HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 489 Ito , ORDINANCE N0 . 4 `b AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF CERTAIN TERRITORY' VITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY" OF FAYETTEVILLE $ ARKANSAS , INTO`1AN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT , FOR IMPROVING NORTH SCHOOL AVENUE , FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF DICKSON STREET TO THE CENTER OF WEST CENTER STREET , AND SOUTH SCHOOL AVENUE , FROM THE CENTER OF WEST CENTER ' STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF PRAIRIE STREET , AND PRAIRIE STREET , FROM THE WEST LINE'dF SOUTH SCHOOL AVENUE TO THE. EAST. LINE OF GOVERNMENT AVENUE_ _DESIGNATI'NG THE NUMBER OF THE DISTRICT AND FINDING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF AND NAMING' THE SAME . " WHEREAS , at a meeting of the City Council of ,the . City of.• Fayette- . ville, Arkansas , held on the 1'l & day of 91923,1 a Petition ••: :C,signed:. by ten owners of real property - within ' the District , hereinafter de- IL scribed in Section One of- . this Ordinance , was presented to said Council asking that it take steps toward the making of an improvement , consist- ing of grading, rolling and paving with Asphaltic Pavement , the follow_ ing Streets and parts of Streets as may be more fully determined by the Board of Improvement of said District , to- wit : North ,School Avenue ,- from the , South Line of Dickson Street to the , aenter2of. west Center Street , and-South School_Avenue , , : from the center_of West Center Street to lthe South line of Prairie Street , and Prairie Street, from the West line of South School Avenue to the East line of Government Avenuee WHEREAS , in said Petition it was further prayed that the City Council lay off and stipulate portions of real estate into sn Improve ment District for making said improve ents : NOW, THEREFORE'; BE IT :, ORDAINED BY THE CITY :COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 'ONE : That the °following lots , blocks , streets , alleys and parcels of real estate in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be , and the " same are hereby laid, off and declared to be an Improvement District with. 9 in the said City , to- wit : Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot Three= ( 3 ) , .Sub- division of Y W Q _•Block Six ( 6 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and running thence m in a Southerly direction along the West line of the Lots and Blocks as follows . - 140 2 . Lots Three ( 3 ) , Eight ( 8 ) , Nine ( 9 ) , Twelve ( 12 ) , Thirteen ( 13 ) , Eighteen ( 18 ) , Sub- division of ' Block Six ( 6 ) , Original Plat of Fayette- Ville , Arkansas , to the Southwest corner of Lot Eighteen ( 18 ) in said Sub- division of Block Six ( 6 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence across West Spring Street to the Northwest corner of Lot Two ( 2 ) , Sub- division of Block Nine ( 9 ) , Original Plat of r'ayetteville, Arkansas ; thence in a Southerly direction along the East line of the alley to the Southwest corner of Lot Seven ( 7 ) , in said Sub- division of Block Nine ( 9 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence across West Meadow Street toFthe Northwest corner of Lot One ( 1 ) , in Block Twenty ( 20 ) , Original . . Plat of J+'ayetteville , Arkansas ; thence ina Southerly direction to the Southwest corner of said Lot One ( 1 ) , in said Block Twenty ( 20 ) ; thence in an Easterly direction, to the Northwest corner of Lot Two ( 2 ) , in said Block Twenty ( 20 ) , Original Plat of r'ayetteville , Arkansas ; thence ih a Southerly direction to othe Southwest corner of said Lot Two ( 2 ) , in said Block Twenty ( 20 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southerly direction across West Center Street to the Northwest corner of Lot Four ( 4 ) , BlOck Twenty-mtbree= ( 23 ) . Original Plat of -wayetteville , Ark- aneas ; thence in a Southerly direction to the Southwest corner of Lot Five: ( $ ) , Block Twenty- three= ( 23 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southwesterly direction across West Mountaih Street to the Northwest cornerr- of Lot Two ( 2 ) , Block Thirty- four ( 34 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; thence in a Southerly direction along the West line of Lots Two ( 2 ) , Ten ( 10 ) , Nine ( 9 ) and Eight A ( 8a ) of said Block Thirty- four ( 34 ) to the North line of West Rock Street ; thence in a Southeasterl3i direction across West Rock Street to the Northwest corner of Lot Six ( 6 ) , Block Thirty- seven ( 37 ) , Original Plat of Nayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southerly direction along . the West line of Lots Six ( 6, ) , Five ( 5 ) and 'Four ( 4 ) , in said Block Thirty- seven ( 37 ) ; thence in a Southerly direction to a point which is on the North line of West South Street which is 160 . 7 feet West of the West line of South School Avenue ; thence in a Southerly direction across West South Street to the Northwest corner of Lot One ( 1 ) , Block Thirteen ( 13 ) , Fergueon ' s Addition to the 3 . City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southerly direction along the East line of the . ailey in said Block Thirteen ( 13 ) to the Southwest corner of Lot Five ( 5 ) , Block Thirteen ( 13 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Westerly direction across 11 the alley to the Southeast corner of Lot Fourteen ( 14 ) of Block Thirteen ( 13.) , - Fergueon ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest corner of - said Lot Fourteen ( 14 ) , Block Thirteen ( 13 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Westerly direction across South West Avenue to the Southeast corner of Lot Two ( 2 ) , in Block Twenty- two ( 22 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Westerly direction to the Northeast corner of Lot Five ( 5 ) , County Court Sub- division of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16a North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West ; thence 1 . iiii a Westerly direction to the '-Northwest corner of said Lot -wive ( 5 ) , County Court -Sub- division of the Southreadt quarter of the Southwtes.t guar- ter of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West ; thence West Forty- six ( +46 ) feet ; thence South 204 feet to the the East ' line of intersection of the North. line of Prairie Street and/Government Avenue ; thence South along the East line of Government Avenue to the Southwest corner of Lot Twenty- two B ( 22b ) , Block Twenty= three ( 23 ) , -werguson ' a Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ;Lthence in an Easterly direction to the Southeast corner of said Lot Twenty- two B ( 22b ) , in, said Block Twenty- three ( 23 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fay- etteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Southerly direction to the Southweet corner of Lot- Seven ( 7 ) , Block. Twenty- three= ( 23 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of iavetteville , Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot Seven ( 7 ) , Block Twenty- three ( 23 ) , Fer_ gueon ' e Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction across Gregg Avenue to the Southwest corner of Lot Eighteen ( i8 ) , Block Twenty- one ( 21 ) , Nerkuson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot One ( 1 ) Block Twent r q- one ( •21 ) , Ferguson ' e Addition to the City of Fayetteville , • Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction to the 4 . s1 Southwest corner of Lot Seven ( 7 ) ; Block Fourteen ( 14 ) , Fergueon ` e Ad- v: N ' 'dition to the City of Nayetteville, Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly di - . : rection to the Southeast corner of said Lot Seven ( 7 ) , in said, Block , Fourteen ( 14 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the East line of South School Avenue ; thence in a Northerly • direction along the East line of -South School Avenue to the Northwest ' corner of Lot Eight ( 8 ) , Block Eleven ( 11 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , . Arkansas ; thence in an Easterly direction to the Southeast corner . of Lot Nine ( 9 ) , said Block Eleven ( 11 ) , Ferguson ' s Ad- , iiitiori ;-to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northerly di - rection" along the ,West line of the alley in Blocks Eleven ( 11 ) and Twelve ( 12 ) in Ferguson ' e Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to the Northeasticorner of Lot Twelve ( 12 ) , in said Block Twelve ( 12 ) , Ferguson "s Addition1to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northeasterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot Seven ( 7 ) , Block Thirty- eight ( 38 ) , . Original Plat of Fayetteville , , Arkansas ; thence in a Northerly , direction along the FaA line of Lots Seven ( 7 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Four- ( 4 ) and Two ( 2 ) to the Northeast corner of Lot Two ( 2 ) , Block Thirty- eight Ofiginal Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northwesterly- direction across West Rock Street to the Southeast corner of Lot Seven ( 7 ) , Block Thirty- threw ( 53 ) , Original Town of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northerly direction to the Northeast corner of Lot Six ( 6 ) ; in said Bloci Thirty- threee ( 53 ) ; thence in an Easterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot Threw-: ( 3 ) , in said Block Thirty- threw-., ( 33 %,, Original Plat , of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northerly direction' along the East line of said Lot Three ( 3 ) , in said Block Thirty-three ( �3 ) , to the South lihekof West Mountain Street ; thence in a Northerly direction to a point on the North line of West Mountain Street , which is 154 . 5 feet East of the East' line of North School Avenue ; thence An s : Northerly . 'd'ireation to the Southeast corner,. of. Lot Two k2 ) , Block Twenty- four ( 24 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northerly direction to the Northeast corner of said Lot Two ( 2r} ; Block Twenty- four ( 24 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northeasterly direction to the Southeast corner of Lot Two B ( 6b ) , Block Nineteen ( 19 ) , 5 . Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence in a Northerly direction along the East line of the alley in Block Nineteen ( 19 ) , Subwdivision of Block' Ten ( 101 and Sub- division of Block Five ( 5 ) , all in the Originalq6 Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas; to the South line of west Dickson Street ; thence in a westerly direction along the South line of west. Dickson Street to point of beginning-- Raid description of the boundaries of the District embracing the following lots and parts of lots according to the Sewer Map of the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as compiled by Burns & McDonnel , the frontage of which lots are tested by actual measurement , to- wit : Sub- division of Block Six ( 6 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Threw ( 3 ) , Eight ( 8 ) ; Nine ( 9 ) ', Twelve ( 12 ) , Thirteen ( 13 ) , Eighteen ( 18 ) , Nineteen ( 19 ) and Twenty ( 20 ) . . Sub- division of Block Nine ( 9 ) ; ' Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , One A ( la ) , Two ( 2 ) , Two A ( 2a ) , Seven ( 7 ) , Seven A ( 7a ) , Eight ( 8 ) and Eight A ( 8a ) . Blo'dk Twenty ( 20 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots OYie ( 1 ) ' and Two ( 2 ) . Block Twenty- three ( 23 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots Four ( 4 ) and _Five ( 5 ) . ;;, -. Block Thirty- four ( 34 ) , Original Plat of•?;Fayettevillet Arkansas , Lots One ' ( 1 ) ; Two ' ( 2 ) , Eight ( 8 ) 9 Eight A ( 8a ) , Nine ( 9 ) and Ten ( 10 ) . Block Thirtyw eeven ( 37') , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas, Lots Six ( 6 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Four ( 4 ) , and East Half of Lot Three ( 3 )• . Block Thirteen ( 13 ) 0 Ferguson ' b Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Six ( 6 ) , Arkansas , Lots ( 1 ) One , Two ( 2 ) , Three- ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) ,/ Seven ( 7 ) , Eight � 8 ) , Nine ( 4) , Ten ( 10 ) , Eleven ( 11 ) , Twelve ( 12 ) and Thirteen ( 13 ) . Block Twenty- two ( 22 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lot Threw ( 3 ) . County � Court Sub- division of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Qesarter of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) , North, Range Thirty ( 30 ) west , Lots One ( 1t) ) , Two ( 2 ) , Two A ( 2a ) , and the South Fifty ( 50 ) ' feet. of Lot Threw W e County Court Sub- division of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Townshipn Sixteenn ( 16 ) North, Range Thirty - 6 . ( 60 ) ` West , and part of Lot One ( 1 ) , which is described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the North line of Prairie Street , and the East line of Government Avenue , and running thence North 204 feetf thence East Twenty- five ( 25 ) feet ; thence South 204 feet ; thence West . Twenty- five ( 25 ) feet to the place of beginningoand Lot Five ( 5 ) . Block Twenty- three ( 23 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Threee ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( ,5 ) , Six ( 6 ) 0 Seven ( 7 ) , Twenty- two ( 22 ) , Twenty- two A ( 22a ) , Twenty-two B ( 22b ) . Block Twenty- one ( 21 ) 1 Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , Eighteen ( 18 ) , Nineteen ( 19 ) , Twenty ( 20 ) , Twenty- one ( 21 ) , Twenty- two ( 22 ) , Twenty- threa. ( 23 ) , Twenty- four ( �4 ) , Twenty- five ( 25 ) . Block Fourteen ( 14 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three- ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) 9 Seven ( 7 ) , Eighteen ( 18 ) , Nineteen ( 19 ) ; Twenty 1-t6 , Twenty- one ( 21 ) , Twenty- two ( 22 ) , and the North One Hundred ( 100 ) feet of Lot Seventeen ( 17 ) v Block Eleven ( 11 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition,, , to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots Nine ( 9 ) , Ten (10 ) , Eleven ( 11 ) and Twelve ( 12 ) . Block Twelve ( 12 ) , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkaneas , �,Lots Seven ( 7 ) , Eight ( 8 ) ;: Nine ( 9 ) , Ten ( 10 ) , Eleven ( 11 ) ; Twelve f ( 12 ) . Block Thirty- eight ( 38 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Four ( 4 )., Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) and Seven ( 7 ) . Block Thirty- three ( 33 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots Threet ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Six ( 6 ) and Seven ( 7 ) . Block Twenty- four ( 24 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Four ( 4 ) and West 69} feet of Lot Five ( 5 ) . Block Nineteen ( 19 ) ; Ori.ginal Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots Two ( 2 ) , Two A ( 2a ) , and Two B ( 2b ) . Sub-division of Block Ten ( 10 ') , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots Three= ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) and Six ( 6 ) . Sub- division of Block Five ( 5 ) , Original Plat of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Lots Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six- ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) , Ten ( 10 ) , Eleven ( 11 ) , Four- teen ( 14 ) , Fifteen ( 15 ) , Sixteen ( 16 ) and Seventeen ( 17 ) . 7 . SECTION TWO': That the said District shall hereafter be known and designated as School Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkaneas . SECTION THREEr That said District is laid off for the purpose of grading, rolling and paving with Asphaltic Pavement the said Streets and parte of Streets ku may be more fully determined hereafter by the Board of Improvement of said Improvement District . SECTION POUR : That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be , and the same are hereby , repealed , and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas. sage , approval and publication . Passed and approved thi8LLL day of 91923 . ATTEST : �� �'"� '"� ' " �— APPROVED : l e r ke M a y o ..r . 167