HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 468 ORDINANCE NO . 468 DRO JINAHCE F3:.% TM L.iCI'iAlSC' POFi TY?)(S U. "S AP?!) TO ?'ROC?I])';?' !t?iLUi.@:t':COt;i FOP Till, C'' A ?!ml" 0!* LICEPIST: FOR TiVI? SRPnE . Pc. IT 01?i).;CCtJ .D 1.1.Y TIFF CITY COUNCIL 0Y JAYETTPVILL(; , ARKANr 'AS . Sect I' D: '.file term ]: 5 l'aP.aYlt t0 include and does ir!.cl.udc. , any and all lttotor dri vett vehicles operated on the public c streets aS k'=yati%oville for the . purpose of transportin . passevlgers for hire . Sec . 2 . The city license for. aach and every taxi cab within the city of Fayetteville; l,rke silall be and is hereby established at the rate of J25. 00 for one year, payable in advance . 110 license shall be issued for a greater 'or less period than one year, and all such License shall be .issued as of January let aS the year during tehieh the same is granted, and shall expire on the last day of December following in each year. No . reduction in the cost of the license shall be iaade , rega•-dless of the date upon which 'the same is issued or granted. I:3 no case , shall any license issued under the authority contained in this Ordinance be transferable , and any attempt to transfer the some shall resider such license void . Sec • 3. The said license shall be issued, by the City Collector-g a numbered metal tap provided for the purposca bei,nlr attached to each. tori. cab, and the manner of issuing the same by 'G;le Cc11ec 'tor d to be in the same manner . as now provided for the issuance ei' all other` license , except however, as is hereinafter pa`ovided . All anolicat•ions for taxi cab license shall be made in person to the ^it,y Council , and until the Council has passed upon and �caeptec'i the ap:s:i.icata.on , the ..^.i.ty Coll.eetcr shall not 'as;le the Ii CC!7111e,? . rodded 1li..P?:112r� trfl* '!'lE(?a1 ?i_aJ�it shall ct r shall nC4 to grant, temporary E>a Y;,i :s which sha1:L l:,e valid until the ncxr.L' regular meeting of the council after. 'the issuance of such kicmporary permits , when the permit shall iie treated by the Council as ::n application and ba naso d upon in the same wanner, Sec. 4. The Oity council shall not grant such license to any person who is not a law abiding citizen. All taxi cab license hereafter granted shell ' be conditioned upon the absolute and unquestioned right, power, and authority of the City Council to revoke the same at pleasure ; and no -)art of the cost of any such license so .revolted shall be remitted to the person holding the same , or to any other person . Sec . 5 , tiny person or persons V:ho shall operate any t the corporate limits of the •%ity of ka• ettcv aci cab v,ithin having, obtained . •�' ille , �&rkansas v:ithout first € license , a.8 herei.,,h , fo,.e provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction t:licreoS shall be fined in any sum not less than ;?10. 00 nor more than ,rl.5. nr; .for each offense ; and each day oi' part thereof that any person or nersone: t;7iu:C1 so I =r r any such taxi cab , shall constitute a separate aSfan,^,e . :sec . 6 . That this Ordinance shall bs curc7ul;hive to a1.1 other Ordinances stnndslandtteerregultiion`oil� tra�:E'ic; v idv,�:u�iler?� ;xtlal or��y�b��g�lp�ar�� �}tx�uch a'tlCaQFI� GATE acr ; a 197 REED ordinance BLEB 2 parts of such Ordinances am in diroat conflictoherewithe Sean 7 e i'hat thi, ordinamce .tom in force. and e (feet .from and after February l9 1923, and its passage , approval, :and publ.:i.ca-blon and all Ordinances or parts thereof in .confii.t herowithlxcept as provided in Section S hereof ba,, and . the .saxes are hEsvby repealed. Janet i5, 19230