HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 404 ORDINANCE ATO. 404 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ^NTITLED "ATT GRDINANCE GRAANTI'M TO I.I. BATEI; 1113 F, .IRS , MECUTOR^ a ADUINISTRATORS, A'•TJ A"SIC Tr. ANil EnCT,USIU i BRArTC?iIS? FOR TH" PURp POSE OL FUR 7_T SNIi?G TO TH^ CITI'LE??S OY Ufr CITY OF rLY^TT 7ILT?':, ARKL'r^A^ CASs OITIIRR NAT R/1 OR ARTIFICIAL TO BE USED IM LIGHT; 11FAT, AW.) PX- FR . 1i BE IT OR.)pTWD BY Til? CITY COUNCIL 016 FAYETTEVIiT^ , AMWTAS : Sec . 11. That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, hereby grants I4. Baum, his heirs , executors , administrators, and assi.Fns , for the term of thioty years from the passage, epprov€.7. , and publication of this Ordinance the exclusive right and privilege of using the streets , within the eorporaLe limits of the Ciuy of Fayettevihereafter , a , as than alleys ., .ghr;cyst lleys ., and h ArIcLns norr or may hereafter exist, for the purpose of furnishing to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , and its inhabitants , gas , either natural or ar$ifieial to be used for the purpose of furnishing either light, heat, or povar. Seo . 2 . No mains , pipes, or conduits, or apparatus , or appliances laid or constructed cs to interfere vi.th or injure any of the water or sewer pipas, or conduits for telephone or telegraph wires, in the streets, alleys , or avenues , or public places of the said City 'of Fayetteville , and all of the same shall be placed and laid under the direction of the City Jouncil or its designated agent. Sec. 3 . All damage done to any of the streetsor , alleys , avenues, public places of the said City of Fayetteville by the laying and placing of. mains , pipes , conduits , apparatus , and appliances shall be full repairce. P220fmzfl under the direction of the City Council or designated agent, and paid for tha grantee herein. sac , 49 In consideration for the granting of this franchise the anid M. Baum, his heirs, executors , administrators , a.nd assigns hereby agree to furnish to said City of Fayetteville , all of the gcs nccasaarya or raqui .r`d by tha said City of I4'ayetteville , for the purpose of hoating and lighting the City Gall , and all of the offices therein, and also for the purpose of heating and' lighting txf such fire station, or fire stations , as ih2 said City of Fayetteville may have from tim✓ to tire , and also for the purpose of heating and lighting the City hospital; nurses he=, and arV armexoo Co oEij hospital, or nurses home . And srid U. Baum, his he ro , exocuio:^s, admir_tstrotors, and assigns shall pay for the publication of this ozdinanco . Sac. 5. I £ the said M. Baum, hia heirs, eaectuDzs , administrators , or assigns shall fail , in r-ood faithe to begin the lcA119 of the rscessa.TMj mains and pipes for the purpose of fura:.shing to the Paid City of Fayetteville and its inhabitants , E•as , either natvralor 2rtificial , as herain p.*. oviGed, on or before the let day of January, 1922 , and, if the said Baum, his heirs , o�oecutors.9 administrators, or assigns shall fail to have in full operation on or before January 1 , 1925, a plant which is suitable for the purpose of furnish- ing gala eihher natural or artificial , for the purpose of light, heat, and power; and, if the said IS. Baum, his heirs, executorsa administrators , and assigns shall fail, refuse or neglect to maintain such plant in good order, or to supply to the said City of Fayetteville, and its inhabitants gas, either natural or artificial , . t such rates as are chzrged in 0 . other cities and toT,as under similar PASSED AND APPROVED 5-7 - 1920 ' MICROFILMED DATE ST 4 1978 REELy,1,,),