HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 402 (2) AN ORDINANCE TO EE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY COLLECTOR , PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCI:r, OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , AMC Section I That , for the purpose of having all taxes and licenses and privi lege fees , and other moneys due the City of -sayetteville Arkansas , properly collected , the office of City @ollector is hereby created . Section II Said City Collector shall , immediately after the passage , approval and publication of this Ordinance , be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , said . appointment to be effective when confirmed by the City Council of said City ✓ of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Said City Collector shall hold his office untkl the first regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , held after the first Tuesday in April , 1921 , or until his successor shall be duly appointed and confirmed . Provided , that at the first regular meeting of the City Council , after the first Tuesday in April, 1921 , and at the corresponding meeting thereafter each year , the Mayor shall appoint a City Collect- or , whose appointment shall be effective when confirmed by the City Council , and who shall hold his office for the term of one year , . as above provided . Provided f urther , that the said City Collector may be removed from office ,by a vote of the majority of the City Council , for inefficiency , malfeasance or . : misfeasance in office . Section III It shall be the duty of the City Collector to keep a correct account of all moneys received by him , in a book provided for that purpose , snowing thnames of the person or per - sons from whom the same is collected , the date of payment , and the y purpose and cause for which the same is paid . And , for each sep - arate sum collected , he shall issue duplicate receipts , consecu - tively numbered . W�,C�LOFILM[D y 910 DAYE� REE6�` # 2 • Section IV It shall also be the duty of said City Collector to collect all license and privilege fees of what - soever nature or kind ; and, upon payment of the required amount therefor , to deliver to the person entitled thereto a duplicate receipt , showing the date of the payment , ,the name of the person , and the kind of license or privilege paid' for ,(Upon the presenta - tion of said duplicate receipt to the City Clerk , it shall be the duty of said City Clerk to issue the proper license , or privilege permit , and he shall charge the same , with the amount thereof , to said City Collector , and shall file the Collector ' s receipt as a voucher therefor Section V : It shall also be the duty of the City Collector to make and furnish to the City Clerk a list of the names of all persons in the City engaged in , or carrying on, any business for which a license or a privilege permit is required , and the kind of business such person may be engaged in . And , thereupon, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to make out and turn over to the City Collector the proper license , or privilege permit , in t_ie name of such person , charging the City Collector therewith , and taking his receipt for the same . And ,thereupon , it shall be the duty of such City Collector to proceed at once to the collection of such license or privilege fees ; and , in case of the failure or refusal of any such person liable therefor to pay the same , it shall be his duty to report such Fergon to the Police Judge, or Chief of Police , for a violation of the City Ordinance . And the City Attor- ney shall thereupon be required to file an Affidavit against such person , and cause him to be proceeded against in the Police Court ; if , after such proceedings against such person , the said person still refuses to pay such license or privilege fee , the Collector shall return the license or permit to the City Olerk, taking his receipt therefor , and leaving the person so offending to be dealt with according to law . Provided , that license or permits issued , as provided in this Section , shall not be held by the , City Collector # 3 , for more than twenty days from and after the date of their issuance . Section VI It shall also be the duty of the City Collector to collect all rents and forfeitures that may be due the City ; to collect all judgments obtained by the City ; to - collect all other moneys and debts that may be or become due the City . Section VIS It shall also be the duty of the City.. Collector to collect all rents due the City Water Plant for the use of water furnished to the inhabitants of the City of Fayetteville by said City Water Plant ,' Section VIII It shall also be the- duty , of said City Collector to turn over to the City Treasurer , once each week , all the moneys in his hands , taking the Treasurer ' s receipt in duplicate for the same , which receipts shall specify the fund to which same belongs , one of which receipts shall be filed with the City Clerk , and the other he shall retain for his own files . And said City Collector , at the first regular meeting of the City Council, each month , shall make a full report of all his official transactions since his last report , and , at which report to the said City Council, he shall transmit a report of all the moneys received by him , stating from whom , the date of payment , the amount , and for what cause or pur - pose , it was received . And , he shall make a report quarterly to the City Council , with the receipts of the Treasurer as vouchers for the amounts so paid by him to the said City Treasurer , X Section IX The said City Collector shall be required to l furnish a good and sufficient bond to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for the faithful performance of all his duties as such Collector , and in such amount or amcunts as may be , from time to time , fixed by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . # 4 . Section X The said City Collector shall receive for his services as such a sum not to exceed the sum of One Hundred w y - and twentfive -Dollars , ( $ I-25 . 00 ) , per month , said amount to be fixed , from time to time , by the City Council , .� Section XI' : All Ordinances , and parts of ordinances , ' in conflict herewith be , and the same are hereby , repealed , and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after . its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved this 20th day of March , A . D . 1920 . Attest Approved lerk , Mr or . ' 1