HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 397 ORDINANCE N0 . 397 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THt'_ SAFTiT'Y i. ND PROTsCTIUt•I OF THE PROPERTY AND TO PROMOTE TH:; PPOSPi .R1117 OF THS CITIZEMS OF FAYE I VILI.E. Br IT OFWAINF.D I;Y 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF AIMTTEVILLE , ARRA^ SAS ; lat. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for anyone to erect a build- ing of any character within the City of Fayetteville without first submitting his plans and specifications , also location and use for which building is to be used, to the City Engineer and obtaining a license to erect the same in accordance with such plans and specifications . 2nd . It shall be the duty of the City ?nFineer to promptly examine the same and submit the same to the City 0ouncil with such recommendationsas he sees proper to make . 3rd. If thg City Engrireer should be absent, or if the offi(e should be vacant, application may be made directly to the City Council for the licanse lath. Itshall be the duty of the city Council to examine promptly and carefully the plans and specifications and the report of the City -�nCineer, if made and i £ it is found that the building when so erected, will not render other prope .ty less safe , and will not be detrimental to the property of the citizens of said city, it will be the duty of the City Council to issue a license to said party to erect such building in accordance with such plans and specifications . No charge shall be made for such license . 5th. Anyone who shall erect a building within said City of Fayetteville without first obtaining; such license , or who shall erect a building not in substantial compliance rrith the plans and specifications after obtaining a license, shall be deemed E;uilty of a misdemeanor , and shall be fined for each offense the sum of Ten Dollars and each day that said buildings shall be in course of construction or shall be maintained shall be deemed a separat: offense for which like fine shrll be imposed. 6th. All Ordinance or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in effect on and after its approval . MICROFILM DATE T 4 1978 REEL l � S ORDINANCE N0 , 397 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THI_ SAFTJTY AND PROT CTTOH OF THE PROPERTY AND TO PR0-SOTE TH:; PP,OSP"RITY OF TH3 CITIZENS OF FAYrTTEVILLE. BE IT MMINED IIY 'WL CITY COUNCIL OF b'AYET LVILL E, ARKANSAS : 1st. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for anyone to erect a build- ing of any character within the City of Fayetteville without first submitting his plans and specifications , also location and use for vhich building is to be used, to the City Engineer and obtaining a license to erect the same in accordance with such plans and specifications . 2nd . It shall be the duty of the City ?nFineer to promptly examine the same and submit the some to the City C sees proper to make * council with such recommendationsas he 3rd . If th3 City Engrineer should be absent, or if the office should be vacant, application may be made directly to the City Council for the license 4th. Itshall be the duty of the city Council to examine promptly and carefully the plans and specifications and the report of the city ".nCineer, if made and if it is found that the building %hen so erected, will not render other property less safe , and will not be detrimental to the property of the citizens of said city, it will be the duty of the City Council to issue a license to said party to erect such building in accordance with such plans and specifications . No charge shall be made for such license . 5th. Anyone who shall erect a building within said City of Fayetteville without first obtaining; such license , or who shall erect a building not in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications after obtaining: a license , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and shall be fined for each offense the sum of Ten Dollars and each day that said building shall be in course of construction or shall be maintained shall be deemed a separate offense for which like fine shall be imposed. 6th. All Ordinance or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in effect on and after its approval . PASSED AND APPROVED 8- 15- 1919 MICROFILMED DATE _�4 1978 REEL g'� 5