HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 519 ORDIVANP= NO . 519 AN ORDINAi*.CL TO P37kf7MT D RY ON AIR'lOYi,TIL'r FROM Ai'IYT IDJr DA1;03ROUS , OFI TTSI '1r Oii UT1; ]1.T,TIE' ZIT' :I i; I'? I LIi•.I' ' ui. CS ^ 't' . '? , ^,T1 � I:I:>'; ^ O'S ZO;P45IT, THE CITY OF Fi.Y:?TTEWILLB , ARKA7.1"AS , AND F03 011iI R PI,'RPOS7.39 . T; IT O'DAII1:'.D BY TIE CITY . C )ITC [L OF Sec .. 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person to establish, maintain, operate , or construct, or be ihteres+gid in establishing, maintaining, operating, or constructing any factory; steam laundry, poultry house , livery barn, lumber yard, lumber depot;. or storage house foil any other inflamable material , planing, mill , machine shop , blacksmith shop, public garage , filling station, or any other noisy or offensive avocation vrithin three hundred feet of any church house , public school house , or hospital within the City of IFayetteville , Arkansas , cxcopt such bur_dness as may now be established and in operation within said limits . Sec . 2 . That hereafter all business houses that are built or constructed within three hundred feet of any church house , public school house , or hospital within the City of 1' ayetteville , Arkansas , shall be constructed out of fire proof materi<1 and said building shall comply in every respect b; th the amity building; code for the fire proof buildings within the fire zone heretofore established in said City, and W subject to the terms and provisions of the ordinances establishing said fire zone . sec. 3 . That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of, and not repeal any other ordinance except the same be in conflict herewith> Sec . 4. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by fine of not exceeding $,`1100. 00 and each day that any of the terms of said Ordinance ars violated shall be a separate offense under this Ordinance . Sec . 5. That this Ordinance shall take affect and be in force from and after its passage , approval , and publication. Passed and approved this loth d,y of July, 1921 , - ►^AiCR�F11kA� L918 pA1E REEIy�'—