HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 588 ORDINANCE NO. 588 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TIME FOR THE FILING OF REFERENDUM PE - TITIONS PROVIDED FOR PY AMENDMENT NO. 13 TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS AND FOR REGULATING THE PROCEDURE THEREON, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLF , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . All referendum petitions under. Amendment No . 13 to the Consti - tution of the State of Arkansas , appearing on pages 481 to 489 , inclusive , of the General Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas of the year 1919 , must be filed with the City Clerk within thirty days after the passage of such ord- inance. Section 2 . Whenever any referendum petition is filed the City Council shall give notice by publication for one insertion in a newspaper published in this city of a time not less than five days after the publication of such notice at which they will hear all persons who wish to be heard on the question whether such petition is signed by the requisite number of petitioners . At the time named the City Coun- cil shall meet and hear all who wish to be heard on the question, and its decision shall be final, unless suit is brought in the chancery court of Washington County within thirty days to review its action. Section 3 . If the City Council finds that such petition is signed by the requisite number of petitioners , it shall order a special election to determine by a vote of the qualified electors whether the ordinance shall stand or be revoked, The date for such election shall be not less than ten days after the order therefor has been made by the City Council, and said election shall be had and conducted as general municipal elections held in the City of Fayetteville. Section 4, If any ordinance referred to the people is defeated at the polls , the City Council shall make note of. such fact and shall expunge such ordinance from its files by erasing the same with red ink, Section 5. If any provision of this ordinance is held to be void, it shall not affect the validity _ of the remainder , but the remainder shall stand. Section 6 , It is hereby ascertained and declared that by reason of the heavy indebtedness hanging over the City of Fayetteville and accruing prior to the ,adopt- ion of Amendment No . 11 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas , the said City . is unable to procure or maintain proper facilities for the extinction of fires , proper police protection or proper safeguards for the public health, and therefore in order that there may be a prompt referendum on any ordinances . necessary for the protection of the public peace , health , and safety, it is declared that an emerg - ency exists , making it. necessary_ that this ordinance should take. effect immediately A%TF Of9mcD RE8L9)9., Page -2m for the preservation of the public peace , health , and safety and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of December , 1925 . APPROVED : / s / Allan 14. Wilson Allan M. Wilson, Mayor ATTEST " / s / S. C . Massie J. C,, Massie, City Clerk