HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 444 I ORDINANCE NO .�.I+ �. . . �r+ ANN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO EAST STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE. VILLE , ARKANSAS , AND TO BE KNOWN AS ANNEX NUMBER TWO TO EAST STREET IM_ PROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYEPTEVILLE, ARKANSAS . " WHEREAS , a majority in value of the owners of real property on t he streets and parte of streets , located in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to—wit : Spring Street , from the West line of Block Street to the West line of Church Street; Church Street , from the North line of Spring Street to ' the South line of Dickson street ; Dickson Street , from the West line of St .Charles Street to the East line of Arkansas Avenue ; West Street , from the North line of Dickson street to the South line of Lafayette Street ; and Gregg street , from the South line of Ida Avenue to the North line of Diakkson Street said District to be known as Annex Number _ Two to East Strebt Improvement District dumber One of the City of Fayetteville:, Arkansas, have petitioned the city Council of the City of X-ayetteville , Arkansas, to annex the same to East Street Improve.. ment District Number One of the City of -Fayetteville , Arkansas, and due notice has been given of the filing of said petition , and that the same would be heard on Tuesday, January 24019229at 7 : 30 P . M. ; and WHEREAS , on said 24th day of January , 1922 , the time fixed in said notice for the hearing of said peti,tion , to determine Whether those signing the same constituted a majority in value of the owners of real property within the territory sought to be annexed , after hearing all pwreons Who desired to be heard as to Whether said petition contained the signatures of such majority, the City Council of the City of ray� etteville , Arkansae , did ascertain and declare that said petition did contain the signatures of a majority of the owners of real property :sem within said territory , according to the last preceding assessment for State and County taxes in the said territory, and as shown in the Records of Deed s , and by actual owner1% band that said petition is ih due form X& as required by law; DATE' moi, 1978 REED 2• NOW ,THEREFOREOBE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAY }TT E I LLE ,AI KAN S A S; SECTION ONE; That the property on the following streets and parts of streets in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , to-wit : Spring Street, from the West line of Block Street to the West line of Church Street ; Church Street, from the North line orf Spring Street to the South line of Dickson Street ; Dickson Street , from the West line of St . 6harles Street to - the Eaet line of Arkansas Avenue ; West Street, from 'the North line of Dickson Street to the South line of Lafayette Street ; and Gregg Street , from the South line of Ida Avenue to the North line of Dickson Street said District to be known as Annex Number. Two to East Street Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkaneas , "be , and the same is hereby, annexed to said East Street Improvement 'District Number One of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas, end that said Die-trict shall be bounded as follows , to-crit : Beginning at a point on the West line of Block Street , which is forty- eight ( 48 ) feet North of the intersection of the North line of Spring Street with the West line of block Street , and running thence West Une Hun.. dyed and fifty three ( 153 ) feet to the East . line . of the North and South alley, between Block and Church Streets ; thence North to the South line of Dickson Street ; thence East to a point , on the South line of Dickson Street , . which is in line with . the West line of St ,Charles Street ; thence North acrpas Dickson Street to the . intersection . of the North line of Dickson Street with the West line of St . Charles Street ; thence North, along the West line of St . Charles Street , a distance of One Hundred. and fifty- nine ( 159 ) feet ; thence West One Hundred and Ninety- eight ( 198 ) feet ; . thence South Fourteen ( 14 ) feet ; thence West to 6 the West line of Ralston Street ; thence South Forty six and One Half ( feet ; thence West Ninety- two and One Half ( 92}) feet ; thence North One Hundred and Forty five ( 145 ) feet ; thence West to a point Two Hundred and Fifty ( 250 ) feet East of the East line of West Street ; thence North to the South line of Lafayette Avenue ; thence West to the East line \of the Right of Way of the St .Louis & San Francisco Railroad ; thence South Ninety ( 90 ) feet ; thence West to the intersection n 3 . of the West line of Gregg Street with the South line of . Ida Avenue ; thence West Two Hundred and Thirty and One Half ( 230} ) feet ; thence South Four Hundred and Twenty" three and Three Fourths ( 4231 ) feet ; thence West to .the East line of Arkansas Avenue; thence , South to a point on' the South line of Dickson Street . whi. ch is Sixty ( 60 ) feet West of the intersection of the West line of University Street with the South line of yiekson Street ; thence. Sou h One hundred and Seventy ( 170 ) feet ; thence Last 7 - Sixty ( 60 ) feet: to the West line of University Street ; thence North Seven and One "slf ( 7} ) feet ; thence East to the East line of Gregg Street ; thence South Three and One half ( 3}) feet ; thence East to the East line of West Street ; thence North Fourteen and One Half ( 14j ) feet ,* thence East to the East 1 ine of School Street ; ' • thence South Thirty- one and .One Half ( 31+ ) feet ; thence - East to the �E%es line of Locust Street ; thence South '-Forty- seven ( 47 ) feet ; thence East On's Hundred and Fifty- two ( 152 ) feet ; thence 5outh . to a point on the North line of Spring Street .-which is One Hundred and Seventy ( 170 ) feet West of the West line of Church Street ; thence South to a point on the South line of Spring Street . which is One Hundred and Sixty three and Three Tenths ( 163 . 3 ) feet West of the West line of Church Street ; thence South One Hundred and Sixty-]i Ow and One Half ( 162} ) feet ; .thence East to the East line of the alley running North and South thorugh Block Number Twelve ( 12 ) , in- the Original Plat of Fayetteville ; thence North One Hundred and Twenty.. ; ' four ( 124 ) feett thence East One ' Hundred and Fifty- four ( 154 ) feet , to the West line of Block . Street ; thence North to the point of beginning . The aforesaid Annex is a portion of Blocks 3, 40 5, 6 , 70 11 and 12, in the Original Plat of Yayettevill/ e , and Blocke 8, 7 , 6 , and 6a in County Court Addition to Yayettevills ,V and a portion of Gregg ' s Addition to Fayetteville} and of County , Court Plat of the North- east Quarter of the North"west Quarter , Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) , North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , and also a portion of County Court Plat of the South- east Quarter of the North-west Quarter of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) , North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West . Said District shall be known as Annex Number Two to East Street Im. 4 . V provement District Number One of the City of 3ayetteville , Arkansae, and shall embrace the following lots and blocks , as shown by the Official ktx*x City Plat which was ' prepared by Burns & McDonald of Kansas Cityfmissourir to..wit : IN THE ORIGINAL PLAT' OF FAYETTEvILLE . In Block Number Three ; Lots 2, 2a, 3, 4 , 5, 5a, 69 6a and South Half of 7 . In Block Number Four : Lots 1 , 2, 39 3a , 49 6 , 7 and 10 . . In Block Number Five Lots 1 , 28 32 40 5 and 6 . In Block Number Six: Lots 19 20 3, 4, 5 and 6 . In Block Number Seven : Lets 1 and 4 and the North 68 feet of Lot 2 . In Block Number Eleven : Lots l , la, 2 and 2a. In Block Number Twelve : Lots 8 and 1.. COUNTY COURT ADDITION TO FAYETTEvILLE. In Block Number Eight : Lets 8a, 9 , 109 12 , and the South 184 feet of Lot 13 , and the South Half of Lot 14 . In Block Number Seven : Lot 6 . In Block Number Six: Lots 2, 2a9 3 , 4, 4a, 4b , 4c, 4d, 4e , 5 , 6 , 6a0 6b , 7, 7a, 7b, 7c , 8, 9, 9a, 9b , 10 , 11 , lla, 120 12a, 139 13a, and 14 . In Block Number 6a : In .the North-west Quarter of the North- east Quarter , Lots 1 , 23 33 4; 5, and 5a , and the Right of way and prop- erty . of the St . Louis & San . Francisco Railway Company , except 90 feet off of theNorth end , and also . that part of said Railroad property extending from the6} South line of Block Number 6a to a point 166 feet South of the North line of Block Number Seven in the Original Town of Fayetteville . 12BEGGIS ADDITION TO FAYETTEvILLE . All of Block Four . COUNTY COURT FLAT OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH WEST QUARE;. TER OF SECTION sijtr . N 116 ) lmmTOWNSHIP SI JCfEEN ( 16 ) ivORTH OF RANGE THIRTY ( 30 ) WEST . All of Lot Number Seventeen ( 17 ) , except the North-west Quarter of said lot . 5 . ^` COUNTY COURT PLAT OF THE SOUTH EAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH WEST QUARTER OF SECTION SIXTEEN ( 16 ) . TWONSHIP SIXTEEN ( 16 ) � NORTH OF RANGL THIRTY ( 30 ) WEST . Lots 1 , la, lb, lc, 23 2a and the East Sixty ( 60 ) feet of the North Half of Lot ' 5b . SECTION TWO : That E . L .Nettleship, Bruce Holcomb and J . P . Scott , three electors of the City of ' FAyetteville , Arkaneas, are hereby ' appointed to constitute a Board of Assessment of the benefits to be received by each block , lot or other subdivision of land . within said Annex Number Two to East Street Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, by reason of .the , proposed improvement . SECTION THREE: That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in con- and flic erewith be , and the same are hereby , repealed , m* this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and pub- lication . Passed and approved this 24th day of January, 1922. Approved : . . . . Okho0 . 009 . . . e7j t Mayor . Ali t Atteet : . . . : , . . . . . . e . . . . Clerk.