HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 410 ORDINANCE N0 . An Ordinance , laying off certain territory within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , into an Improvement District , for the purpose of improving Davidson Street , from the East line of College Avenue to the West line of Willow Avenue ; Washington Avenue , from the North line of Dickson Street to the South lire of Davidson Street ; Willow Avenue , from the North line of Dickson Street to the Bouth line of Rebecca Street ;, Sutton Street , from the East line of Washington Avenue to the East line of Walnut Avenue ; , Olive Avenue , from the North line of Lafayette Street to the South line of Llaple Street ; Lafayette Street , from the East line of College Avenue , to the `:Jest line of Llission Avenue ; and Walnut Avenue , ' from the north line of Button Street to the aouth line of uaple 6treet ; . des1gnating too number of the district , defining the boundaries thereof , andl' nam- ing the slime . _ t.fiFREAS , at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , he' d on the _day of 14ovember , 1930 , a petition , sued by Ten ( 10 ) owners of Real property within the District here - in ^ fter described in Section one ( 1 ) of this Ordinance , was presented to said Council , asking that it take steps toward the making of an improvement , consisting of grading , rolling and macadamizin„ the fol - lowing streets and parts of streets , as may be more fully determined hereafter by the Board of Improvement of said District , to - ,,Vit : Da-�rids -)n Street , from the East line of College Avenue to the '.lest line of Willow Avenue ; Washington Avenue , from the North line of Dickson Street to the Bouth line of Davidson Street ; Willow Avenue , from t_.ze Forth line of Dickson StrCet> to the Bouth line of Rebecca Strect ; Sutton Street , from the Lest line of Washington Avenue to the East line of Walnut Avenue ; Olive .Avenue ; from the Forth line of La- fayette Street to the South line of 'Haple Street ;, Lafayette Street , from .the i.cet line of Colle ."e Avenue to the West line of Lission Avenue ; and Jalnut Avenue , from the north line of Button Btreet , to the South line of ,,aple Street • UVIt.. _ . y�• - 2 • WHEREAS , in said petition it was further prayed that the Council lay off a stipulated portion of real estate into an Improvement Dis - trict , for making said improvements . POW , THERTTORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUiTCIL Or THE CITY OF FAYEm- TEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section One - That the following lots , blocks , streets , alleys , and parcels of real estate in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and the same are hereby laid off and declared to be an Improvement District within the said City , to- wit :, Beginning at a point on the North line of Dickson Street , ^ihich is Two hundred and twelve ( 212 ) feet East of the East line of College Avenue and running thence North to a point , which is One hundred ( 100 ) feet North of the North line of Cravens Street and Two hundred and twelve ( 212 ) feet East of the East line , of College Avenue ; thence West to the East line of College Avenue ; thence Ivorth Three hundred and eighty- three ( 383 ) feet ; thence East Two hundred and twelve ( 212 ) feet ; thence North Five hundred and three ( 503 ) feet ; thence West to the East line pf College Avenue ; thence North Five hundred and five ( 505 ) feet ; thence East Four hundred and thirty- eight ( 438 ) feet ; thence Ivorth to the South line of Rebecca Street ; thence East Six hundred and seventy- five ( 675 ) feet ;gthence South to the South line of Maple Street ; thence East on the South line of Maple Street to a point , which is One hun- dred - and ninety- five ( 195 ) feet East of the East line of Olive Avenue ; thence South Two hundre&- and thirty- nine ( 239 ) feet ; thence Last to the West line of Mission Avenue ; thence South Five hundred and Eighteen k518 ) 1 feet ; thence West to the West line of Olive Avenue ; thence South on the West line of Olive Avenue to the South line of Block Fifteen ( 15 ) of the Masonic Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence West to a point , which is One hundred and ninety- five ( 195 ) feet west of the 'Test line of Walnut Avenue and Two hundred and seven ( 207 ) feet South of the South line of Sutton Street ; thence South to the South line of Dickson Street ; thence West to the point of beginning= - Said description of the boundaries of the district embracing the following lots and parts of lots , according to the Sewer Map of the said Cdty of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , as compiled by Burns and McDonnell , the frontage of 3 . ' which lots are tested by actual measurement , to - nit : ;.iASONIC AJDDITIONJ - -Lots 1 , la, 2 , 2a , 3 and 4 of -block 2 , and a part of Lot 5 , Block 2 , more particularly described as follows , to -nit : Beginning at the South- east corner of Lot 5 , Block 2 , Lasonic Addition , and running thence `,lest 234 feet ; thence North 213 feet ; thence East 234 feet ; thence South 213 feet , to the point of beginning . Lots 1 , 2 , 2a , 2b , 3 , 3a , 4 , 4a , 5 , 5a and 6 of block 3 . Lots 13 2 , 2a , 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 of Block 4 . Lots 1 , la , 2 , 2a, 3 , 3a , 4 , 4a , 5 , 5a and 6 of Block 5 . Lots 18 , 1 $a , 18b , 18c , 17 , 10 , 11 , 12 , and 13 of Block 6 . Lots 1 , 2 , 4 , and a part of Lot 3 , Block 7 , more particularly de - scribed , as follows , to- wit : Beginning at the South- east . corner of Lot 3 , -block 7 , t :asonic Addition , and running thence West 57 . 3 feet ; thence North 100 feet ; thence East 57 . 3 feet ; thence South 10C feet , to the point of beginning . Lots 1 , 21 31 4 , 4a , 5 , 6 , 6a and 6b of Block Be Lots 11 . 2 ) ?a , 31 4 , 4a , 5 , 5a , 5b , 6 and 6a of Block 9 . Lots 1 , la , 2 , 31 41 5 , 5a and 5b Block 10 . All of Block 15 , Lots 13 la , lb , 2 , 3 and 3a of Block 16 , and a part of Lot 2a , Block 16 more particularly described as follows , to -nit : Beginning at the North- west corner of Lot 2a , Block 16 , t:asonic Addition , and running thence East 54 feet ; thence South 173 feet ; thence Uest 54 feet ; thence North 173 feet to the point of beginning . Lots 1 , la , 2 , 31 4 , 4a , 5 and 6 , Block 17 . Lots 2 , 3a , 5 , 6 and 11 , Block 18 , and a part of Lot 10 , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at the South- east corner of Lot 10 , Block 18 , uasonic Addition , and running thence Hest 76 . 2 feet ; thence North 153 . 2 feet ; thence East 76 . 2 feet ; thence South 153 ; 2 feet , to the point of be - ginning . Also a part of Lot 1 , Block 18 , more particularly described as follows , to --wit : Beginning at the South- east corner of Lot 1 , Block 18 , L:asonic Addition , and running thencel7est 10 feet thence North 65 . 5 feet thence East 10 feet ; thence South 65 . 5 feet , to the point of beginning . o . 4 DAVIDSON ADDITIOT?- - -Lots , 2, 3 , 61 7 , 8 , 8a , 9 , 10 , 110 122 13 , 141 150 16 and 17 , and a part of Lot 23 , more particularly described as follows , to- reit : : Beginning at the North-west corner Lot 23 , Davidson Addition , and running thence East 178 . 5 feet ; thence South 66 . 5 feet ; thence test 178 . 5 feet ; thence North 66 . 5 feet , to the point of the beginning , Also 178 . 5, feet off of the west end of Lots 24 , 25 , 26 , 26a and 27 . MkPLEWCOD ADDITION- - -Lots 18 , 19 , 20 , and 20a , mlock A. and a part of Lot 17mock A , more particularly described as follows , to -nit : Beginning at the South-west corner of Lot 1 , .block A , Laplewood Addition , and running thence North 246 . 3 feet ; thence East 438 feet ; thence iJorth 246 . 9 feet ; thence East 240 . 5 feet ; thence South 502 . 3 feet . thence West 67792- feet , to the point of beginning , Lots 1 , 21 31 41 50 61 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , Block E . COUNTY COURT SUB-DIVISIOZ OF LOT 4- --Lots D . E , F and G , Lot 4 , and part of Lot � , more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the North- west corner of Lot C , County Court Sub- division of Lot 4 , and running thence East 9 feet ; thence South 260 feet ;, , thence gest 9 feet ; thence North 260 feet , to the point of beginning . Section Two . That the said District shall hereafter be known and designated as Willow Avenue Improvement District ,lumber one of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section Three . That said District is laid off for the purpose of grading, rolling and macadamizing the said parts of said streets , as maybe more fully determined hereafter by the board of Improvement of said Improvement District . Section Four , That this Ordinance be in force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication ; and all ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed . Passed and approved thisday of December , 19209 Approved , Layo r Attest e r k •