HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 474 MINA= N0 . 474 AN OLL7IT.TF.NCE TO tidGNO SIsCTION OWU Oil OIDITUNCT% r10. 455 PAMED AND AP?ROJ^yD JUNi-. 27 , 1922. B IT 01DAIMM BY TILS CITY COUNCIL. OF FAYETT?'VILLT, iRKI.TISIM : Sec . 1. 'That `lection 1 of Ordinance No. 455 passed and approved Jure 27th2 1922 be aaended to read as follows : "All vehicles parking on the ?ublic Square shall do so by heading . directly into the curb, on the right hand side of the street in the direction in which succi vehicle is going, and in the case of motor vehicles the same shall head both front wheels directly into the gutter sothat both front sheels shall rest aainst the curb. Upon all .other streets within the City of I•ayetteville , except the Public Square , all vehicles shall park on the righ 'v side of the street, in the direction in which such vehicle is going, parallel wiV1 and not to exceed one foot from the curb. " Sec . 2 . That this Ordinance be in' force from and after ;Say 1 , 1923 and its passage; approval, and publication; and all Ordinances or parts . thereof 2n conflict ' hereti:ith be , and the same are hereby repealed: April 23, 1923. ZE� • RE� •