HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 531 ORD INANC4; M . 531 itli O'JINAIdL'L TO M, NTl:'£i,!D "At? C,II "' iot'!CF C.I ?t SI 'YP4CO AND DLFIt•IINC. TUDIES, B U'J iNILEESS i'ROP7,SKCA:5 V'CiCa .T=. iitl'; i%N:) C ;iI..Tjj�iS 10FL) .Il: 'r r "O F r•T\I 1' R uR'.•AS , any person, firma, or C •3rnOi'8ti. on saal.l jay ! oi the t.rivi -- e6e of engaging In carryLnP ort. or . folloe::in any shl,, h trade , i:hhsiness , pro ` es. si On, `location , of cal.lir% t ( r to li CLlts ol. the City Of y ., i5ithir. the car ton I'AyettC Ville , .+ rii..l)5.;3 T`2 r1Lj. r'•.nr any j)t':^s4?) , 7.1r1:., itid].Vi ,jn , Or corporation to e7:','a ­,3 ln, carry on , Or fol-Lor., .`Lh'y such trades , biwinc Fses , 1profes Cions , ,rocatiozm or cullin•7•. )1' '"'i S2j.C: ii '' ' rk2w i ..y o£ YzK-PatteviIle , :. s . -to procure . liCense therefor and ai•ovidin'v th:: _tanner ;:nd means of collecti.r. r ;aid :l:.eense and pre,cribinf, penalties £or :violation. of this orditiailce as provided by act No . , IhO£ the ,lCt of the CuTlaral. Asse!nbly o3. ti)e 'State of Arkansas for ti:c year 1919. T'!Tf fteTOI?SfF : 'f r , ., CITY .OF FAY^T1'-'irILr;? : Section 1 . 'Pha.t. it z:nal.l be unlawN1 ;br any parson, firm, individut l- , or COrpurB '�:t. Ur! i'i.l. t}L. n t ^.^ City 1lJ.li tfi ,� ' thio i)i t,I Or Falye ttevil'le, :lrhansas to enFate is carr;6.n . on or follmiin any of tihc trades , usi.nes;>es , profsssions , Or ectIlit-ogs ::i t:Y:Jtit aavim . f'..r3t• pro':ai'ed fro:'.: the City :o}.lector of the City of !`ayattevil.le, n2'I',:?Tlias , and havini; ' ,:'tU vS1C? i'e fCtr tFe FS'10 unt O£ l.1 CF-1?se . hereinafter CTi tt-One?d and U Gvi.:it in t"i:i. s fur the ^3<)_ viler3 of in, Carrying on , or ±ollciwin.g •Leet: trc:�3 , o;i.F.1.^�'Gs , prolecsion, vis :llling in said City of Fayetteville , ;:rkathsas . Section 2 . For convonience and to avoid repeti. ti.on under several items , tale £ol.l.olvi.ng schedule of l.i. censes is here Ly created anct defined and celled iCa3dLL1C "A ° Anil hereinre£e2'Z'2:C1 t0 85 :iCihedule "Vint . ?'he said licenses as fired by this Ordinance under Schedule "All shall be respectively as follows , to-x+i L . Each and eve Ly :person, fire, corporalion, associrtion , or acent occupyinr aria; rood and offeri.nE. for sale any goods , %emmc, 3 or merchandise , re presentin( an invcstnant : Over and Leas 'hear, Per 1:1lnm' 9 100 .; 1 ,000 910 l,or e �c 15 700 S, ouo 20 5 , 00 7 , LOO 25 7 , 7ao 10, 000 30 10, c;0C) 15, 000 g 1 1 , 000 20, 0C,0 Ito 20.100() 21.5 �5 25, 00n 50, 000 50 Otte dollar per annus fol' each additignal thousand dollars in excess of ;,50, 000. 00 l nvt?s"tt::d, in addition to Si>2C. ,Y50. 00 Bei' ann LLS(!, .?rOyided the tax aj.<ai.nst I• sir?Ele firm shall not exceed 475 - 00 uer annu:a. All cla5f;c11 of be::in< ss not oth2rr:i. s.. lae:nt.oned move , the follow ;?g licenses shall 1. P.utOSJobile de,OLc1. s Or i)1'O'Cers in net: and mce;-I'', IIF.::1 ,.Iutomob ilP.`i 01 otj- motor driver, vAai, ' ? n 2 v, ,. _5 . 0 r r atr._rr MICROFILMED -9.aCZtUOiI:;, t:l «: � , :i:ip tl .: . i , ji'.i.O:; . : ASF' ." • ) e t[rAn LM:D 30 :ocohi 1 , c_;;.) • • DATE OCT 4 1978 REEL_ ordinance !?o. �•',`•� -`2. . �• AiitO?i0'01.3.e iw:i7a1r hOj7:i,) inc IudinfE is i'.orftr rand iJcTs}ling x' 10. 00 Cer annL!1. je Auto.moiJile eY.C.Lllhi-J"i2 V' L;c'tl'>71:.11(,� i; :a ro'ka'eilding sholz D1.0 pCr amilu. aT . AbStraut 1121(} Witl,e , CitC}'1 ,c:rZolj 7 . .-%ddiLng bacilines, EFiCIi . � CtiiC��r Ol" (�'•?,':L6Y• Zn, ;y15 ' e lidvortisinfl by hOlqae, vc?!L,J.t.•a o_ a.ator!!•:. ` l..:.;i1e , •and busirers te i'or s< , par Ray Cy2e}0, lilall dr()T�0 or iiuSio yiJ . ;a] . ;Ier day > : hU.JertlsJ.n4 F):Ll.Z L'U8Y':Y, paintl *lGLi/' !)O:i t.1T1 iiiivE?i^.:1s076`il'�.5 . :'.2C1: Fii�,Y•SOn, . tizYn, Or COY'}lOI'&ti!itt 1:S1,:ii;, 1E$sill`• , or oup}i=ylnp, bill boards for adverb;- iI & )Lll'•(:iO;;Es , using panzjls 2551 ll. 7.2 t. or less , ,t7 . 1i(i (i(ir iL-InIx1 per panel , not er.:eeding the mm of tl.50. 00 n"s T` an"lU::. for )llj IIlx.I1Je'.C. 10. ACV( Ytlslna, 'xis tl U'?'toL' • col. Ci.rc%.T* srs 2(' Sr.' _D).i?5 U`.' o"hei: adver'tisiri wa 1. V'_'r 825 .J'-:1' !II!i1.L':1, t ]_r) per :i.C:at:': , i ! :)er R ;f. 11 . 71R ' 1!(i%1:.'?'!'it CLitii Jc:J1Zf:F .. e.Qil 'i0: ` 1_T. 1•:R of Curoorat-i- eY •� E:•0 :!• . , .._ i)ii ta;8(�t.0 3.11 CU'il- . 'i;Y'8C C•i'ilt; or .olid ti_''7LT, sol. F.iR Verti. uZ? 1�. ^"J'Jf'-1 �.C, or Ria"J7-nri Lj_Cture Slides , UiJ •r : a ?P. 1.nCe ^ Y : , irc� d . . .t0e_i IoG Zncludr.. . at�! 12 13 . puz-oOrti.ng to vine information on parsons , fir s .9 zssCC7.8t'iany ' or COroariiGiC)i17. , cop=x!" ci.&7 Ol' O i81 ifisC ', w'= > p FlZ' c}lnllld. J.ij . .i3Y'(iJ. Yi.�l. C.fa )FtYli. ?s aC 71c4'ECi ?9to fL+Illsoixin s . S ' • ' , ^'i1 Pi'�.r-VO- F i - , llch a:� 3.io:. . 1`U:ttlti , lhalar CUU2 'LC.. . ur;ld othpor-.'T,.useuento of like character is :-.on- tan Cancecsioly Ca. less 5J 5'- 00 1Cer W:ki more than t@Il COnce.^,- cis Sc, e, par v,2elgeach (l ditiojwl]. xvndsr. tr......W.l ni of ls(m.!. 6110'ei or COY!- Cca'i. �+2'> - 00 'p<:1' l'(EeF:, ^.: j).i1 . (i!) pet' Ri!.f. �Iheatrt-s or ppera houS^.u , :j.LQQ @r .:Yllim), movin ' PlCul= S. OWS , each' (CJO Par avrm,,.. 15a bents , persons , urns , IiSSUClB i•(ln S, or COY-J)Ql' atdon doing a class of 1JL:1naS5 !iliv.-m an: .:i!O r'.: cL'i? GJ:isles.: , Jnclu�ling all PCT,ey Se!ldc-.j- '. and UI•o_WrY i 1'Jho loan or Offer to . loan (Roney to filar:Offs upon exempts on 7rai.VOrs, ass1 ( n!aent of lYaLples G.' 7::U: t ;Les OJ! pf. Y': ..,^.a :Y'Cp'arty ;;25 Dir year. X . 16. L1'C L? tCCt e ' Each perion, j. .10.' . .1 fins,, O1' c0^,Jore-,U n. eaCY2 _1::!RL1Cr themof 1 ( . !alO i.Ui iBCT_,, yi(i ,. (.)0 OCI' 'i;CCI:, i7l). l?0 jlrl• Month, r2ij . 00 1?Cr 2Tilll:8:. lei . .'':;di• b CC::,_:fl;'tJy e :1CF2 pez•ton, 2:J: or co-paration, !)ubh-c L!ccoitntant, `vaV� n() . }ler iipnu;l or :Cractiuxl7 ua:_t thcereoi'- 19 . S)i :3 ^%, QiiC .jieY:SOTI, 6 .%4x3 or Cor,)oration conduetin} lJf kary less ` -1 - ii'la;- " five Y2iIi.C7.C�s y:=j - (JV ^er �'dll:.'1, 815 . 00 for Si :A nonths . . 20. Ban!, a?id T"ust QO`:paCsi.^..> , 8i1 C�8.3tin� in hliSlnBs3 alithorillod . 3r theZr i:;s]SCea YB ' CiCz_^te.l'S , i.nC1A+]1n:E J.:'O:; rFlt:. , ina •)railCC %ne I•v Fie Es tcte ca"Atol stcCS:, rOS1'Gs ':.TiO '• {: o • , . i. c i.,•I to Jlot XCeERi.n9 ....L:Ci•anf, an.j undivided ;)routs iidoullt to no's.' aJCCeL3Ci in, 5,i0 (iO0 - llO ;'!;ij - OQ •pe i u in ' Or)(, r; , 1 , nr. 1, ex:;EeR- ! ;,l,50, Q._ , . 00, 7. . �. pcY• aPn111a. in a(fo;ition to �iie Yore '011?? th '1 • l - ,7(1 -. f . : l pa.: tait :,er ;J, nmila for li ce mie S�cr eaC%l oci}a.a;)-ac pri YJC'i*;"Aly ens-.Ircd S.iI :.L?)dnp, zalco (?i 1`Lj.?," 21 . L13eblclll ;iu;);lly. }1D4s.CS , clash perdon, iii Y7a, Or CO:'OUmtl On COnductinE, m r LL"11?til'a. 22 . LLS,` t•:.ry FiCrV1Ce Stati.Ons >10. 00 per annum. G3. }ic2`^b'91' Shp^s y}5 . 00 er amiwl Cor eacFl Ch:=? r, lic'tly'f7-.:ll Shine stand. ?a . ll•::.::h or Vapor, not 'in conrertion vlith bcrIbar ;`sops , !i10. 00 25e BIE.C'yr.1:1i.ths , eBCh pars On, fi Y::1 , Or Corp'C+2'A."ti.on coneiucting hlac'kslyd h Or harseshoing. rillaps jLnu liding P-.L-1 Classes of Shc,3 el.ta2o - , 'r'.5. 00 per (alnaln lax• s; �all 20„ Biu..: . i)T117ts , oal:;h i/Crson, fill! Ol' , in Or Z 7iu0 ?A1r:t : nj; . . PLe . ... . . ..... . . . ... .. . i .1.,.. . 1Ce rdo • Jamil•--j .. 2on 1 • Boiler 211to m, Gr 1. 11 opsn::i't col ' 'c :% iill: _ lap8i5 9 J jx.:I' an:7i1G1: 2v . ::Ono^u"i�il ')l9r_ 6P:S :ilio !Il • Cp f i C'i ca - s i a+ „ui . . �o::I•t ro;.i ; for appeal , apcea- rance , OU- tavdst- Co pe-la a7i1U . � 29. Book agents , solidi ti.i F] Si BCI: ,,iti:)n 1'01-- L:00b:s l*,tl I U0, . pear dill. U. ilooii "t02'$b Ul' d 3162'C i :? b oa : , t . n'a�' ai- lir• _ �`nnn 3 e o ,'� _ }:� i;oow st s _:p_ _ c , ,�_.._dule ;i . 31. Bottlers , E::_.^_i1 pner'OCll, fi.rvan Olt, COr'noration �)U$tlin; .orated, carbonated . Or ::dneral vmter4 , oI' sofii X da'i niii , • Oa' COCOL-C OIi! 0I'• :ii.IPllar :icVea': �O:i ' . using one ila„on oa' eax oz ?:oa i , 2x . 00 per annL^ . 3 L,;., mz�zruf turers , G rt Gra. .. . , : chcdnle 1i .. J..; 13 rOn3ri :itUi7i': :3n Oi;d .�1j. vl) Cer ... dli ll. - 34 7rokers , rcal e7,tat2 .loni-is atld r:7 s't:lte: E::.C!' psi-con Dail nUm 3f SI' C yard Cteal'a: .. . hei.::er ±nOiJFu. t O 70 • , Pl JU03-11L' S:: i>r L, Sc dul'e S:. %611ll, 6X'QOi?:: L'8Cy'S 1!laT?131::0 t'uat?2 not TC InCi:;(i!: :,l:i n!y :eTSO:IS , Cl��. Ll7 1 ? I'. alitlLL'R. i %t- ^ -!oil trr •]pn rn n `• o� y Cn y . 7 . ., e 't�:.= 5:, _ z2.a;. , Q_ >nn dealer or eat, . • i_e(.ile 30 . uildinr anal 1..0::77 .- `:i Gi?i. 8t1071i , 'P:i'.QJ c paid in CSb;-ttl 9 'tCCs: 13% ]..^gS ' I ne- riiFli?Ul.^. j Se2.0 )' 000 . 00 and Over; " O :QI :;er � - i7 - t and Purri. -t i:rc: rv'OL!12' S(:OrS r ' 1:0 . 'a::dy ;'auto: 1, i7 r five or !`- S , ; 10 . 00 Per anntt_:l ; five . to ten nG3r ?r nl' n=..- - 41 .a a1fIF 3l^. 3 , :Ci • 1=i! YO= aniliili7 . j 2 . '_%�.11"t Ya tiii,T T1f:iifit- ti 7i:i. ' 'i tP n�? ! ^rl .. . . c,f :`Pci:li .. ., On t1t_ n et A10. 00 r3Y' aPntii ; locall.d Or d-T <_ on ? t2'E.e t f 1�; . :: r "'•'+ r' , a month, 5 . 0J ^e. arntlt� ; located . 1116 ::2rxnter a:ho']- C07:•'l:,Cti 17 �'lO . iir} Q" : 8nnu,:. C1sur 1 1eturj, UnG c7. VGr ..,a-�wel' ul 'iizylpe2', i%.3 . 1:0 ; two to five ci 'ar mpkere or bol'.jars .'V. 00 t0 . !:. i S1R 'w❑ i)lfier i:1::2C,._ :] 'or !b3I petrs c;1C . O0, Ole Yen t0 een GS. :iI' Iiii:i:e::':; Or fif.'..Ipal'S :300 ;;gi :ili:L7 , :311 OVEa' :! I't C-`n 45 . O+i.'•rll, :II}. min-, CUn: ill vi ilk, OP me4, ani,%#d ' en1i .'?e•3T Cr s11rV9;jCr, eaCt1 person, . in iiY:a Or -Tem`bcr of fim! doing; business , .0 1, If, u - annua .' N..t t:F . 0.1iropodisLIP— each xr ,ear rl. • 00 . ' �,'•( . ':.hi.ropractiC , •"`ach pnr year 415 •, v ' • � J . 'IiQteJ. 1 Ua'Ey Or :itOnE: , CJi1 deal-:3 :5 Or ui;'c',il'.:G i'fi G sell u',' Oar 10211 lots O.`.' .. lest" - 10. 00. i.e _ annPw^. 119. ocblers , shoes , and )cuts , where no ni lchia7ery i s ilsed , '�7 • Y7 each . on•- dUGtii?r repair C::i. T' ;10iis il'[?era 7(aCP.1 ?t j is i:SeC .alU . L•v po " annup. eaell :idCli i tiannl employee , ?; SU per annac . 50 . Ooffee Or 'ea, FihOlejale l r mnilUfactil'mr ached r . J±• .lUld StOr aI73i t13+? COndL!:;' ' r' - a" 1 . ::LS= , •7 ::1 y oi.i.,, eaCf, yi.. . OO !i :1�71L';a. . �',G . :;O'i.eCti 'lr a�;:3fiC;J, Cc:: i1 '_7fir Gn, f"'i r:" OI' COX• • s • y . u, ]Oa-d :,i Cil Gol7.(.0 t1R�; il(;t9U AS1a is ils , yl C.0 peI' annul-n . cz JGlI [ a , usine.as u': t.,00 cur annu a . i !.ir'd:l.ItaiiCe :',O . �jl.-^•l;. • .. i. t(;.I3 Jw�. t+0ill.? S].US: ?.Ic rchant. aOh COlillndrs'.on. merc; iant Or -'Cnt &i ciro1: 0r I''3CC1Gin or' !lc nr- c' CTIb'it 1AeRtS 2. �JOdS or :u(:'.I'CilE) n(ii3e shippOd to such agent or C-,enler fr .7!a ,points Tlithin alld Ut.tSide t 13 State ';;Zo QU DJ2' aYln-1Yri. Svvm a5 . !;oafoetionery . _ ch dealer, Schedule fl . T :a i6 . OGntr<(ctGr:; , house builders . ;_Jenl.oy:i.r.� five par ons or less ;x25 . 00 er annum; provided :•;here no help employed there ,,ill ::e no tax, UPnY• fivo ;)ersonS and less tllar. terl1 x!50. 00 vkaelr arty Ulnj over G - j.F.rJ DYiJ , •,J10O . JiJ :ler annual• •. 1 te!it 57 • �+oli�`...'.'d.0 tOTS^^^'tI`t?3 t. GXCF.vators t HV Gm �^ ' and p ei•s r ._1G ,.r.� z'ive parson;; or 'ic::.r.. IJ2� . 0v ^ser ann'-.ma, over five Gild less than ton, �ir'0* 00 per aper•�, over ten 1100. 00 per ann-imi. Item 58. 'ccintrarto?'S , house 1AOver6 . .,j25 . 0D -•0r ..:1J7-�17i . . i- item 59 . Contractor's, - paper hange.I painters. Or decor -torr, eac�i X17 . 00 or 114MMe i`:on 11.0'_nse to 1)Z CIi:?r�:;ed :':! !er(: Con'tr'acsox, does not have an I ssiStant t?'r7rtilC!;t• Ur4.,r,50c_aLe On ark; ccnt, ':_C't Or job or (ioas not SIIDlE) t hiS Colltr2C't 2_'1Cl empl ayes no . ha,lo) . i 6D. Contract't% GrS . plasterers , or latherarS . e ;ployinl� five less T1E'. 11 r h f' V,. Or })10. 0D per 2AY11111, -LI: t U tent melt 0!0. 00 per annum , more Ulan tell TuP•n d30. 00 ix, r aanl].'. . No .1.i Ceilso to 'vie Caarged '.}h:?re cov. 16r.:1Ctor . Boas, not have an a-ssistant *artne" Ur 1S00 :i_L? P 071 3t 1y CO LrF.Ct Or job, 01' dons . not, sublet 1111.s contracl., Item '61. Dancing t�'rch;;r, p 1171i.c each ..;;15. 00 r alnl m . Item 62 . ancins+ I :a11 v r-0 �de ` r _ :I{ pt:bli ` , o0n actin;;, ;a7.5 . i:0 >< r annivu It(sa 63. Dance, e6.Ch public vff:ere ,.taissi C}n ia' C!1:iY :; Q ,.� . SQ UO T' dt y. I d'P1 64. flenti8t . .2Ci3 *eG'Son Cr r'I re c J iI'tnB'r^ 711iJ, a aCh me1+1Uf:Z` UI firm -�17 .11D per annum. item 65. Deote-ctive. , Each pet-son , fivi!i, or COr,00r''..t:Y'vYl ,riJ• 0J oar annum 1toom 66 . Directory, et1C,l ?)E)r•Son, xjxAr;, or CCrJOT'ctioll uaz=.i 71E;, CJala)].113iL}. 'Jr offering for 3f31c , ;vheri: ardjertising irs sola, i;15 . 00 per annum . . T Lem 67 . Doctors gnu/ zurV.eons , each (?C'rJoil O.0 ivhcre - ,iartnerr lip ea.C}7 lnember of firm -`,.15 . 00 Der armira. - Iterl 6•C. Drovers, or dealers in. horse'.., , Co1PS , or Ot!,.,Yr 1ikre.Ttocki by traCa.ng o: other'viise , each ;>15. 00 per ss?nma, itelz 69* ojo houses OI C.Lot} l S C].eL nln _+St3�J11Sjbi:P.71i'.S or 2Eetlt9 fO2' 3di!i: , Ji' '8i thollt one " , !` " " lte iit�gY. U .. - Oc'_Y , ;�i17 • :)ll _?e Z' FL'111U1i1. In 70• Idloct io;;_i. ,"ach 'Oer^•on, _il:11, 'O]' corporati On doing tci 0- ^ . - t c, bu5.IJK-v:+ or SU11C1tirlC Olc C'trJ.Ca1 i7 le +- • * ' z.. Or , vZ'd. 751'cnt, I1CZ ;?ar:^ane7l't1},% 10CdTr CZ 7. n 'City ty ; 2.5. W-- �J' - ? pe Y' ttnTl'yq: Or IPeC �.a OI?F_t 1ii:1't Of •y?ar' . . Item 71 . .lectrical. Each persons fir't11, . Or cOrGOrati On doing business or soliciting (?lectric F_t 'York, peniianen$l✓ locatEd in City Fc provided tw, V^•3;iL'JI il, prD r n^ 'license shr.1liyrot , be less trap :j15. 00 ;er ..:rine'? . Itel!t 72 . P;I C' :iC lil?i'tt OSi(; ani :}1 , 00:,. 00 :A'.Y' a3llllil . ?'tut tO 3XC d tCit2111 of. a! . 00 per pole ta:xo; Item 73 . Ex-or�.SS COm')ar)i oc , R.n oh nr N y.., .. . D ... ^: Ott, .,, or Cor(7Oraa7. On doing 1:`lIS7.n35S as, an -2 press cofoi�)a ml c(>:?acerc:i.ally F.;nf^.i E:il 'i it 411ci. n E:i9 7,!1 t}1•i7 �'J+•t •.Sn(1 Se'niiJ.rid' n£;e?ce( as +'rpm tll'i i:1 �' t02`7 ' Do].ni. f exclusive, U ? +., 5 the Stat;) and any -Inters , te . iorei•"ilt or I ' ' .�ij(�. Oc1. paY• : t� • a+` . a . ;11 er1jL:jt,c^ trallcmaisin Item 711 • -'ire and hY' 015. a3e Of ..n.._ . .•-_rt,ii SC OT!1y � t:'c?:eie nt ) 3125. CO :ler • 1!IOTILn: ' lt&`m 75matitiNnn:i xvncv L01'•• . -^.XC.C.IuJ. Via ••1 r' •r) � �- � ••,• Mani T6 . 1'7.Griet, rY?Bn i10'S.Ce . :(it;:'_ flor'ief, OZ' d0a%et' iTl f7.nviers ;'2'-.00 ')or annuli. ; Item 77 • 17t•^�.t `7Lan(1 J :_C1.O l-ci;, !JC3AiF:CI .LTiS,7 f,a .it(i . r.� :. !:-:.•o 7rircipal !:tock J10 . 0%1" t _ :, Enna • Item ']l`� E) ov o 0'v ^,101 '.:: fit; i0;^ ' alci grocer, . 1 uOml 79. I'rllit and Oroduce bro'col-s and d..alerZ , S::.t1,li7t; a_)ai car on rail- road trach in addition to all other li cellss•s , not including locrl me rCC1 £Slts already. t � d, ( ' @.:: t' t' -Le J2j` 4.^ c.XE... ';1 . . Or� for L �. i1Y L: � .Y AOd. Item :iii. Pruit trees . '"'ach dealer or at;en't of. fr)i. t trae* , vane:: , shrdh:: and giants ;,425. 00 poll annum. I teia 81. Grain , feed, and flour Urolzers , 2 ,. 00 ve ?` f?:4)IU.c. L t01>) 82 . iil'Cen ::1`.'at3 , e vh retail. d alar in !!r2en ];:!: alis , '¢!j il. 0') T.`l. r annum. Itsu1 iij . Green meats , v.holesale , EE2ch Cerron , lir;, or corJova Lior vi; ose princirJ. or agent. taker Ordoro In th3 ity and supplicu tear! :ueats Ly retail to its inhabitants., X50 . 00 per annum. Item 8h' . Gun Shop, IOCkf3lltn. Or 1'L^. repair Shop confluc Ling eac L' Lilo . 00 por• a17niL'a. l tem t.`5 . Hair drCSSi.n, es :%113fuSents ,:1i. 00 oer a nn -um. Iteau 8 rut cicaninu establiSiu11eT1T,E , e:.Cl'.1gi e %10. 11' p;%r .iilnum. Item 87 . Hides j furog and tallow de 11 err, exclusive ,,255. 00 !•ler a14nu. Itera 68. Uoteis and rooming houses ehes•ging ti2 . 00 rl _•r ::a;' Gr core (: 10. 00psr anmmi ; chz:rglr;^ legs ths.^ }2 . 00 and ;,1 . 50 i).^..r naJa ;i30. 0C ,e, a+., n:uI; charl;ing lcss than• :x1. 53 per day , :,20. 00 :ler Omn m. ?oominEr. :rouser less than: 8 rooms, u10. M per enlr;;1 ; ei;rnt to eleven rooms „115 . 00 per ann11n. Tl'zel Ye Or I^Ur:. rowris , ,;20. 00 Cel^ a:1ri1L4, :;1.2. lj(i570'. Iron;ths . Item 89 . Ice factories , Each -,arson , = . r. , �r corrol :� Lion operatinice rectories 017 ct;Cl'."LS i'or - -. , Tr1nn :127, 1�� OutU"t, 15 less 'Lh'.til Ie toil� , _j`01 X00 Per arl1m' 75 -tons or over } :'5 . 03 Pr arnl7Lm. Item" 90. Ice ped"ler', each ice peddler :'11:.:1 Y:aron or L r, each =Con or car, 1 . 00 0r'" month ; is item . docs 'cot appy to rriarrn.: ^acturers elistrii::u- tin:_- ice . Item 91. Ice i:ro. a Peddler. each ;:1 . 00 per 1viontne I tetli 92. Ica Gream. Acach rviL i'acturer of ice cro? ia cv Llintg at i.rnolesc^.le , 027 . 010 per anmim. Item 9s & ( This n-amt7er is repealed . i;lerk ) Ice cream, exclusive ; eac l person , fir;a, or corporation se lin...: Ice crena a rat ii t5 . C;0 nes annue . 'l tem 93. IT1Si11'£nce 1".:9 jU.fiter l'ir /":I:c !.m . _.arsh ;:1 ~ 00 ;Jer - cnniL9. Item 910. Insurance A --ents en a ed ' solely in solic_itbin cas%lalt , lire3 Sire , . tornado, or accidel: L, ;15. 00 per annilra. Ite!n 9; . Laun'dri-e.'S EO'cTI ocrson , . rill'!?., OS L 'J?fH)rSti.OTl , Or a 6?Ylt; G BI'ainC or coliaitinC- for steers -laundry, :;50 . 01 pc:r ::±IT11111. Item 96. Lal'{;Tera, e?_c : per&Oil Or isiler0 nY'tnC l' tl:1U , LCIUM nlemibr Of ;;15. 00 per annum . Itom ill I.7.very, ic-ad Strlhlta and 'i61aj on :Cards M-ova horSCE Or Lmlca are no't ilanclled .fol' ..salr.32 'N15. 00 ier ' a`1n:10 . I'i;ei,1 91�. Limber : nd ilmbels AL'•Cnts 'aain i;.Lillin(_ oflic': in City i±iJ • li0 per unI1L71. It'j!fi Ji• liac,lina Shors . C:. machine .^.iloo not cCnllvcted :ith r il,rwrl eflUley- iTi,- less tri ail r7.ve man oi' e:T7lUI er:y , tit.'') . GU 'five and less than tcn ;25 . 0Q, ten and over :}50. 00 per an:llus. Item 100. idachirery !.gents . 1 aC.^ 3•;;enb fGI` Sale 0,1* re-;.rOY second nand in�, offioe in City , ;il!:. 00 per zinnum " Ite:e 101. :'anufscturvr` F"Isirleas l. , t o *; ' f d Prof1 rot. u�-Ci.2 Ict t:.1..r.... s cci ied Schedule A* •!.te;u 1G?. .. hle or " stone plea or dealer. `� , ahed`,:.' e A. Item 10% LdercharvJdSe . 3rc:?t ca -r1c' r in arti.Cle or. aY' tic.i.e;s of :r. rcilandi.re not Spe".Afiutd Ul t1l'i ; SC ':e.iU1C , .�',CflCthl]-ii 1 tCirl 10!!+ -�CZ'ChaI1d7,5C broker , 11aVZn :.n Orr1CC i?i tlte Cit", mer• u11n1i1➢ . I te:1 1045 . >P.rC:"lallt ':' il.Or', O"_• aF ant trlC:reor, Y^. t}I S'tOC,' , 0) he I tBla 1•:JE . =!"L'C lti;iit Bal,Or or aj'eTl't Vjux'eof :Aithout stock ::i15. 'D i)er annot.7.1. T.t01 .L07 . '.essen ;er Servic(; . i) Gratin` .Specind iaesFienter sorvi.c@ , fQ per. a,nllum. 108 . 7:1n^xa). hater and soft di-links , retail dealer in $5 . 00 per 21:11111?I. 109 . 1.1illS . Each person, firm, or corpoi•aticn, ope_atin- a corn, flour or grain =gill , Schedule All 310. Vewspaper, daily: Each Tterson1 fir:!: , or cor0m.. 3tion cond'uctinC, ; here circulai:ion is----1 , 000 to , ()00, 5.'15. 00 p ;r annu:7, - -5, 000 t:o 1+1, 000 .P20. 00 per Einn'.1m. 17.1. Newspapers , :-:eeiay" or serai-.rhorn circv1a�ion is l , C()0 to 3, 000 :0'10 . 00 per annu}a, 3, 000 to 5, 000 {r_15e :)0: per. anmmP, 5, SOC to 10,000 ,00.oi) iter annun. 112 . NowspapnrS , monthly IvInein cireulaat:ion is 1 , 000 to 3, 000 U10. 00 ner annwi, 3, 000 to 5 , 000 a:15. ':•0 xr am m; 5, 000 to 10, 000 Pell annwn. 113 . Ilmns deale?'s CarjdliiEq n3:73D74:)3rs . iio Zin 5 and p3riodicals not arinted :Ln Ci t.;r, ; 10. GO er -llnu7n . 114. tails . _.,Ln r?eal(.;r in lubricating, iihmina .i.n;g, 'u?nsecd and tur- pentine oils , aid gasoline , end grease , Schedule he 115. Oil and „asoline ellinF to consl:raer , o;u: pw o ;ysr year w :L5. G0 110. Osteopath, e:_ch year 117 . Optician or OD'}. OI , Grict2 each par year 118.. Oculist, each per year >15 . Gr) 119e ua :'tient factories, Schedule A. 120. Packing, house co;,ioardes bratichel oT• a.geitto^ or "ro :ars soliciting or selling -Dac};ill,^ abuse llLdreen mc'. atS F,.x" ing g . ' i •n . is ; l;i . (.�i) allnw^.1. 1.21 . Patent medicino :aanufacturors , located, in the City ;25 . 00 _nr arinu"a. 122 . 'Photographers 31S . 00 oer anlu:;l. 123 . Photo�r•tphei-s t2liill!? pictilr9s oil Lille Fa.".'e2t nY"J!ll 1J1' t0 170 :0 hav:ini.; no licensed studio in the Ci t,y o;' t'z;y ttsvi.l7.e , Ar1r . , $11 . 00 per days 124. rlotoi;raphers ::applies , 5c'slecu:i.e A. 125. . Pliunbin,;, gas or steaa f.:itter , cor,•tractors , arploying les:. than til ee ela-ployes , ;25 . 00 ,>Fir anril m, emalUyit}lree OP rtiO lP e:ic;l9yi;•355 ;35 e O0: 126; itailrond Companies , receivers i.n ?i.vidual or � associations o;3eratin railrOF:.a..S eP.t( ri n� the city Land ma.ivitai.'Iin:' and operatin(; a passc !iC.er and frei,Aht depot, it not "being the purpo e to tax any inter:: tat".= fol"ei rn or Lrd.ted states ,:usirass , .„a0i) . 0(7 per anmlm. V 127 . Re=. ir. �110n3 n(A speci-fically mpritioned in this scnedale 128 . :ia7'i N,17.1.^'• j OT Ft ,L!}lin(I G lIL 1'i-i t' or 2n conn OC ti. O?7 7.tll 1V7 ber j ElydJ or not Schbdu7.o A. 129. Sand and gre.vcl de:elers not in connection r;it}3 lwicer yarel . 510. 00 per anntun. 130. Se"wer Pipe , IL1110 of cement, principal buvincss , Schedule e 131. ; Seviing Machines , which se 1 directly or by a ent, or by dealer in serrin�r nIHChA73e3 ';15 . 00 per anmL1. 132. Fainting,. . each co:anlercial x'.:0 . 00 per annum, transient, %;2 . 00 ;e /` r:eek. 133. Slot or vending nachine, rrei ';ili.ng, or distril„tinrr confections , 811�s , etc . =x:7.. 00 Per ar_nulil. 134. Stencil cutter of manufacturer or dealer in rubber stanns , Schedule A. 135. Stock and i3o71d F?rolccrs e cil person, 11M. or corporation conductir4,: business, 515 . 00 per ar_nu;:a. 136. Studio, talsic Oi' O'thiO. d3cj ;>X('j ;.-Cr entree. 137 . Ser;ar nils+ *.::ctories , each person, firm, or corporation corductin 138 . Te1eF Pal}i, n= ,;ani.cs , eachsu, c:' orpori. F,ion coiureTci ally engai;cd in tU." Cit,, rind c .md.Jnj. m . ,.,2r.^-.s (rola ,;(sCit t( F ) anr point Gl.x?ina 7cE 531-7 tC-IL' . 133. ( coup) . in VII; Stat<? Or from any point in th3 ~tat, ox' from ,' point ,, the state $o the City, and exclusive of any interst�.t: , t4yt; L- or United. States ,zlessares ;50. 00 per ennui, Item 139. Telep}1Ot?es . Each parson, fii-1, 4r corpora ti On conducting, a telephone exchn_=ln,e and applyinE to interstate :npsszges exclusively 100000 nor ia�ni?;n, "OL to exceed v10 * 0 per pole tax. 1l4G. in Shoe, conducC:lry., e;+ch , riinc`ti>nl }n:,sin ss, Schedule 1141 . Transient ;)r;Y;,iri. ans . ac:h transient 7).hysi4ial orvender � Of spectacles Or eye Masses or compoil u`?� sold as medicine by- !3 Or of :erlriso , ;j2:. (;C tYe ;:eek, a5. ,>� aea' dam. 1112 . i'ra_nsient dealers . 1:11 transient de,:Ier. as herein described in S2ction , 'y licen a^ tip; O. 00 SF 9}1411 '7i; F.i? o •U1J.U}YfJo rlhere FWUek n less t[ Nl?. �U pa. Lnnui; ;500. 00 and le i, O tan per annum • :'l. is than wi1 , 000. 00, 4)15 . 00 s2 0 ' , 'e ' e:7 Oi and less :Chill 42 , 000. 00, ,32G. (70 }x x' annwn; , .less . il a3, OrG 13O, , 25, 00 per L*Tulwl, �3, 00c. 00 and less . than '>5 UG ' , U• L0; :u30. 00 par ar ium; w5, 000. 00 and lees thwn ,A10, O0'0. J0; ;jljG. (,0 per aan;7LLii 1.70 ''' ,'� V re l.nw. � 1G, 0:,(,. t'iU, SSU. «u Per anTia l ' 4r ' lr :ct' oral n art he_rof. 7143. Towel SuPPly CO. 4¢5. 00 (ler winum. 1144. Tr&rtsiont Loo's canvassers v:}lo collect, ;none on de;l5.ve :!y oi' i UU}ss, newspa, Bret, Ox �.< ,*a :es , 310. 00 ,ter en •a_;ed 1. o annum for eac}7 arson so f> , >5. 00 for six months . 71j5. Transiont m rch nte, s;il.asrien , 0x dlv ,mers n_ ped in se11i }:ares or 14a id `n.Ls . L n gcocis, T.n . `-• • C t0 other than re& lar licensed mci•c:}?ants or .anufact=:rers , 5;25. 06 pei' nnum, ;;].G. GG per north, .JSG. 00 per i:•eek. 1!40. Tra713fer a Ja[ ra a CU 1pani.es or porsoi7 , exr lu::l.Vfj o li CUns%3 , less e that, three, Conveyances , dr10. 00 ; over Other 147 . Undertakers, }sash i ci':aOn firs ox 5 1 , , c0rc4ration doing. busitt: ss , ,chedil_e ti. 11480 UUhOlsterers, cash Terson, fir , or corporation ;10 . 00 149. Veterinary suri-eon, ;r7. . 00 mer , per annum. 1,:0, 1"Vilehouse bonded LnC;to ' Or �erc}lcrdise stosa,;e Or household FoWs , }:here space is 50,000 squarE feet or les:> ;,515. 00 per annum; where space is .7.UG, 000 r;iuvm f'e'et and ler,;; than 1;0, 000 squabs feet, ,?5. 0 ; ilEr annum ; 1'ihEre space is 150,1)OO square feet or OVaT•, annu n. 152 . i940d 'Yard or dealer in !rood, corductin,=• eau 7, .,5 , 00 aEr annum. 153. 1Celdrr.. - Le;npanies , icer arnitin �i10. n0. 1514. Tynrrriter a;;encie3, ea4h' are, or dealer, s,+S. OG per annu . Tt14 u twY i'lEre'1n 14, 011ti Oned Sac 111 tY' M,:r LIMIUL7 1n1!'' S3 C)i ham SiSe t•i d a t::d. SECTICI41 Tffi E . The 11101u r' transient dealer" 'for the piu•p0se of i} ia or�i.nance shall t ianho and orc7 such person or persons , i:otia prilxc1pa7. r-:nd +T ent !rho atop at hotels or xent roo:W at ot!?Er places to dist'11ay Choir Capri: er �o from house to house and sE11 such goods l,xxes, or r e_ cilr�=mise by srr clo 4r othO*;rine and deliver their E;oods a'L t}te or aftsoraids to the pbdV Sr.ser ao rlilx•chasers . ISOit i'u_^tiler ott,Gi.ned th«t ar1,i' ia_':;Jrl, fix7u, o?° cox _:orati4n eT1j�a Led in t7i4 Or !f.01'3 ',^.•=J±lne:i:i, VUCati 011s, Cillin• •5 � Ox' �)).•4fE3Si Ons Qi^.Utne?'y ,;ed 117 Section 2, 4i till^ Ord mance .lo Crated in t}1e saTi:E ii i11101t1i°, and f02` 1'i!i7.0}l liCE:7sie is Y'UUiLli'ed fol' ea0}L the• total avorage licens8 Ox' nro a d for 6!IJ.c "li, provided further all suer. en, a e scuts are all 0r. amount under separa � i_ut ratOs , or for a sI: ^ ted t i ue;ns h _ <. Lo Cal Of tiLE ! ifU ite;!!s t[nd i,L ^Sn, t}Len 'the ta:: s}lall, j;E . ( }33 e0 iCPlpLli.^.. 'I:ftE in t!7i+ e iae,, , t ro- i i.rcl:, Cho Lotul cf ov er till :t!u:re its ns , 4rl(:...iie.t? 4 f' 'r,he 44x;7 total i Lo;nso " d t ord:i.nance Mo . ' 531- 9 OECTI011, F1VFi;. In all c ?„P.3 where "et amount. to be paid for license depends upon the capit Uz invested or the. val. i:e. of ,roods , or stocic, it _ shall be the duty of the uorso;a a,pplyin -e for such license to Ponder to the City Collector a slvoI4n stattnhent of such :: )ibel. � tGJiY, Oh'• the volu n of such stocks of goods , and such other and fllrt?ier proof ahs the City Collector vii.l demand to show the actual wiiount of . t?ic . capital invested, value of goods or stock, and the City Collector shall not be raquired to re;:eipt for any money until such proofs fire furni.s:hed pirevided ).nit eact! Vers Un, fi2711, or corporation havin;, ;core titan one place of business ; each shall be considered a separate alhd distinct place of business and ase;; sc cl as provided in this ordinance . SFCTICI''1 SI '- : A11 czinuea license& orovid:ed fo- - under this ordinance hnay be issued b fire City Oollactor for sit: montlis period . Ali licenses shall ire paid in fill in advance cnnnally on "S;.ho { fiat :lay of J`Lnuary of each year, alto semi—annually shcl is payable on July first and January first of each year. Fractional parts of the last half of the year shall be charged for ;pro rata from such date to Jann.a.2nf lst following. SEC17071 SFV ;d . That no license issued under this ordinance Shall ire trans— ferred , exce;:t by the Consent of the City Council of the City of in-'retteville , Arkansas and no license s1inll ae trr.nsferred in any event iilore titan once, and never frons business to another. S CTEDN sIGihi . faiv person, firra, oi' corjor:=tion, or a en't thereof, .vnlatine any of the previsions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde= meanor, and upon conviction in tric . police court of the City, shall. '.7e' fined in. any sum not less Ulan Vie amount of the license provided for in the section violated, nor ::;ore than. diouble such a:.^.OLhlt :fOZ' N2ch OZ'fenSC` , and each day oi' said violation shall cons titute . an . separate offense . SECTIO1,1.' 1iIi12 . Should ' iny section or )rovision of this ordinance be for any roalson hel.d void or inv�l'id, it sh." I riot , ffect the validity of -rr other uectlon ' or provision therebf, w1r; ch is not itself void or invalid. Si?CTIOii T :J . 'This. orrinance shall ?hot recleal provisions for licenses con— tcnined in ordinances previollsly ado)tout. oxceppt a :: ex'aro.msjy silo,IM I79Y'eln. SD,'TI[iiJ TMELVE . The tj'ity :Jouncil may byunanimous consc:n+. thereof, all pre— sent , or tree pl;i'pose of char) ty, Ur . h:ineh : i.t is sile9:n. _ ,rtea 'ti1C'. (7:hG11C [*,O(Xi regPui1'i.j. it, redhice. or 'rerli t the vlhole , o2' any part of tha license imposed by this ordinance . 11 u'TIO;a THIR•i' E" . This Ordinance shall tako effect and . tie in _ force from . and after Januax"j l. , 1925. _sassed and approved this 27th day of Cctoher, 192)1.