of said District , \to -wit : Davidson _ e =_ rom^ the West line of College Avenue to the ,F of Highland Avenue and College Avemae` from the Borth lir_ , of Davidson Av�ant;- F North to the Citylits . r" �„; i RTAS , in said Petition 1t was . furthe.r prayed that the City Councir"­-�-' . lay off _ a stipulated portion of real estate into an Improvement District for making said Improvement . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAIIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI+� CITY OF FAYbTTEVZILE , ARICN&NSAS : SECTION ONE: That the following Lots , Blocks , Streets , Alleys and I parcels of real estate in the � ity of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be ; and the same are hereby laid off and declared to be an Imp rovement .District_ within said city , .to wit tL : Be innn _ North of. - Daid'son �✓ d the West line of College Avenue , running thence East on the North line of Davidson tT%osape to a point two hundred and ten ( rel feet� Last of the East line of College Avenue , thence North to the North line of the unnamed street one bloc North and parallel to Rebecca Avenue ., thence NToAh parallel with the 3ast line of College Ave-rue ( also called Springdale Highway ) two hundred and ten ff+�4 feet East of the East line of said street to the City Limits , thence West to the West line of the second street , called an extension of College Avenue , thence South with the, ;est Time of said street , to .the " Northeast corner of B1ock . Eleven ( 11 ) in. City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville 2 i ��. thence PJest with the Borth line of said Block one hundred and seventy,, ( 170 ) feet , thence South to the South line of Prospect Avenue ( also called Wilson Avenue ) , thence East with the South line of said Avenue to a point two hundred and ten ( 210 ) feet West of the West line of College Avenue , thence South parallel with the West line of College Avenue to a point one hundred and forty ( 140 ) feet North of the North line of Davidson Avenue , thence West to the West line of Highland Avenue , thence South with the West line of Highland Avenue to a point one hundred and forty ( 140 ) feet South of the South line of Davidson Ave . , thence East to the West line of College Ave . , thence North to the place of beginning . The aforesaid description by metes and bounds embraces the following Lots . and Blocks , as shown by plats filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex- Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , to -wit ; Part of Lot One ( 1 ) in Block A in Maplewood Addition to the City of Fayetteville , to -wit :l212 feet of equal width off the West side of said lot ; Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in Block B of said Addition ; a strip 212 �feet wide lying east of •Colle8 :Avenue, ItnoF_m = sto=asnringdale Ftoad.,�a �sdxnnng parallel to said street ., saidrstr p_ extend� ng,-North from the North line_ of Maplewood Addition to the City of Fay{6t,tfville ; to the .North boundary line ro of the City , which strip.vinelu des parts o `�o s 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 81 9 , 10 & 11 of Block 8 , County Court Plat of the Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Ten ( 10 ) , • Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) Nest ; also , parts of Lots 2 , 31 4 & 5 � f Block 3 ,9f said Plat ; also , Block 131 City Park Addition to the/ City of Fayetteville , Lots 1 to `13 •in- p1.a,o �°^� .�• (iL.eaC 21 .�• a a:� Gi; �.,k asd:�.-.�•; ata.a p..#-.� e. � ri,wloi 8 c:L� va,Ac Gd�;.t_'.. ,� clusive; qV Block Twelve ( 12 ) in Said Addition) as Lots 1 to 5 inclusive in Block 17 in City Park Additioap- to said Cityj 41co£ Block 19 in said I/ Addition ; also , Lots 1 & 2 , •and parts of Lots 3 , 4 at= of Block 14 of said (3,1-acIC 3 Addition ; also , Lots 1 to 5 inclugive in4!b: L . Trent ' s subdivision of Oak Grove Addition at the ity�14 F�vetteyille and Lots . l : to 6 , inclusive , of 1 . SUAJo , a _ •� ,� ae �c 9a . cad+ avn� y --p ' - (' L J<ti Block 2 of said( C. SECTION TWO ,: That the said District shall hereafter be known and designated as Improvement District Number Thirty - one ( 31 ) of .. the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION TIRE : That said District is laid off for the purpose of grad - ing , rolling and paving of said streets and; parts of streets as may be more fully determined hereafter by the Board of Improvement of said Improvement District . � . 3 SECTIOIJ POUR : That this Ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances �in conflict herewith , be , and the same are , hereby repealed . Passed and approved this 9th day of March , 1926 . ATTEST : w Approved : City Clerk mayor . 1 1 Ij �J 1 i l t ' i