HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 536 ` w ORDINANCE NUMBER 536 . ti AN CRDINANCE TO REQUIRE SOLICITORS OR SALESMEN IN CERTAIN CASES TO TAKE OUT LICENSE AND MAKE BOND , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES • BE IT -ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE * ARKANSAS : SECTION I . That hereafter all persons solicitiing or taking orders in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for goods , wares or merchandise upon which a deposit is asked or taken for goods sb - Sold at the time of- taking the order for said goods , wares or merchandise , shall befobe tak- ing or soliciting orders deposit with the City Collector a bond for the sum of Five hundred Dollars ( $500 .00) to be approved by the City Collector conditioned that all of said goods so sold by said solicitor shall be delivered , and when delivered to the purchaser , shall be as represented in quality , color , material , and in every other respect • SECTION . 2 . That hereafter all solicitors or salesmen soliciting orders or taking orders- for any goods , wares or merchandise in said City and taking a deposit with said order shall in addition to giving a bond herein required , pay to the\C.ity Collector the sum of $25 .00 per annum for the privilege of transacting business and collecting said deposits * Shlbuld any person desire the privilege of soliciting and taking orders and receiving deposits for ashorter period than one year they shall pay to the City Collector the sum of -$15@00 for six months ; the sum of 010 .00 for one month and the sum of $5 .00 for one week, and shall give the' bond required in Section One of this Ordinance . SECTION 3 . That all persons buying goods and making a deposit to solicitors or salesmen shall #ave the right to sue upon said bond in any court having competent jurisdiction and said bond shall be liable for any damage sustained by suatained by any person so depositing money or giving orddrs for any goods , wares or merchandise from any solicitor or salesman . SECTION 4 . That any person violating the provisions of this Drdi= ::e nance shall be fined in any sum not less than $25 .00 nor more than $20100 and each day orders are solicited and deposits received shall constitute a separate offence under this under this ordinance * SECTION 5 . That this Ordinance shall take effete and be in force from and aftsr its passage approval and publication . Passed and approved this 29th dad of December Approved C . T .Hardinp� Mayor o - em J . C .Massie Attest `+ city er n r This is to certify that the above is a true and corrct copy of Ordince No 5369 and recordd in Book ° 1918 to 1926° of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on page 978 . Dated this 28th day of October , 1947: ; MiCROFILMED. DATE ]978 REEL1 1 l