HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 490 q?o f _ .1 7 r TTIT R .1 7, i�.a. O . iCOVTD1 CR ill . 3,70 017 . a . ,iL dJ 6� o tatL -D • n � 0 ' i;A' ^ a.: �;�� 1" - r- " �;; "BOOIUARD" SYSTFei:S OF TRAkr IC 2A)G11LATIOPd` A^t STR71^ INT3M)EC^lI0iV5 PROVIDT `'.'.i FOR TIp3 Ai"ROPRIATB RARYER TO DMIGWA'IE TIIE SA?u AMD PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TIE VIOiATION OF. TfaS ' QR0IT1A.RCE . 11 ' BE IT C?OMNED BY TAi' CITY COUNOIL Or FAY" TIMI LL , AMANSAS : Section 1 . The Uayor and . i.he Chief of Police are Iiartaby authorized to +� osos a�the "stop" or "Boclevard'} system of traffic regulation at congested street intersections within the City of Fayattevi.11e , Arkansas Hnen in their judgwnt the system is necessary to properly revulate and safeguard traffic . ®. . Section 2 . A bread lim shall be minted across the surface of the street, rom Bu er to gutter, with the word "^-,top« painted in large letter: in such a manner that both line and letters can be plainly and easily seen . These markings together pith such other appropriate si.ms that may be thought necessary , shall be placed at or near an intersecting street. When an intorsoction is 'so ma IQ- d and , lbttared, the "Stop" or "boulevard" Wtem shall he duly established at such intersection. Section 3 . All vehicles ofwhatsoever kind , motor driven or cthcraiso, Baal Como to a orntplote ani actual stop before proceeding across the painted line, as designated , in Section 2 of this Ordinance . Me. caora 'vehicle as used in tris Ordinance is meant to include and does include any and all typeq classes , or kinds or both motor driven and horse draFtn vehicles ; horses and all other livestock, whether led, ;;, `1ti;ti ;�.or driven. Section 4 . Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this rc nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof in the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine of not less than One ;1 . 00 Dollar nor more than Twenty-five '25 . ("'o) dollars for each offense and all. ordinances or part^ o£ ordinances in conflict herevith be and the same aro repealed and that this ordinance be in full farce andeffect from and after its passage , approval and publication. Passed and anrroved this 17th day of September, 1923, MfCROFI 44 iqpg DATE REEL �