HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 459 ORDITIANCI; N0 . I;.59 AN OTWr T1ANCr CONTRAGTIPTG LITH 1,13112iO-BURKWir COTIST . O.RPAT13, A COI:�0.7,f; TIOTI, TO R PAIR AT•D l [ K IIdPROVELT,TITS UPON CEPTAIN STM.PTS ITI T iE GIiY Ol' Ff:YuTT ;- UILL7 , APcTAlLSAS � ATi ) TO IU2TTI^fi Tim N C?t;Si.0 Tt{:1:RIr1L' o•OniC' ,;TiD Li:BOR 14-OR TIF; 6AbIf, l:Idll TO PROVIll FOa TITS PAYTJ3NT OI' ^AID T.:ATS?J .L, :.22':K, MM LABOR . II IT 0??7f,IT D BY TIL CITY COU'iOI.L OF FAY TTEVILLEA,RKATI.SIS : Sec , 1. That repairs, and ii:iprovemei,ts be made upon the follovinc named streets in the City of ItayChurch ateville , at the places herein named, to-vrit : The intersection of Church and Spring Streets ; intersection of Dickson and Church Streets ; intersection of Locust and Dickson Streets ; intersection of Rollston and Dickson Streets ; intersection of Campbell and Dickson Streets ; intersection of School and Dickson Streets ; intersection o£ nest and Dickson Streets ; intersection of. Gregg and Dicl;sort Streets ; intersection of Scott and best Streets , anal to construct an under drain near the intersection of Dickson and :;est Streets . Secs, 2 . That said .improvel;aent scall consist of paving of the inter- section of said streets and the construction of necessary culverts and drains ,, to take care of the drainage which -mast pass under the intersection of said streets , and an underdrain near the intersection of Dickson and West Streets , Sec . 39 The City of yayotteville , Arkansas, by the Council o£ said City, hereby contracts with the Moreno-Burkham Go nstructior: Company, a of said Cit for the said Moreno-Burkham .Construction Company, a corporation, to do and perform the wort and labor, and ' furni.s;, the necessaz•y materials for . the repair and construction as herein set forth on said streets , and at said intersections of streets as herein mentioned, said improve,aerrts to be `accoxi ing to the plans and specifications on file in tl:e office le the City Engineer Of the City of y forteville , Arkansas , Tile City of Fayettev-1 aCrees to Pay said company for the same as follcers : For 1800 sq, yds , of asphaltic _ concrete pavement, the gum of v4 and Cutters at , 25 per sq, Yd- ; 760 linear feet of curbing $1 . 25 per linear ft. cubic or lverluanc 450 d ' drains � B10 cubic yards of concrete in ;$20 place, at per yds . of earth excavation at x1 , 50 per cu. yd , ; 382. 1inear feet of culvert tile at ; 3, 00 par linear foot in place ; 6 catch basins at 980. 00 each; 6 grate covers at b30, 00 each . Total amount to be paid ' by the City on this contract is the sun of w17 , 282 . 00, rihich amounts the council finds to be a fair ment . labor wind just compensation . for said riaterial furnished and work and labotbe perforcied in such improve- Sec . Ir . Upon the completion of the repairs streets at the places I,e.rein before described by siaidrorenove 11Burkham Construe" vid tion labor o a eorporc.tiott, and the ,acceptance of said material used and Tvork and labor done in said rnoairs . and improvements by the City Council of the City of Fayettevile, said City of Fayetteville agrees to pay said Tdnreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, k17 ,, 282 , 00 to be paid out of the general revenue fund of said City by warranto drawn in favor of' said Moreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation, or bearer, payable in the following amounts and on the following dates ; MiCROFILMM DATE OCT 4 REEL Ordinance 459--2 1st yrs July 1, 1923 $20160. 00 .2nd 1924 29066. 00 . 3rd 1, 25 19968 . 00 4th 1926 13872. 00 5th 1927 1,776. 00 6th 1928 1 ,680.00 7th 1929 1,584. 00 8th 1930 1 , 488 .00 9th 1931 13392 . 00 10th 1932 11296. 00 If the City of Fayetteville makes default in the payment of anyone of the said sums, when the same becomes due and payable, the City of Fayetteville agrees and stipulates with the otimer of the warrant, repre- senting the amount of the sum in which the City has defaulted in the payment of* to pay said owner of said Warrant, the sum of eight per cent interest per annum on s.. id amount of said Warrant from the date of such default, until the said sum is fully paid, an an agreed and stipulated penalty and as damages , on the part of the City of Yziyetteville for its failure to per- fore that part of its contract with said Mroreno-Burkham Construction Company a corporation or the otimer of said warrant. CiOUDUCEDdrnm Section 5 . This contract shall be binding upon the City of Fayettoville, Arke from and after the passage , approval, and publication of this ordinance, and the acceptance of the same by the said Moreno-Burkham Construction Companys a corporation, in writing filed in the office of the City Clerk of Fayetteville and compliance with its terms by said ldoreno- Burkham Construction Company, a corporation on its part. The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas hereby ?ledges itself an '_ all its officers; to. the faithful performance of this contract as herein set forth in this ordinance upon the full performance of the contract herein set forth on the part of . said Lloreno-Burkham Construction Company, a corporation. Sec . 6. This ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage :, approval, and publication. July 17 , 1922 . r MiCROFI1,MFp DATE`S