HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 544 V , 0 woo AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED : "AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE CONTRACT MADE BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS WITH THE AMERICAN-LA FRANCE FIRE ENGINE COMPANY OF TEXAS FOR THE PURCHASE OF FIRE PUMPER ; TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE SAME , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES " . WHEREAS , the Board of Public Affairs did on the 15th day of January , 1925 enter into a contract with the American- La France Fire Engine Company of Texas to purchase One ( 1 ) " Type 75 " 6- Cyl . , 105 H . P . Triple Comb . Pumper . Hose and Chem . Car , with 750- Gal . Rotary Gear Fire Pump , at and for the agreed price of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Dollars ( sJ13 , 940 . 00 ) ; Four thousand ( j$4 , OOO . 00 ) of said am- ount to be paid in cash , and the balance to be paid by city warrants , payable in the future as hereinafter set out in Section two of this Ordinance , and WHEREAS , said Fire Pumper has been received , tested and approved by the State Fire Prevention Bureau , the City Engineer and the Board of Public Affairs . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That he contract entered into by the Board of Public Affairs with the American-LaFrance Fire '>;I$ngine Company of Texas , on January 15 , 1925 , for the pur- chase of said Fire Pumper and the acceptance of said Fire Pumper by said Board of Public Affairs be , and the same is : in all things approved and confirmed , and the purchase of DATE REEL_.\� said . Fire Pumper is approved , and the same hereby accepted , SECTION TWO : That pursuant to said contract the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas are directed to issue and deliver to the American-LaFrance Fire Engine Company of Texas a warrant for t e, sumV ofq Four th - sand dollars , $4 , 000 , drawn on the f said City to pay the cash payment according to said contract and to draw five .other warrants upon said fund and deliver the same to the said American-LaFrance Fire Engine Company of Texas , to be made payable for the amounts and on the dates as fol- lows : One Warrant for u2120 . 00 payable Feb . 1 , 1926 . IT ° it 2240 . 00 " it 1927 * it n _ n 1770 . 00 " IT 'T 1928 * TV n n 1860 . 00 'e n IT 1929 . " it " 1950 . 00 " " " 1930 . SECTION THREE : That all ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict herewith be , and the same are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage , approval and public- ation . Passed and approved this �_ day of A 1925 . Attest : Approved : I �XXP} , � Mayor , Cler .