HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 508 • y' ,i ORDINANCE N0 . 508 . AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE - APPROPRIATING . THE SUES OF $59500 . 00 OUT OF THE GENERAL REVENUES OF THE CITY TO COVER THE COST OF PAVING AND OTHERWISE IMPROVING THE NORTH ONE HALF OF WEST DICKSON STREET " WHEREAS , the CityTC�uncil of the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , did , on the I4th day of �r , I924 , adopt , the following Resolution : " WHEREAS , the property owners on West Dickson Street from the East line of Duncan Street to the East line of Garland Avenue have filed with the City Council of the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , a petition purporting to represent a majority in value of the property owners in the territory described and set forth in said petition and said petition being for , the purpose of -forming. -an Improvement- District to be known as Annex Number One to University Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , and ; "WHEREAS , Ehe County Quorum Court of Washington County, Arkansas at the October term of said court , I923 , passed a resolution appropriating a sum not to exceed 0 30 , 000 . 00 for the purpose of paying one - half • the cost of the paving in University Improvement District Number One o£ the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , and ; "WHEREAS , The property owners on Dickson Street - other than those embraced in University Improvement District Number One,. have formed Annex Number One, to University Improvement District Number One , and ; "WHEREAS , It becomes necessary at this time - in order that the said Annex Number One of University Improvement District Number One , of the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , may proceed , for the City . of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , to make some provision for the Paving - of the North side of said West Dickson Street , which is adjacent to the grounds ,of the University of Arkansas , and there being no arrangements at this time by which said street can be improved ; " THEREFORE;-?BB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE ,ARKANSAS : " Section One : That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ,agrees and obligates itself. to make the necessary arrangements to provide the necessary funds - to cover the cost of paving. the north half of West Dickson Street_ from the East line of Duncan Street to the East line of Garland Avenue „ as designated and in accordance with the plans. and sgecifications . as . adopted by the Board of Improvement . of the said Annex Number One -to 'University Improvement District Number One . of the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , " Section Two : That the said obligation � as set forth in Section One , shall not exceed the sum of $ 59500 . 00" . And , WHEREAS , the City Engineer ' s estimate- of the cost of one half . of said improvement equals or exceeds •the sum to be paid ' by the City of Fayetteville ; THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL . OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ,ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That pursuant to said resolution and agreement con- tained therein , the Mityor and the City Clerk - of the City of Fayette - ville ,Arkansas , are directed to issue warrants •; drawn on the General Fund of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , payable to the contractor or bearer ; and delivered to the contractor-, on the order of the commissioners , for the purpose aforesaid , of improving the North one -half , of West Dickson Street.- in Annex Number One - to University Improvememt District Number One- o£ the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas ;warrants sufficient to pay one -half of the cost. of the proposed improvement .;not to exceed the sum of 50500 . 00 upon the terms and conditions as follows : 14 MiCREg DATE sip REEL .w One warrant for I , I00 * 00 due and payable July Ist . , I924 , and one -fourth of the balance . to be paid in annual installments , on the Ist , day of each July thereafter for four years . In case of default . in payment of any annual installment .of the contract at maturity ; then , in that event , such defa'lted installment, . shall draw interest . at the rate of eight ( 8 ) per cent per annum from maturity until paid , as a penalty , for failureito pay said installment when due . SECTION TWO : That all Ordinances in conflict herwith. are hereby repealed and this Ordinance , shall be in force and effect.. from and after its passage , approval , and publication , Passed and approved this 31st day of March , I924 . Attest : -_ �-� � � - - Approved : _ -- -_ - - -- -� Clerk . Mayor . a,5 GZ}, F r / Io r l or