HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 426 'O10 ORDINANCE N0 . �tELV AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO EAST STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE TO THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE , ARKANSAS , AMID TO BE KNOWN AS ANNEX NUMBER ONE TO EAST STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE OF THE CITY OF NAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . " WHEREAS , a majority in value of the owners of real property on the streetstand parte of streets , located in the City of Fayetteville , Ark- ansas , to -wit : Block Street , from the South line , of West Dickson Street to the North line of Center Street; Center Street , from the West line . of Block Street to the West line of School Street ; Meadow Street , from the ~vest line of College Avenue to the East line of Block Street , except the portion of Meadow Street which is included in East Street Improvement District Number One , and Spring Street between the West line , of Col - lege Avenue and the East line of Block Street , except such portion of Spring Street as is included , in East Street Improvement District lumber One4 - said District to be known as Annex Number One to East Street Improve- ment District Number One- - , have petitioned the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to annex the same. to East Street Im- . provement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and due notice has been given , of the filing of said petition , and that the sgme would be heard on Tuesday , June 21 , 1921 , at 7 : 30 P • M . ; and WHEREAS , on said 21st day of June , 1921 , the time fixed in said notice for the hearing of said petition , to determine whether those signing the same constituted a majority in value of the owners of real property within the territory sought to bel� __ n�� nexed , after hearing all persons who desired to be heard as to whether said 'petitkon contained the signatures of such majority , the City Couhcil of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas, did ascertain and declare that said petition did con- tain the signatures of a majority of the owners of real property within t 2 . said territory , according to the last preceding assessment for State and County taxes in the said territory , and as shown in the Records of Deeds and by actual ownership , and that said petition is in due form as required by -law ; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That the property on the following streets and parts of streets in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to-wit : Block Street , from the South line . of West Dickson Street, te the North line of Center Street ; Center Street , from the West line of Block Street to the West line of School Street ; Meadow Street ,, from the West line of College Avenge to the East line of Block Street , except the portion of Meadow Street which is included in East Street Improvement District Number One , and Spring Street between the West line of College Avenue and the East line of Block Street , except such portion of Spring Street as is included in East Street Improvement District Number One- - eaid Dis- trict to be known as Annex Number One to East Street' Improvement District Number One:- - , be , and the same is hereby ; annexed to said East Street Im_ provement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and that said District shall be bounded as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point on the South line. of Dickson Street and one . Hundred ( 100 ) feet West of the intersection . of the West line of East ftr-eet , and the South line . of Dickson Street and running thence West . to the intersection of the South line , of Dickson Street, with the East line of the alley , running North and South . in Block Three _ ( 3 ) ; thence South on the East line • of the alley in Blocks Three . ( u ) ; Twelve ( 12 ) and Sevente$n ( 17 ) to a point one hundred and fifty and five tenths ( 150 . 5 ) feet North of the North line ,of Center Street ; thence West to a point on the East line of Locust Street ,, which is one hundred and fifty- four ( 154 ) feet forth of the North line . of Center Street ; thOnce across Locust Street to a point on the West line . of Locust Street . and which is one hundred and ninety- four ( 194 ) feet North of the forth line , of Center Street ; thence West one hundred and fifty- five ( 155 ) feet to a point on the East line . of the alley in Block 3 • Number Nineteen ( 19 ) ' said point is one hundred and ninety- four ( 194 ) feet North of the North line . of Center Street,; thence across the alley , to a point on the West line of the alley , and one hundred and sixty- four and five tenths ( 164 . 5 ) ) feet forth of the North line , of Center Styreet ; thence West to the West line of School Street , in Block Twenty ( 20 ) ; thence South on the West line of School Street . to a point , One hundred and seven ( 107 ) feet South of the South line . of Center Street ; thence East to the West line of Locust Street ; thence North four and five tenths ( 445 ) feet ; thence East to the East line of the alley , in Block Number Twenty- six ( 26 ) ; thence r , North eight and five tenths ( 8 . 5 ) feet ; thence East on the property line , to the West line . of Block Street - in Block Twenty- six ( 26 ) ; thence North on the West line , of Block Street . to the intersection . of the West line of Block Street ,and the North line . of Center Street ; thence East on the forth line . ,of Center Street , to a point ninety- seven . ( 97 ) feet East , of the East line of Block Street ; thence North to the South line of the alley . running East and West- in Block Number Sixteen ( 16 ) ; thence across the alley, to the i.ntersection • of the North line , of the East and West alley- with the East line of the North and South alley, in Block Sixteen ( 16 ) ; thence North along the East line of the North and South alleys . in Blocks Sixteen ( 16 ) and Thirteen ( 13 ) to the intersection ,of the East line . of said alley with the South line of Spring Street,; thence across Spring Street , to a point on the North line, of Spring Street , Eighty_ seven ( 87 ) .feet West of the West line , of East Street ; thence North. ninety- seven ( 97 ) feet ; thence West forty- seven (47 ) feet ; thence North One hundred ( 100 ) feet ; thence East twenty- one ( 21 ) feet ; thence North fifty ( 50 ) feet ; thence E£ st six and five tenths ( 6 . 5 ) feet ; thence North fifty ( 50 ) feet ; thence East Six and five tenths ( 6 . 5 ) feet ; thence North seventy - five ( 75 ) feet ; thence Went two ( 2 ) feet ; thence North one hundred and eighty- two 0.182 ) feet tb the point of beginning . Also beginning at a point where the West line of the North and South alley intersects the North line of the East and West alley in Block Fifteen ( 15 ) ; thence North on the West line of said alley in Blocks Fifteen ( 15 ) and Fourteen ( 14 ) to a point One hun- dred and forty= four ( 144 ) feet South of the South line . of Spring Street ; thence East along the property line 'a distance of Seventy - five ( 75 ) feet ; 4 . thence North along the property linea distance of, One Hundred and forty- four ( 144 ) feet to the South line ,of Spring Street thence East along the South line , of Spring Street . to a point in line with the West line of the alley in ,Block Number O$e . ( l ) thence North across Spring Street and along the West line of said alley , in Block Number One ( 1 ) to a point on V ' said line which is two hundred and thirty- nine ( 239 ) , feet North of the North line of Spring Streetf thence East along property line' to the West line of College Avenue ; thence South along the West line of College Avenue to the intersection ,of the West li�ine_ o £ College Avenue with the North line , of the alley running East and West, in . Block Number Fifteen ( 15 ) ; thence West along the north line .of said alley . to the point of beginning . The aforeeaid , Annex is a portion of Blocks One ( 1 ) , Two ( 2 ) , Three ( 3 ) , Twelve ( 12) , Seventeen ( 17 ) , Eighteen ( 18 ) , Nineteen ( 19 ) , Twenty- four ( 24) , Twenty five ( 25 ) , . Twenty- six ( 26 ) , Sixteen ( 16 ) , Thirteen ( 13 ) , Fifteen ( 15 ) , and Fourteen ( 14 ) , all in the Original Plat of Fayette- ville , Arkansas . Said District shall be known as Annex Number One to East Street Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and - shall -embrace the following lots and blocks , as shown by ! the 01 #ficial City Plat which was prepared byllBurns &: McDonald of Kansas City , Missouri ' to- wit : In Block Number Three ( 3 ) : Lots 1- 1a- 10- 9. 8 and 7 . In Block Number Twelve ( 12 ) :, Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , , 5 and 6 : In Block Number Seventeen ( 17 ) . Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- 5a- 5b- 5c- 5d- 6a- 6b-�.6c and 6d , 70 8 , 9 . In Block Number Eighteen ( 18 ) : Lots 3- 4- 5- 0- 7 and 8 . In Block Number Nineteen ( 19 ) : Lots la and 2b . In Block Number Twenty- four ( 24 ) : Lots 1 - 2- 3 and a part of Lot Six ( 6 ) fronting 78 . 4ifeet on Center Street and 107 feet on Locust Street . I`r. Block Number Twenty- five ( 25 ) : Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- 5 and 6� In Block Number Twenty- six ( 26 ) : Lots 1- 9- 3- 12- 13- 14 and 15 . In Block Number Sixteen ( 16 ) : Lots 11 - 9- 10- 12- 13- 14- 15 and 9a . Ir. Block Number Thirteen ( 13 ) : Lots 2- 3- 4- 5- 6 and 7 . 5 . In Block Number Two ( 2 ) , Lot Two ( 2 ) and 118 feet off of the West end of Lot Number Three ( 3 ) ; 118 feet off of the west end , of Lot Number Four ( 4 ) ; 87 feet off of the West end ,of Lot Number Five, ( 5 ) , and 134 feet off of the Nest end of Lot Number Six ( 6 ) , fronting on Block and Spring Streets . Ih Block Number Fifteen ( 1,5 ) : Lots l . la- lb- lc and ld . Ia Block Number Fourteen ( 14 ) : , Lots la- lb- lc- 8- 8a- 8b., also lot Number One ( 1 ) ,. except that portion . off the Westside fronting . 75 feet . on Spring Street and running South, 144 feet , further described by metes and bounds , as follows : Beginning at the , intersection of the South line of Spring Street . and the West line , of said Lot One ( 1 ) , and running South 144 feet ; thence East , Seventy- five, ( 75 ) feet ; thence lvorth one hundred and fotty- four, ( 144 ) feet ; thence West Seventy- five ( 75 ) feet to the place of beginnings In Block One ( 1 ) : Lots 10= 11 - 12- 12a and 12b • SECTION TV70 : That J . C . White , A . H . Markle and W . L . Crouch , three electors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , are hereby appointed to constitute a Board of Assessment of the benefits to be received by each block , lot or other subdivision of land within said Annex Number One to East Street Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by reason of the proposed improvement . SECTION THREE : That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in con- flict herewith , be , and the same are hereby , repealed , and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force , from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed gnd approved this 21st day of June , 1921 . i Attest : Approved : C C� l e r k . M a y o r .