HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 394 O; ;JLI '.v: l'� _ . '=''l }a '.'.T.el 7, '. 1 _1_h% .... ::rS �Q : 73 Vo," � ,1J1 � .. F 1' tl:i ti�1T`L :i ` �'`�' T� . � . �t:'t�; .� ! - ) (1?i is ;r l. i : /1L�.� e J.. i 'J ... _ E . 1 S33'TI0?i "3 , That Hereafter it sh 11 bc: unlawful for any person to o,.-j-.1 or drive any notor driven ta>d unh, onud. bus , track, or ,aotorc•ycle within the cor— poru^te limits Of t1:U City of . ay ett�::vi.11e , iirkansas , 1.'i':hout h£ vin,; first paid a 11cCZ1S@ ive fOr SS i!8 , a ' ji' mlin6a£tUT' Set I:Ortho The license fee S lall be as fo].loovs , to it : For each motor driven ta}:7. can, Or omydb12ii :`(32l a:111'..1i4 %,,>5Oi1t . vor each :color driven truck used fOr re ! "Ail deli. L'e '+lr of ail r i`_itld Ur fOY' nalillnE' one i3 O:;n tGG]:S , Or ira'Cr'raal , C3.J?_C.la,y not UL'C1' one tori, );Br 2.nF11LG ,ii('.OU. Pox eag h !.Motor driven track capacity above 1 ton and not over 2 toms , per tamum sp20 . 00e For each :aOtOr dr7.V011 7:1-'LLG CaliaCi, ty 21 )Ve ? Levi v. €S YIUt alile Y' 3 tons , per annum ;;30. 00. For e2G;1 :rof;oz• driven tr4Gi; above 3 tons and not over µ tons , par 211MAra eac'n Low Lor dr-ivon truck, caOaCity over Il tons , per annL?I .�jrJ , VO. L'Or 'aaC;l a:1 tC%'CqlC1C , Yit Or :YitlieLlT. Si C6 car, per anY!1;;.? eIL::L11 p ..� 'a wally' old the first day of - 'CU. & ilDl.. Sit' t e t � Jll_tt 1919 and on the first aa . of Jul of each ,ar til 1a] Js J y - or_ :tar. '3 %, license shell e ioi.re on the 30Th day of Junr: followin,- its issue. S3 TIO') Tilt ; , It shall be wnla;+ful: for any _erson to drive or run any truck oil any i.rirroved or paved street %-edtllin 'the corporate lixii is Of the said Sit- oil Ya.%etteville , Arkansa., with ci'11i.ns on any of it. wheels . ;.•,� .,;�., .,YI : , ii ..Z. [my person, fit •+ , or v:^� aLion vJho drive 8ny ca7b, Iormi 'lus , track Or motorcycle upon any of the public Streets , alleys, or public +hifhlvays of said 0ity of Zaipltteville , vdtlout having first px;i.d tale license fee heroin ^xovidcj_2 or .ho shall viol.ete any of the prov-isions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a aisdomeanor, avid u,on cinviction thereof shall be fined in saf/ slw, not less than Tem dollsrs nor more than nifty dollars . Lacil day that such taxi cab, omnibus, trues, or laotorcycle shall be so driven, vd_'' hout a li.GenSe fee havim, been Daid , `ihoi]. CC1nStitL.fo a separate offense . 3 i'.iTI_''.` 1'17=E . Elle revonue derived from the C011ectiOns of said license fees sh i=ll be nl aced and kollt in separate , al's? s:lall ae ,:sed en lu s_vely in the constr ction repicdY' and inointenance of tie str3ets alleysq and ' 7 1•:ay s of the Ji. Ly of rays ttr.>,vi lle , i .rkansas and any officer vino shall lsill£ully and 1a1GL:in ;ly QaztiGipst:: :in spending- any Gi' s::i;i funds for any otilcr pL+snose shall be deemed guilty of - Misdemeanor annc Laid u1pon coricti.on thereof ;hall be p rished b, a fine of not less than Fifty dollars nor more t:laYl live hundred dollars for each offence . S Cl'I':''i >_ ;< . ;:11 ordina:nGes andnarts of ordinances in conflict herarith Shall be and the saga are herebyrepealed, -ni t} is ordinance snail take effect and be in farce from and after its passa.;e , alprovvl , an:i publication. Passed and u ;proved t!le 20th dais c ' Jmje 1919, MICROFILMED DATE OCT ° 08 REEL._ W!, IDRDIllv .rCLE 17 } ; 1r�'T r:_? 'v t ' " ]C's P2 r}3I `il LLC 'rS:, n . n, n i 1L :L iC �i4It 1 V, i L .J L-M ;; 9 BiiS A ;i , T1uCK n. T n i C "r:LI , ;vI _vP, OTv B" 1T ML)A M" ny _M, CITY ::vii;i'' IL 6^ Ti? CITY OF 17­313,TT';`lILI.•= , i:tYfa ""I:S : S' ^.'TION ONS . That her-after it shall be unlawful for. any person to own or drive any motor driven tam. cabs omnibus , truck, or motorcycle inni:tkliZ the cor- porate limits of the city of Frzyptteville , Arkansn.s , •rdthout having first paid a license fee for sane , as itereinaftei . set forth. The license fee shtdl be as follows , to ,sit : For each motor driven Mari cab, or omnibut, per annuia 62.5 .00. or each motor driven truck used for iv Bail deli vel of any kind or for hauling one ' s o.;n tools , or materials , capeci.ty not oven One tori, per annum ;,10, 00. .'or eaph :motor driven truck capacity above 1 ton and not over *2 torts, per annum, ` 20:00. For each motor. driven t:ruc Capacity above 2 tons and not over 3 tons , per annum >30. aJ. For each motor driven track above 3 tons •and not over u tons, per .annum ;5;40. 00. For each motor driven truck, capacity over 4 tons , per annum ror each mo'torcycle ,' . uita or witilout si dC car, per ant?L':'z v>. 00. S7.11TTOT' iO . Said l-:eenoe fae shall be payble annually oil the first day of July, 1919 and on the first day of. July of each year thereai'ter. 'teach license shall expire on the 30th day of Jure following its issue. S CPION TMM' . It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or ran any truck on any improved or paved 3troet within the corporate limits of the said City of 1'ayetteville, . Arkansas Irith chains on any of its :heels . S rim FOUR. Any person, fl.ia., or coroor'rvtion v:ho shall drive any: tar cab , omni:,us , truck or motorcycle ,upon ' aMf of the public streets , alleys, or public riightiv<•ays of said City of Fayetteville , r:rkansas vaithout having first paid th=_ license fee herein ;:rovided, or v:ho shall violate . any of the provisions of ,this ordinance shall be deemed guilty ofa misdemeanor, and upon convi ction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten dollars nor :core than. Fifty dollars . Each da;r tent such taxi cab, omin.bus, trucks or motorcycle shad be so driven, : lui.thout alicense fee having been n<"] ds shop. constitute a separate offense . '3s' TIOPI FI `TIP . Pie revenue derived from the collections of said license fees shall be 'placed and kept in a separate , and shall be used oxclusively in the construction, .repair, and .!maintenance Of tile "Streets, alle;,rs , a11d ?ubiiC high— IsatE: of the :lily of Fayetteville , ty Arkansas and a officer who shall willfully and knoraingly participate: in spendinC any of. said rands for any other purpose shall be deemed guilty of a imisdewanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less, than Fifty dollars nor. more than Five IIundred dollars £or . each offence . SPCTIO'? SIX . ;ill ordinar_ees andparts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall: take ) effect and be in force from and after its passa, e , a. proval, and publication. Passed and approved the. 20th clay of Juzle 1919. MICROFILMED DATE OCT a 1878 REELm�