HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 439 O:iI;IPi:1idC?� ;� � . 1t39 nr: ORDIfvANC TO 3h: t?PfTITL:D , nkr? 0 DI"I i4C ; TO FIX TIE. LIC'" S" 0'r1 .^.LL BLI1j2 iIC ?0':.SH2 '1*'L :PHONE OR `TELriR4?H 1'01,78 "e-2THii AITY 3ITP31"T OF ALI. u. T7ITHIN T$3 CIT:. OF Fj< ' 17 ''T'T,': , ; B3 IT ORDAINED BY THr' C0Ui1i:IL 010 iri`.3 CIT': 0P' Fhi s' "d':'!ILL% RI'Iv TIrl.Ea : SECTIOrI 011-ii: . Froin and after the late da; of July, 1922 , the city license upon each and every electric power pole , telegraph pole , or telep!:ona pole located v,ithun any street or alley -rith`_I:n the corporate lilts of the City of Fayetteville , Ax;cansas , shall bo fixed and established at the rate of fifty cents ( . 50 ) for each of said volas per annum, payaUle in Pdvanco . SECTION T'.: 0 . -Nach and every person, firm, or corporation ovming or leasing or othez;ise usini; any such pole rithout any of the streets or alJ.e., s of said City shall on or before the 1st of July 1)22, . and e.Ach year , th:)reafter, furnish to the City ''1eriC a' nworn statement an to the nwaber and location of qny and all poles that pay be erected from tira6 to titre . S CT.T.()N U t'..7 . That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict I herelith be and the sage are hereby repealed and this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and aftor iLs passa ;e, approval , and publication. ?assed and aoproved this l9th day of idovcmber, 1921 . MUCROFILMED, DATE OCT a 1978 REELy2�