HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 395 Ordinance No . AL) ORDINANCE TO BE E14TITIA0 "AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF AND CREATING INILLOW STREET I�t' PROV M 2NT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE FOR THE PURPOSE OF URADING , RULLINU AND iSACADAMIGING STREETS , AND PARTS OF STREETS , 9ITHIN SAID DISTRICT . " MICROFILMED DATE jg70 BE IT URDAIt1ED tsY THE CI`1'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF kEEL FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS : Section T That the whole of the territory lying within the boundaries hereinafter described , within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and the same is hereby laid off into an Improvement District , for the purpose of grading , rolling and macadamizing the streets , and parts of streets , within said boundaries Section Il That the following described boundaries , to -wit ; - - - - Washington Avenue from the North side of the intersection of East Dickson Street to the South side of the intersection of Davidson Street ; East Lafayette Street from the East intersection of North College Avenue to the West intersection of Mission Avenue ; North Willow Avenue from the North intersection of East Dickson Street to the North Past corner of Lot . ; 20a of Davidson Is Addition to the City of ;t'ayetteville ; Sutton Street from the East intersection of Washington Avenue to the West intersection of Walnut Avenue ; Walnut Avenue from the North intersection of Sutton Street to the South intersection of Maple Street ; Olive Street from the North intersection of Lafayette Street to the South intersec - tion of Maple Street ; Davidson Street from the East intersection of College Avenue to the West intersection of North Willow Avenue , - - - -- be and they are designated as the boundaries of said Improvement Dis- trict . 'The territory embraced therein shall be known as Willow Street Improvement District Number One , of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . The following real property shall be embraced in said district , and said district shall be bounded by the following metes and bounds , to -wit : - - - Beginning at the South East corner of Lot 11 , 13lock 18 , Masonic Addition to the City of r'ayetteville , Arkansas , and running thence gest 261 feet and 11 inches , more or less to the South 2 . West corner of Lot 10 , of said block , and said Addition , and running thence North 153 feet and 2 inches , more or less , to the North West corner of said Lot 10 ; thence North Easterly with the North line of said lot 10 to the South Nest corner of Lot 6 , of said block , 18 of Masonic Addition and running thence North 261 feet and 7 inches , more or less to the North line of Lot 1 of said block 18 of Masonic Addition ; thence East 10 feet , more or less to the South West corner of Lot 2 of said block 18 , Masonic Addition , thence North 55 feet and 6 inches , more or less to the North West corner of Lot 2 of said Block 18 , Masonic Addition ; thence East 197 feet , more or less to and intersect the West line of 'Washington Avenue ; thence North 34 feet and 7 inches , more or less to the South Last corner of Lot 4 , ]clock 7 of ;,lasonic Addition ; thence West 153' feet and 5 inches , more or less to South 'Jest corner of said Lot 4 , thence North and slightly West 112 feet and 5 inches or to the South Last corner of Lot 1 of said block 7 , thence Fest 269 feet and 3 inches , more or less , to and intersect the Last line of North College Avenue ; thence North .136 feet and 10 inches , more or less , to the South Hest corner of Lot 18 b of block 6 of Idasonic Addition ; thence North 94 feet , more or less to the North Hest corner of said lot 18b of said block 6 , iaasonic Addition ; thence Last 203 feet and 6 inches to the Souffi East corner of Lot 18a of said block 6 , Masonic Addition ; thence North 373 feet and 3 inches to and intersect the South side of East Maple Street ; thence Last 211 feet and 9 inches , more or less , to and inter - sect the west line of Washington Avenue ; thence North 40 fEet , metre or less , to the South East corner of Lot 6 of Davidson ' s Addition to the said uity of r'ayetteville ; thence Hest 214 feet and 4 inches , more or less to South west corner of said Lot 6 , thence North 331 feet and 8 inches , more or less to the North East corner of Lot 3 of said David - son ' s Addition ; thence Vest 189 feet and 2 inches , more or less , to and intersect with(//the Last side of college Avenue ; thence North 642 feet and 7 inches , more or less , to and intersect with) the South side of Rebecca Street ; thence East along the Smith side of Rebecca Street) 678 1 feet and 5 inches , more or less to the North West corner of Lot 20 , of said Davidson ' s Addition ; thence South 154 feet , more or less , to the North west corner of Lot 20 a of Davidson ' s Addition ; thence East 197 feet, # 3 . more or less , to and intersect the West line of N . Willow Avenue ; thence East across North Willow Avenue 59 feet , more or less , to the North West corner of Lot 4 , Block " E" , of Maple Addition to the City of Fayetteville ; thence East 180 feet to the North East corner of said Lot 4 , Block "E" , Maple Addition ; thence South 350 feet , - more or less , to South line of said Block "E" , Maple Addition ; thence East 179 feet , more or less , to and inter - sect the West line of North Walnut Avenue ; thence South across an alley 24 feet and 5 inches , more or less , to the North East corner of Lot 23 of Davidson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville ; thence South 219 feet and 5 inches , to the South East corner of Lot 25 of Davidson ' s Addition ; thence West 102 feet and 5 inches to the North East corner of Lot 26 of Davidson ' s Addition ; thence South 244 feet to and intersect the North side of East Maple Street ; thence East 102 feet and 5 inches to the South East corner , Lot 27 A , Davidson ' s Addition ; thence South 39 feet and 5 inches , more or less to the North side of Lot . 6 , Block 4 of Masonic Addition to the City of Fayetteville; thence East 2D feet , more or less to the North East cor - ner of said Lot 6 and to and intersect the West line of N . Walnut Avenue ; thence East 40 feet , more or less to the North West corner of Lot 1 , Block 3 of said Masonic Addition ; thence East 657 feet and 4 inches to the North East corner of Lot la Block 2 of said Masonic Addition ; thence South 163 feet to the South West corner of Lot 6a of said Block 2 Masonic Addition thence East 220 feet to and intersect the Blest line of Mission Avenue ; thence South 295 ' feet to and intersect the North side of East Lafayette Street ; thence South. 60 ;feet , more or less to the North line of Lot " C " of the County Court Sub - division of Lot 4 ; thence East to the North East corner of said Lot " C!�- ; thence South 260 feet to the South East corner of said Lot " C " ; thence West 531 feet , more or less to and intersect the East side of Olive Street ; thence North 112 . 5 feet ;: thence West 38 feet , more or less to the South EasCcorn er of Lot 5 of Block 10 of Masonic Addition to the City of Fayetteville ; thence West 208 feet to an alley ; thence South 215 feet , more or less to and intersect the (North side of Sutton Street ; thence West 213 feet to and intersect thelEast side of Walnut Street ; thence South 34 . 5 feet , more or less to the North West corner of Block 15 , of Masonic Addition to City ote Fayetteville ; thence West 38 feet , more or less to the North East corner of Lot 3a , Block 16 of said Masonic Addition ; thence South 110 feet to the South East corner of said Lot 3a ; thence West 159 . 5 Page 4 feet to and intersect the East line of Lot lb of Block 16 of said I�a.sonic Addition ; thence South 100 feet to the South East corner of said Lot lb ; thence West 99 feet to the South West corner of said Lot lb ; thence South 171 feet and 8 inches to and intersect the North side of East Dickson Street ; thence West 160 feet to and intersect the East line of North Willow Street ; thence West 33 feet and 8 inches to the South East corner of Lot 4a;_ Block 17 of said la'a. sonic Addition ; thence West along the North side of East Dick- son Street 437 feet and 8 inches to the South East corner of Block 18 of said Masonic Addition or to the place of beginning , said description of the boundaries of the District embracing the following lots and parts of lots , according to the Sewer Map of the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as compiled by Burns & McDonnell , the frontage of wl-:ich lots are tested by actual ipeasurement , to -wit x (Masonic Addition ) Block 18 of said Addition the following lots , Lot 11 fronting on Washington Avenue 153 feet and 2 inches ; Lot 6 fronting 87 feet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 5 fronting 75 feet and 5 inches ; on Washington Avenue ; Lot 3a fronting 99 feet and 2 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 55 feet and 6 inches on Wa$hington Avenue and in Block 18 of Masonic Addition , Lot 4 fronting 112 fe'dt and 5 inches on Wash - ington Avenue and Lot 2 fronting 90 feet on Washington Avenue and 153 feet and 5 inches on East Lafayette and Lot 1 fronting 269 feet and 3 inches on East Lafayette ; foregoing lots numbered 4 , 2 , and 1 , one being in Block 7 of said Masonic Addition and in Block 6 of said Addition Lot l8b fronting 203 feet and 6 inches on East Lafayette Street ; ILot 18 fronting 48 feet and 2 inches on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 18c fronting 171 feet on East Laf ay - ette Street and 175 feet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 10 fronting 56 feet and 3 inches on Wa saington Avenue ; Lot 11 fronting 75 f eat on Washinghn Avenue and a private driveway between lots 11 and 12 fronting 14 feet on Washing - Lot 12 fronting 85 feet and 7 inches on Washington Avenue , ton Avenue / Lot 13 fronting 72 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue and in Block 6 of Masonic Addition ; and in Davidson ' s Addition the following lots Lot 6 fronting 110 feet and 2 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 7 fronting 110 feet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 8a fronting 55 feet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 8 fronting 65 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 9 fronting 93 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue and said Lot 9 fronting 220 feet and 5 inches on Davidson Street , an alley or driveway between lots 9 and 2 fronting 10 feet on Davidson Street ; Lot 2 fronting 189 feet and 2 inches on . Davidson Street and Lot 1 , Block A . of # 5 . Maple Addition to City of Fayetteville , fronting 677 feet and 2 inches on Davidson Street ; Lot 20a of Davidson ' s Addition fronting 150 feet on N . Wiilow Avenue ; Lot 19 fronting 99 feet on North Willow Avenue , and Lot 18 fronting 101 feet and 3 inches on North Willow Avenue , and in Davidson ' s Addition ; Lot 10 fronting 108 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 11 fronting 105 feet and 5 inches on Washington. Avenue ; Lot 12 fronting 110 feet on Washington Avenue and an alley tetween Lots 11 and 12 fronting 12 feet on Washington Avenue , and Lot 13 fronting 110 feet and 2 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 17 fronting 104 feet and 7 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 16 fronting 110 feet and 5 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 15 fronting , 109 feet and 2 inches on N . Willow Avenue , an alley between said Lots . 15 & 16 fronting 13 feet on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 14 fronting 110 feet and 3 inches on North Willow Avenue and being in Davidson ' s Addition ; also the following in Block 5 , Masonic Addition , Lot 1 fronting 84 feet on Washing- ton Avenue ; Lot la fronting 71 feet on Wa3shington Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 47 feet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 2a fronting 91 feet and 5 inches and a driveway fronting 9 Beet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 3 fronting 149 feet and 9 inches on Wabhington Avenue , and said Lot 3 fronting 127 feet and 2 inches or. East Lafayette StreeT Lot 3a fronting 61 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 4 fronting 100 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 4a fronting 102 feet and 3 inches on East Lafayette Street ; and said Lot 4a fronting 13 3 feet and 6 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 5 fronting 62 feet and 6 inches on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 5a fronting 100feet on N . Wil bw Avenue and an lot alley or driveway between /5 and 5a fronting 10 feet on N . Willow Avenue ; and Lot 6 fronting 157 feet and 5 inches on N . Willow Avenue and in Block 8 of Masonic Addition , Lot 1 fronting 188 feet and 2 inches on East Lafay- ette Street and 112 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 112 feet and 3 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot 3 fronting 112 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue and 190 feet and 9 inches on Sutton Street ; Lot 4 fronting 65 feet and 7 inches on Sutton Street ; Lot 4a fronting 134 feet on Sutton Street and 158 feet and 4 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 5 front - ing 66 feet and 8 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 6b fronting 112 feet and 7 inches on N . Willow Avenue and 69 feet and 5 inches on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 6a fronting 70 feet on East Lafayette Street and Lot 6 fronting 65 feet on East Lafayette Street and in Block 17 of Masonic Addition . r . . # 6 . Lot 1 fronting 190 feet and 9 inches on Sutton Street and 61 feet and 5 inches on Washington Avenue ; Lot la fronting 67 feet and 5 inches on Wash . ington Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 127 feet on Washington Avenue ; Lot 3 fronting 128 feet and 2 inches on Washington Avenue , and Lot 4a fronting 128 feet and 5 inches on North Willow Avenue ; and Lot 4 and a driveway of 12 feet fronting on E . Dickason Street and Lying and immediately adjoining said Lot 4 on the West side , said lot 4 fronting 90 feet and 5 inches on E . Dickson Street , both lying between said lots 3 and 4a ; Lot 5 fronting 127 feet and 7 inches on North WFllow Avenue and Lot 6 fronting 127 feet and 1 inch on North Willow Avenue and 188 feet and 8 inches on Sutton Street and in Block " E" of luaple Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Lots 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 fronting each 50 feet on North Willow A3tenue and in Davidson ' s Addition to City of Fayetteville , Lot 23 fronting 66 feet and 5 inchds on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 24 fronting 97 feet and 5 inches on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 25 fronting 65 feet and 5 inches on North Willow Avenue; Lot 26 fronting 68 feet and 5 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 26a fronting 61 feet on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 27 fronting 117 feet on N . Willow Avenue and in Block 4 of Masonic Addition to City of Fayetteville , Lot 1 fronting 131 feet and 9 inches on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 73 feet on N . Willow Avenue ; Lot 2a and Lot 3 fronting 257 feet and 5 inches on North Willow Avenue and said Lot 3 fronting 194 feet and 5 inches on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 4 fronting 195 feet and 5 inches on East Lafayette Street and said Lot 4 and Lot 5 fronting 302 feetanti 3 inches on North Walnut Avenue and Lot 6 front - ing 160 feet and 7 inche on North Walnut Avenue ; and in Block 3 of Masonic Addition ; Lots 1 and 2 fronting 238 feet and five inches on North Walnut Avenue and Lots 2a and Lot 3 fronting 224 feet and 5 inches on North Willow Avenue , and said Lot 3 fronting 130 feet and 8 inches on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 3a fronting 79 feet and 2 inches on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 4 fronting 111 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 4a fronting 99 feet on East Lafayette Street and Lots 4a and 5a fronting 302 feet on Olive Avenue and Lot 6 fronting 158 feet on Olive Avenge and in Block 2 , Masonic Addition?Lot 1 fronting 140 feet on Olive Avenue , also Lot la immediately adjoining Lot 1 on the East fronting 106 feet on East Lafayette Street . Lot 2 fronting 77 feet and 5 inches on Olive Avenue and 23 feet between said Lots 1 and 2 used for driveway . Lots 2a and 3 fronting 219 feet and # 7 . 5 inches on Olive Avenue and Lots 3 and 4 fronting 429 feet on East Lafayette Street and in the County Court Bub - division of Lot 4 , Lot " C " fronting 130 . feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot " D" fronting 130 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot "E" fronting 46 feet on East Lafayete Street ; Lct "F " fronting 65 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot " G " fronting 160 feet on East Lafayette Street and in Block 10 of Masonic Addition to Fayetteville ; Lot 5 fronting 60 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 5b fronting 78 feet on East Lafayette Street , Lot 5a fronting 70 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot la fronting 90 feet on East Lafayette Street and an alley between Lots 5a and la fronting 13 feet on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 1 fronting 107 feet on East Lafayette Street and 121 feet and 5 inches on North Walnut Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 115 feet on N . Walnut Avenue ; Lot 3 fronting 100 feet on North Walnut Avenue and in Block 9 of Masonic Addi - tion ; Lot 1 fronting 194 feet and 5 inches on East Lafayette Street and 112 feet and 7 inches on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 60 feet and 5 inches on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 2a fronting 54 feet on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 3 fronting110 feet on North Willow Avenue and 196 feeton Sutton Street ; Lot 4 fronting 135 feet on Sutton Street ; :Ijot 4a fronting 60 feet on Sutton Street and 113 feet and 5 inches on Walnut Street ; Lot 5 lot fronting 56 feet and 5 inches on North Walnut Avenue ; Lots 5b and/6 front - ing 176 feet on North Walnut Avenue and said Lot 6 fronting 101 feet and 5 inches on East Lafayette Street ; Lot 6a fronting 96 feet on East Lafayette Street and in Block 16 of said idasonic Addition ; Lot 3a fronting110 feet on Sutton Street ; Lot 3 fronting 49 feet and 5 inches on Sutton Street ; Lot lb fronting 99 feet on Sutton Street ; Lot 1 fronting 132 feet and 5 inches on Sutton Street and 88 feet on Willow Avenue ; Lot la fronting 119 feet on North Willow Avenue ; Lot 2 fronting 171 feet and 8 inches on North Willow Avenue . Section III : That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed , and this Ordi - r_ance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication . Q . d9 - 199 Approved L Attest Eloy r . Clerk .