HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 461 ORDINANCE N0 . 461 . AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF CERTAIN TERRITORY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , INTO AN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSEB'OF IMPROVING MOOK AVENUE , FROM THE NORTH LINE OF WEST LAF'AYETTE STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF WEST MAPLE STREET : FOREST AvENUB , FROM THE NORTH LINE OF WEST LAFAYETTE STREET TO THE NORTH LIFE OF DAVIDSON STREET : WEST MAPLE STREET ; FROM THE WEST LINE- OF COLLEGE AVENUE TO TH.E .EAST LINE OF. MOCK .AVENUE : HIGHLAND AVENUE , , FROM THE NORTH LINE OF WEST MAPLE STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF DAVIDSON STREET : MT . NORD STREET , FROM THE WEST LINE OF FOREST AVENUE TO THE EAST LINE OF MOCK AVENUE : DAVIDSON STREET , FROM THE WEST LINE OF HiGiLAND AVENUE TO THE EAST LINE OF FOREST AVENUE , DESIG_ NATING THE NUMBER OF THE DISTRICT , DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES THSREOri , AND NAMING 'THE SAME . WHEREAS , at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , held on the 21st day of August , 1922, a Petition , signed by ten owners of real property within the District hereinafter described in Section One of this Ordinance , was presented to said Council , asking that it take steps toward the making of an improvement , consisting of grading, rolling and paving with Asphaltic Pavement the following Streets and parts of Streets , as may be more fully determined by the Board of Improvement of said District , to-wit : Mock Avenue , from the North line of West LaFayette Street to the North line of West Maple Street ; Forest Avenue , from the North line of West LaFayette Street to the North line of Davidson Street ; West Maple Street , from the West line of College Avenue to the East line of Mock Avenue ; High land Avenue , from the North line of West Maple Street to the North line of Davidson Street ; Ate Nord Street , from the - West line of Forest Avenue to the East line of Mock Avenue ; Davidson Street , from the West line of Highland Avenue to the East line of Forest Avenue : WHEREAS , in said Petition it was further prayed that the Council lay off a stipulated portion of real estate := into an Improvement District , for making said improvements : MICROFILM DATE ocT 4 REEL' a I$ IL b 2 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAIN0 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OY FAYETTZaLLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That the following Lots , Blocks , Streets , Alleys and Parcels of Real Estate in the City of Rayettev111e , Arkansas , be , and the same are hereby laid off and declared to be an Improvement District within the said City , to- wit : Beginning at a point on the West line of College Avenue , which is 281 . 1 feet South of the South line of West Maple Street , Which point is the South- east corner of Lot 2a, of Block One of County. Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, and running thence West to the South-west corner of said Lot 2a , in said Block One ; thence West across Highland Avenue to a point on the West line of Highland Avenue , which is 222 feet South of the South line of West Maple Street ; thence West 140 . 5 feet ; thence South to the North line of West Lafayette Street ; thence in a Westerly direction along the North line of West Lafayettef. Street to the South- west corner of lot Three ( 3 ) , Block Four ( 4 ) of County Court {,Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence North to the North-west corner of Lot Four (4 ) , in Block Two ( 2 ) of Mont Nord Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence Last Seventy- five ( 75 ) feet ; thence in a Northerly direction across West Maple Street to the South- west corner of Lot Six ( 6 ) of Block Five ( 5 ) of Englewood Addition to the Cityof Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence North to the South line of Ila Street ; thence East along the South line of Ila Street to the West line of Block Four ( 4 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence North to the North-west corner of Block Three ( 3 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City . of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the North- east corner of said , Block Three6 ( 3 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence South One Hundred ( 100 ) feet ; thence - in an Easterly direotion to the North- west corner of Block Two ( 2 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fay- etteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the North- east corner of Lot One of Block Two ( 2 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence South to the South- east corner of Lot One of Block One ( 1 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence East to the North- east corner of Lot Seven ( 7 ) of :Block One ( 1 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence South along the West line of College Ave- nue to the point of beginning.- said description of the boundaries of the v B � Distritt embracing the following Lots and parts of Lots , according to ,the Sewer Map of the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as compiled by Burns & McDonnell , the frontage of which Lots are tested by actual measurement , tomwit : Lots Otte ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) and Two A ( 2a ) of Block One ( l ) of County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; All of Block Two ( 2 ) of County Court Addition to the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , except the South- east one quarter ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three : ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) and Six l6 ) of Block Threw , ( 3 ) of Mont Nord Addition to . the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Threw- ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , rive ( 5 ) , Block One ( 1 ) , Mont Nord Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) „ Two ( 2 ) , Three- ( 3 ) and Your ( 4 ) of Block Two ('2 ) of Mont NordAddition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots Threee. ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) and Five A ( 5a ) of Block Four ( 4 ) of County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three- ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) , Eight ( 8 ) , Nine ( 9 ) and Ten ( 10 ) of Block rive ( $) of Englewood Addition - oto the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , ;ix l6 ) , Seven (7 ) , and Eight ( 8 ) of Block Six ( 6 ) of Englewood Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Your ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) and Eight ( 8 ) of Block Four ( 4 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Threw. ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) , Eight ( 8 ) , Nine ( 9 ) and Ten ( 10 ) of Block Three ( 3 ) of Oak Urove . Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Threw ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) , Seven ( 7 ) 0 Eight ( 8 ) and Nine ( 9 ) of Block Five ( 5 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; Lots One ( 1 ) , and Two ( 2 ) of Block Two ( 2 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; ` Lots Orae ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Four ( 4 ) , Five ( 5 ) , Six ( 6 ) and Seven 4 . ( 7 ) of Block One ( 1 ) of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Ark- ansa e . SECTION TWO : That the said District shall hereafter be known and desig- nated as Mont Nord Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas .• SECTION THREM That said District is laid off for the purpose of grading, rolling and paving with Asphaltit Pavement , the said Streets and parts of Streets , as may be more fully determined hereafter by the Board of Improve- ment of said Improvement District . SECTION FOUR : That this . Ordinanoe be in force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication ; and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, be , and the same are hereby repealed . Passed and approved this 21st day of August , 1922 . Attest : Approved : (/ tXi" k! .� C 1 e r kt.�-- M a y o r .