HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 430 ORDINANCE N0 , 430 AN ORDINANCE TO BE EIITITLED , " A:I ORDIANCE PRESCRIBING A LICENSE FEE FOR REAL ESTATE BROKERS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES " . BE IT ORDAINED BY THECITY COUTJCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SPjCT10m OmF : That hereafter no person , firm or corporation shall engage in the business of a Real Estate Broker or Rental Agent , or shall list or solicit for sale or exchange , or shall show , sell or offer for sale or exchange within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , any real property , whether such _ property be located within or :.. nthout the City limits of said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , unless such property shall belong to such person , firm or corporation , without first having secured from the City Clerk of the Said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , a license . to engage in ' : said business . Provided that no license shall be issued in the name of any firm or corporation , but each member , agent or employe of such firm or corporation must secure a personal license . SECTION TWO : Each applicant for a license under the provisions of this ordinance , shall pay th the City Collector of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Fifty ( $ 50 . 00 ) Dollars per annum , taking his receipt therefor . Upon presentation of said receipt to the City Clerk of said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , said Clerk shall issue to to the person named in said receipt , a license authorizing him to engage in said business of a Real Estate Broker or Rental Agent , for a period of one year from the date of said receipt . SECTION THREE : Any person , firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon con-: iction thereof ; shall be fined in any sum not less than Fifty ( $ 50 . 00 ) Dollars nor more than One Hundred ( $ 100 . 00 ) Dollars for the first offense and not less than One Hundred ( $ 100 . 00 ) nni mnre than Two Hundred and Fifty ( ?250 . 00 ) Dollars , for the second or succeeding offense , and each breach of t '.' is Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense . SECTION FOUR : That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith , be , and the same are hereby repealed , and this Ordi ^ ince shall take effect and be in force , from and after its passage , and approval and publication . Passed and approved this 5th day h�of August , 1921 . Approved ; V44� Iayor . Attest : Clerk . MICROFILM DATE nr� REEL_0J-