HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 523 ORDINANCE VO *P: . O AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE CONTRACTING WITH MORENO- BURKHAM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, A CORPORATION , TO REPAIR AND MAKE IMPROVE- MENTS ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND TO FURNISH THE NECESSARY MATERIAL , WORK AND LABOR FOR THE SAME, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID MATERIAL , WORK AND LABOR" . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That repairs and improvements be made upon the fol- lowing streets in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , at the places herein named, to-wit : X:1�P�„n„-� �-v-e- -...Q, -G� �-e-as�u�-J' �J•�%z-�2�1 Qom"-.�,,�2 �n� 1�.p•��e �,�„��/ rte ��rr- . -�a-:_�� ����ee��.�eeC��- ,.._��- SECTION TWO : That said improvement shall consist of paving the intersections " of said streets and the construction of necessary cul- verts and drains to take care of the drainage which must pass under the paving from the adliegnt territory next to said intersection of , said streets . SECTION THREE : The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by the City Council of said City hereby contracts with the Moreno-Burkham Con- struction Company, a corporation, to do and perform the work and labor and furnish the necessary material for the repair and con- struction as herein set forth on said streets , and at said inter- sections of streets as herein mentioned, said improvements to be according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . The City of Fayetteville agrees to pay to said Company for the same as follows : /re o� A ,0 R _ 1 _ For all work , labor and material furnished, the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas # agrees tolpay as follows : \ quare yards of asphaltic pavement @ the yard, 3 GDD \� lD D D square yards concrete pavement @ 3 � per square yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 ea Total amount to be paid by the City of Fayetteville in this contract is the sum of Fifty-Kine Hundred and Four ( $5904) Dollars , which amount the Cpuncil finds to be a fair and just compensation for said material furnished and work and labor to be performed in such improvement . SECTION FOUR : Upon the completion of repairs and improvements upon said streets , at the places hereinbefore described , by said Moreno- Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, and the acceptance of said materials used and work and labor done in said repairs and improvements by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas-- said City of Fayetteville agrees to pay said Moreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, Fifty-Nine Hundred and Four ( $5904) Dollars to be paid out of the General Revenue Fund of said City by warrants drawn in favor of said Moreno- Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, or bearer, payable in the following amounts and on the following dates , to-wit : First year , August 1 , 1925, $738 . 00 Second year , August 1 , 1926s 705 . 20 Third year , August 1 , 1927 , 672 . 40 Fourth year , August 1 , 19288 639 . 60 Fifth year, August 1 , 19299 606 . 80 Sixth year , August 1 , 1930s 574 . 00 Seventh year , August 1 , 19310 X541 . 20 Eighth year , August 1 , 1932, 508. 40 Ninth year , August 1 , 19339 475 . 60 Tenth year , August 1 , . 1934, 442 . 80 If the City of Fayetteville . makes default in the payment of any one of said sums , when the same becomes due and payable , the City of Fayette- ville agrees and stipulates with the owner of the warrant , representing the amount of the sum in which the City has defaulted in the payment of , 1 to pay said owner of said warrant the sum of eight per cent interest per annum on said warrant from the date of such default , until the said sura of is fully 'paiid, as an agreed and stipulated amount on the part of the City of Fayetteville , for' its • failure to perform its contract with said Moreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation , or the owner of said warrant . SECTION FIVE : This contract shall be binding upon the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , from and after the passage , approval and publication of this Ordinance , and the . acceptance of the same by the said Mmreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, in writing filed in the office of the City Clerk of Fayettevil]e , Arkansas , and compliance with its terms by said Moreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, on its part . The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby pledges itself and all of its officers to the faithful performance of this contract as herein set forth in this Ordinance , upon the full performance of the contract herein set forth on the part of said Moreno-Burkham Constructinn Company, a corporation. SECTION SIX: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved this 28th day of July, 1924 . Approved • 0JUA % IA IA/4� Mayor Attest : er r.