HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 476 ORDINANCE NO . 476 MICROFILMED REr 1919 REFL��_ AN ORDINANCE. LAYING OFr AND CREAMIG All IF9PR0'IMIENT DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING AND VjUNTAININC AND OPERATING A CITY PARK FOR THE US? OF THE CITY OF' FAYP,TT?VILL'; , ARKAUSAS . Er IT 0RDAINF.O BY TM- CIT4 COUNCIL OF F'.Yf1.TT7VIL1E , ARKA1?S(% S : Sec . 1 . That the whole of the tarritor_v lying within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , *v;ashington County, Arkansae , be , and the same is hereby laid off into an Improvement District for the purpose of purchasing real estate to be used as a City Park and for the purpose of maintaining and operating a City Park for the use and benefit of the general public in the City of kayetteville , Arkansas . Sec . 2. That the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and they are hereby designated as the bound'.ries of said Improvement ' District and the territory embraced shall be known as City Park Improvement District Non une of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas--said district being bounded as follows , to—wit: "Beginning; at the northwester corner of Section l6, Township 16 north, Range 30 west, and running thence south to the southwest corner of said Section 16; thence east, along the south line of Sections 16 and 15 of said Township 16 north, range 30 west, to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 15, Township 16 north, range 30 west, and the east line of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 10, Toiynship 16 north , Range 30 hest to the northeast corner of said southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 10, Township 16 north, Range 30 best, and thence west to the northwest corner of the wouthwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, To reship 16 North, liange 30 west ; thence north to the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 16 north, Range 30 west, thence south to the southwest corner of said northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 9 , Township 16 north, Range 30 mat; thence west to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter ' of the ttigt wouthwest quarter of Section 9, Township. 16 north, Range 30 west] thence north to the northeast corner of said northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 99 Township 16 north , Range 30 west; thence west to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 16 north, Range 30 west; thence south to the place of Beginning. " The above property is further described as being all of Section 16, Township 16 north, Nan a 30 west, all of the vest half of Section l5, Trnmshi ? 16 north, itange 30 mat and the south half of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 16 north, Range 30 wast, and all of the south half o£ Section 9, Trnn?ship 16 north, Range 30 crest, except the northwast quarter of the southeast quarter of :'lection 99 Township 16 north, range 30 west, said described property being all properly situated within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas . Sec . . 3* That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with be and the same arc hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its p."- sages approval, and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED 4 -30- 1923