HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 408 OR.DMANC?; NO. 408 AN ORt1I 'tANCa 'M AS 2TdTITr,M10 "AT? 07:DI?)A?IC? TO PIsM,',T!%TD S',CTIOIT 2 OF OMr4-'1ATJC% NO. 392, �.$ICIf ..n.'' PAS,",3D OTJ JUN ' 11, 1919. 'r Br IT ORDAINLT'D 13Y TIP.: CITY COTTTJCIL Or Tlr' CITY % 1'Al""4TT^✓IT,t,?,ARIC . : Sec. 1. That Section 2 0£ Ordinance No. 392, passed and approved on June 11, 1919, be amended so as to read as follow, : "Upon the filing of said application with said Collector, it shall be the duty of said Collector without further fees, to issus to the ovmer a receipt for such fee and the or+ner shall then present said receipt of the City Clerk of said City of 1'ayetteville who shall imiediataly issue to the owner of such motor vehicle as is described in the application filed, a certificate of registration which certificate numb which may be carried in the pocketshall be in the form of a number, which shall be , which hich sha shall ll contain a distinct tor vehiassigned to such mocle, end said City Clerk also issue and deliver to the ormer of such motor vehicle one instal Plate bearing the number assigned to such motor vehicle , together with the word "1'tty" , and the year of issue . And it shrill be the duty of such owner to conspiciously display said plate upon the front Of said motor vehicle whenever the same shall be driven or used upon the public streets, alleys , or public highways of said City of Fayetteville, Ark. " Sec . 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict hsrewtth shall be , and the same are hereby repealed, and this Ordinance shall take Uon. t, and be in force from and after its passaT=er approval, and publics cion. June 30, 1920 MiCRO&WT 1 DATE 979 REEL 1 ORDINANCC N0. 408 ATI 0711)I'1AAIC� TO A^ ?1Ti1TTP"0D "Aid 03DITTA?1C TO PIm7?1ID CTSON 2 OF OIIDITTAt4C '. N0 . 392, 1;:IICH ::is PA.S?M 014 JUi^ 11, 1919 . " BN ST CRDAI%n.l AY TIM CITY COUNCIL Or Til? CITY % FCYI:TT ✓Ii,i^,A3If. : Sec. 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No, 392, passed and approved on June 11, 1919.* be amended so as to read as follows : "Upon the filing of said application with said Collector, it shall be the duty of:' Said Collector without further fees, to issue to the owner a receipt for such fee and the ornner shall then presen City Clerk of said City of payetteville said t zeceipt .ot the who shall immediately issue to the owner of such motor vehicle as is described in the application filed, a certificate of registration which certificate shall be in the form of a card which may hcarried in the pocket, and vhich silall contain a distinct m number.* which shall be assigned to such otor vehicle , and said City Clerk shall also issue and deliver to the caner of such motor vehicle one instal plate bearing the number assigned to such motor vehicle , together with the 1vord "Fay" o and the year of issue . And it shrill be the duty of such owner to conapiciously display said plate upon the front of said motor vehicle whenever the Uame shall be driven or used upo or public highways of said n the public streets, alleys , City of firyyettsville.* Ark. " Sec , 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herev.2th shall to.* and the same are hereby repealed.* and , this Ordinance shall tale Uo.n. t, and be in force from and after its Passat-e .* approval, and publica- �ion. June 30, 1920