HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 583 UtDl; ir,A:CE ,:G . 583 AN ORDINANCE PPOHIBITING THE OBSTRUGTION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS AND CHOKING UP OF GUTTERS I14 THE CITY OP I'AYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS AND FOR OTH"R PURP(19"S , BE IT ORDAINED BY THF CITY COUNCIL OF Ft..YETTEVILL' , ARI "J 'AS : 1 . It shall be. unlawful for arty pes•son, firm, , or corporation to obstruct the streets and alleys or to choke up the gutters in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . 2 . In all cases ;here in the erection or repair of buildings i1t becomes necessary for contractors , builders , or . arW person , firm, or corporation whatsoever to make use of parts of the adjoining; streets and sidewalks for the temporary piling of sand , gravel , stone , brick, lumbsr, or other materials required in the construction of said buildings , not more than 1/3 of the street must be used for that purpose . This applies to all streets in the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , except the Public Square, where not over 14 feet from the curb may be used. The gutter must have a tight box covering 18 inches wide, the same height of the curb , to act as a guard against sand or other loose mrterial choking up said gutter, e.nd a board must be set up at the edge of said piles of loose material next 'to the streets and of sufficient height to prevent the loose material from scattering over t e streets . Vihenever any of said materials has to be lift in piles on. the streets over night, a red light must be conspicuously placed to in*"' cats the location of same . Rubbish and other material that is not required in the construction of the building must not be O laved to accumulate on the streets or sidewalks but must be hauled off or othererise disposed of. '.yhenever operations are in progress close to the sidewalk t'-.at are dangerous to pedestrians , the sidowalks must be blocked off at both ends . In case dangerous conditions do not exist after working hours , cbstructions must be removed and the sidebalks cleaned for the use of pedestrians . 3. Persons, firms , or corporations vi ,lating any of the provisory of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction therefor shall ba fined in any sum not to exceed ,325 . 00. 4 * This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval , and publication . Nov . 9, 19259 A . DTE1918 DATE REEL �1.:Y