HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 530 ORDINANCE N0 . AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PER- ISANENT I1.EPROV2,7,2NT OF TETE INTERPECT' IO'NS OF CERTAIN STREETS V1ITH- IN TEE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARYANSAS . AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES % WHEREAS , there has been formed and created within the corp- orate limits in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas a certain Im- provement District known as Annex Number One to West Lafayette Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ! WHEREAS , it is the policy of the City of Fayetteville , Ark- ansas to aid in constructing and. maintaining permanent streets con- structed under the improvement district plan , and ; WHEREAS , "the City of Fayetteville has assumed part of the ex- penses of improving streets in other improvement districts . NOVI , THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FA.YETTEVILLE , ARIrANSAS ; Section One : That there is hereby appropriated out of the general funds of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , the sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty ' Dollars ( %647360 . 00 ) to be used by the Board of Improvement of Annex Number One to West La- Fayette Avenue Improvement District Dumber One of the City of Fay- etteville , Arkansas . in permanently paving the intersections of all streets. within said Improvement District , and otherwise permanently improving the same . Section Two : That the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas are directed to issue warrants drawn on the general fund of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , payable MICR0F1�4 S DAZE—r REEE� 2 to bearer as follows : One warrant for the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars , ( W6850 . 00 ) , payable October 1 , 1925 , One warrant for the -sum of Nine Hundred Dollars , (900 . 00 ) , payable October 1 , 1926 . One warrant for the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars , (850 . 00 ) , payable October 1 , 1927 . One warrant for the sum of Iline Hund- red Dollars ( W900 . 00 ) , payable October 1 , 1928 , and one warrant for the sum of night Hundred and fifty Dollars , ( y850 . 00 ) , payable October 1 , 1929 . To be delivered on the order of the 3oard of Improvement of said improvement district , In case of default in payment of any annual installment of the contract at maturity , or of the warrants herein directed to be drawn then , in that event , such defaulted installment shall draw interest at the rate of Eight per cent per annum from maturity until paid as a penalty for failure to pay said install - ment when due . Section Three : That all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in force and ef - fect from and after its passage , approvsl acrid publication . Passed and approved this 20th day of ^, ctober , 1924 , IL Attest : Approved : Clerk . I,_ayoor .