HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 414 ORDINANCE N0 . 414 All ORDINANCt TO B3 ENTIMM "AN ORDITTATTCE R^ iJL, TING TiT? L:I ATIO'? OF 1 i E?Ii0'T , T^T. :L,pH, 61•TD EJ-1=1110 LIGHT POL;S 1.ITHI1T T:L^• CORipo..V :'3 LI:Jr 0,' TH': CIT'.' OF Fi:Y::TT",VILT? , 1?C IT Ozll::I.T.� D By 'lii3 CITY MU"CIT, OF Vr, CITY OF FAY TMVIT,T,?, Sec , 1. That all telephone, teleFraph, and electric ligtrt poles , within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, shall be erected on the curb line of the sidewalks of said Streets, so that one half of said poles shall be within the outside line of said curb and one half' shall be on the outside of said outride curb lines provided. that on Streets which have a parking space, said poles shall be erected at a point and on a line to be de y the City Engineer of the said City of Fayetteville. elsetSees li •htThat if arty telephone company, telegraph company, or e , or ner its said poles, faftterr 30 days ny shall fnotice inails writingfroA,jectt1le City Counci, to so erect alyoffthe City of Fayetteville, Arkansas so to do, said Telephone co. , Telegraph Co. , or El ctric Light Co. shall be deemed guilty Of a misdemeanor, and upon co,iviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than Tnenty_ ve and(`25.00) Dollars nor more than One Hundred (4,100. 00) iloll.ars, and each day Of such failure , refusal , or neglect, shall constitute a separate offense , shall be punishable as above provided. March 14, 1921 pAiCR�F11,M� 6 0N 1E {tEEI,Y�