HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 517 Aer ORDINANCE 110 . � A AN Oc _ _ ':C.: TO BE ENTITLED "All ORDINANCE TO PREV-IIT INJURY OR AI1.20Y &IJOE FRO:.e ANYTHING DANGEROUS , OFFENSIVE , OR U14HEALTHY . . ITHI1T THE LIi.:ITS OF CERTAIN DISTRACTS IN THL CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE , ARKAi+SAS , AND FOR OTHER PUR20 SES . " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE , ARKAIQSAS : SECTIOII OITE : That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person to establish , maintain , operate , or construct , or be interested in ��the �� establishing , maintaining , operating , or con- structing of any,,factory , steam laundry , poultry house , livery barn , lumber yard , planing mill , machine shop , blacksmith shop , public garage , filling station or any other noisy or offensive avocation within C; •� Ce feet of any church house , public school house , or hospital within the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , except such businesses as may now be established and in operation within said limits . SECTION T',:0 : That hereafter all business houses that are built or constructed within Peet of any church house , public school , or hospital within the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall be constructed o�' of fire proof material and said building shall comply in every respect with the city building code for fire proof buildings within the fire zone heretofore established in said city , and be subject to the terms and provisions of the ordinances establishing said fire zone . S._ CTI '11 THREE : That this ordinance shall be cumulative of and not repeal any other ordinance except the same bete* in oon- flict herewith . SECTION FONT : That any person violating any of the proviZions of this ordin-.nce shall be punished by fine of not exceeding ati f�� 04 � l : MIICROf7Lly,Ep DATE OCT 4 ... + e luon and such day that any of the terms of said ordinance are violated shall be a separate offense under this ordinance . SECTION FIVE : That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage , a3proval , and publicat- ion . Passed and approved this 3 0 day of 1924 . Approved : Attest : le rk .