HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 552 f ORDIi..1: CE FUh1BER ORDT1?.^.:ICE TO BT R;?TITLED , ° AN ORDI1 1i: CE TO ACCEPT TH7 DEDIC ATIOI? OF CFRTAIi\i STREETS =.11D ALLEYS :7ITFIN A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND Y-QOVIN AS , ^. 4 SO!! PLACE" , SITU:TED IPI THF CITY OF F ` ETTEVILLE , CFASHINGTON COMM , :."i:: ::SAS , :,FD FOR OTHER PURPOSES . " ,S , on the 23d day of Eparch, 1925 , a Plat was filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Er.- officio Recorder in and for '::ashington County , i.rkansas , dos ignated as a Re- plat of ':Jatson Place , a Subdivision of Lot Five ( 5 ) of Block Eight ( 8 ) of the County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Ar'cansas , as will more fully appear in " Record Book" 227 , pa„e 87 , of the Record Books in the sniO. Office or sal-0. Cirf,ult Clerk and Ex- officio Recorder of said '..'ashington County , Lrkansas ; `.'IHEREAS , in said Plat , above referred to , the owners of the lands therein described set aside and dedicated to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ccrtain parts of said lands as public streets and alleys ; '::HEREAS , the persons so owning said lards and so filing daid Plat desire to have the City of Fayetteville , Arkansae , to supervise control , mpw& tr. operate , maintain , and exercise full- jurisdiction over said streets and alleirs ; ':?HEREAS , a certified copy of said Plat , above referred to , has been duly filed with the City Clerk of the ditir of Fayetteville , Arkansas , nnd has been exhibited to each member of the City Council and to the mayor of the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and each and all of said parties are familiar with the same ; ITOCI , THEREFOR E , BE IT ORDAIIiFD BY THE CTTY COUidCTh OF TFE CITY 07 F AYETTEVILLE , ARK a1SAS : SECTION ONE : - That the dedication of Thompson Avenue and Boles Street , together with each and all of the alleys as shown by the Re- plat of ':?atson Flace , a Sub - division of Lot Five ( 5 ) of Block Eight ( 8 ) of the County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be , and the same is hereby accepted and ratified by the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as public streets and alleys , and the supervision , control , operation ,maintenarce and jurisdiction of said streets and alleys , is by said City of Fayetteville , 2 . PArkansas , accepted , and thea ane is hereby , in all things , assumed , SECTION T'.'!0 : - That X11 Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in con- flict herewith be , and the same are , hereby repealed , and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and rublication . Passed and approved this 23d day of I.:arch , 1925 . Approved : . . . . : , , , , , � • • • • • �j�. . . . . L:ayor . Attest Clerk .