HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 522 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND ESTABUISH VANDEVENTER AVENUE AND TO - RELINQUISHTHE CITY ' S ,RIGHTS - TO CERTAIN ALLEGED STREETS IN THE CITY . & JAYETTEVILLE; ARKANSAS , AND ,`FOR OTHER PURPOSES . " . WHEREAS , Vandeventer Avenue in the City of Fayetteville , Arkan- sas is now open and established and is now ,- and has been for sever- al years , used as a public street in said city , and WHEREAS , the old County Court plat heretofore filed as a part of the . City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shows a .street , unnamed , about 140 feet East of Vandeventer Avenue and running parallel therewith . , and WHEREAS , said unnamed street was never opened or used as a pub lic street but- has at all times been held , used , and occupied by private parties , and -- WHEREAS.,. _a_-revised plat -of_Block Four of County Court Addition, to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , was on the 28th day of July 1924 , filed with . the Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , not showing the unnamed street as shown on the original old County Court plat as being a street but showing Vandeventer Avenue as a public street . THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILIE ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That Vandeventer Avenue as shown by the revised plat of Block Four of County Court Addition to the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , be , and the same is by the said city , accepted as a public street-"and the supervision , control , and jurisdiction of - ti said street being by said city accepted and assumed by this ordinance , SECTION TWO : That all of the right or interest that' the city may have claimed or had by reason of the filing of the old County Court. plat , which showed on said plat an alleged street about 140 feet East of Vandeventer Avenuerand running parallel therewith North and MiCROFILMED, DATE OCT 4 REEL �T r 1 South , be relinquished and all of the interest or apparent inter- est that said City may have acquired by reason of said plat showing said unnamed street , is hereby waived and shall inure to the bene- fit of the parties owning or claiming to own said property at this time . SECTION THREE : That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be , and the same are hereby , repealed , and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval , and publication , APPROVED : Mayor 7 - zs- Ly ATTEST : 6kCler rool L