HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 393 #1 Ordinance No . AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , " AN ORDINANCE TO PRESCRIBE AND REGULATE LICENSES FOR CERTAIN . PRIVILEGES IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS * " MICROFILMED Nig I D pAiE� OF I ORDAINED BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Section I That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any pers6n , firm or corporation to engage in the exercise of , or pursue any vocation , or business , for which a . license is required by the Eity of Fayetteville , Arkansas , without having first obtained a li- cense therefor from the proper city authority , and having paid foor the. same in gold , eilver , or other United States currency . Sect ' II : The C ief of Police/of the Cit of Fayette ills shall. be t Colle or for the purpose f this Ordi ance , and it (� I shall b his ty to s that said 0 dinance is f fly enforce Any person , f m. or rpo ation esiri g to procure a license un er the provisions o this inance , s 1 tender to said Collect the a- mount required by the to s o this dinan e , and shall ake from said Collector eceipt th for . Said ceipt shall t en be pre- sented to th City erk f the ty of aye eville , Skansas , anc: ; t shall be the duty o the said City erk to is ue hereon a li- cense to such perso , firm corp o ation f the rp a indicated on said receipt , and to charge a Collector wi the amount thereof . Section III In case any person , firm or corporation shall fail , neglect or refuse to pay the license herein required , when due , it shall be the duty of the Collector to report sush person , firm or a corporation to the Police Judge of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and thereupon the City Attorney of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall file information against such person , firm or corporation , and cause such person , firm or corporation to be proceeded agaiins� for such failure , neglect or refusal . Section IV All annual licenses herein provided: `9or shall be due and payable on the first day of July , 1919 , and shall ex- pire on the last day of June the year next following , and for all succeeding ,; ears shall be due and payable on the first day of July , and expire on the last day of June next following . All monthly li- censes shall be due and payable o .^.. the first day of the month and shall expire the last day of the mAnth of their issuance . All li- censes of whatever nature or description shall be due and payable # . 2 in advance . "Any person , firm or corporation , who shall have paid a license for one year , or for six months , or for three months , under any other Ordinance heretofore passed by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , shall , on the first day of July , 1919 , pay the li- cense herein assessed for one year , or for six months , or for three months , as the case may be , but may deduct from said sum the amount which has already been overpaid . Section V : Any person , firm or corporation engaging in any of the following vocations , business or acts shall pay as a privilege therefor a license , as follows to-wit : For keeping each livery stable , per annum $ 5 . 00. For running an omnibus , hacks , drays , wagons , express wagons , carts , or other vehicle drawn by two horses , and used for public carrier , or for ,job or hire , for each wagon or vehicle , per annum 5 , 00 'YLO�o -l0, 00 For six months 2 . 75 G . 00 For vehicle drawn by one horse , per annum 3. 00 Ymp-Ai 7 . 00 o- 4 - 01) For six months 1 . 75 2;, 00 3X0 For posting , tacking , nailing and distributing all classes of advertising matter , and engaging in the business of bill posting, or bill board posting , _ per annum 25 . 00 Provided this clause shall not apply to local merchants who advertise their own business . For parading the streets by band , ( with or without wagon) for the advertisement of any business or sale of any articles , for which no taxes of license is paid in the City , for each parade 2 . 00 For each hall or room used for public dances , or ball: rooms 25. 00 For each rope walker , balloon ascensionist , for each exhibit 5 . 00' For each exhibit of a single trick animal , in room oar tent , or on the street , per day 2 . 00 For each bowling , ten pin , or ninepin alley , per annum 25 . 00 For throwing rings , ( game `of .skill ) per month 10 . 00 Per day 1 2 . 00 For each doll rack, knife . rack, or like contrivance , per day 2 . 00. For lung testors , muscle developers , lifting , pulling , or striking machines , electric batteries , per week 5 . 00 Per day 2 . 00 _ .For shooting galleries ,, per annum 30 . 00 Per month 7 . 00 For each skating rink , per month 5 : 00 For hotels charging $2 . 00 per day , or more , per annum 40 . 00 For hotels , charging less than $2 . 00 per day , but not less than $1 . 50 per day , per annum 30 . 00 For hotels charging less than $1 . 50 per day 20 . 00 (•�� 5 . 00 #VP 3 For each restaurant , per annum $25 . 00. For six months . 15 . 00 All houses keeping transient boarders shall be considered Hotels , within the meaning of this Ordinance . For rooming houses , with twelve or more rooms , per annum 20 . 00. For six months 12 . 50 For rooming houses , having from eight to eleven rooms , per annum 15 . 00 For six months 10 . 00 Fpr rooming houses with less than eight Looms , per annum 10 . 00 For six months 7 . 50 For each travelling or itinerant doctor , healer , etc . per week5 . 0O For each intelligence officer , who keeps an intelligence office , per annum 10 . 00. For each public weigher , per annum 25 . 00 For the privilege of sprinkling the streets , alleys , and lather public places , for each sprinkling wagon 5 . 00 For peddling toy images , or figures , per month 5 . 00 For peddling suitings , clothes , commonly known as ( w°""� aOOO � li clothes peddlers , per month CS.wO • sa (D ° tee,�;°d°�°jam' {( b • oD71m 15 . 00 „ 1 e , oo '— Iwo For each butcher shop , per annum 50.00Q For peddling meat , unless raised by the peddler , per.- annum 60 . 00 For , peddling patent , or other medicines , per month 10 . 00 For peddling farmulas , receipts , or selling same on the streets , per month 5 . 00 For engaging in , or carrying on the business of a broker , for the buying or selling of any cotton , grain , bonds , securities , stock, pr shares of stock for others , per an . 100 . 00 For peddling soap , or toilet preparations , per week 2 . 00 &saoss` For peddling poultry , eggs , and vegetables , unless raised by the peddler , per annum 20 . 00- For six months 12 . 50 For one month 5 . 00 For one load 11400. For peddling groceries , per annum 25 . 00 For six months 15 . 00: For one month 7 . 00. Each peddler taking out license under above provision shall have displayed plainly on the person , or wagon , his License Mark , and the words , . °'License No . ! � , produce , or grocer , as the case may be , printed - thereon . For peddling coal oil , gasoline , or other fluids or articles , not otherwise specified , per annum , per wagon 25 . 00: For peddling jewelry , per week 11 1• 4 . 00 For peddling musical instruments , ' per annum 15 . 00 For peddling wienie wursts , or ether articles of prepared food , pe : annum 15 . 00 Per month 4 . 00 For peddling oysters , or ice cream , aper month hh 6 . 00 g�dpago�d n o r�'e9e?nsbt ierwise ' spec3ffcai?yrme,tionea,P.� G .2500 er month 5. 00, ._ �o� •".. 1 . 00 4 For each Ped ler of fruit , by hand- cart , or from wagon in the at as a of the city ', unless same be raised by Be 25 . 00, peddler, per annum . 15 . 00. For six months 10 . 00 For three months 5 . 00 For one month For each peddler of spectacles , per month 10 . 00 Per week 5 . 00. Per. day 2 . 00. For each peddler of picture frames , per month 8 . 00_ For each merry-go-round , or ferris wheel , per month 10 * 00 5 . 00 per week For any exhibition of strength , or skill , not otherwise specified , for each exhibit 5 . 00., _ For horoscopic views , telescopes ,. magnifying glasses , and like instruments , per month 7 . 00_ Per. day 2 . 00. For exhibitions of curiosities in tents , or rooms , pv ' lean Per. day 4. 00. For each dog and pony show., or dog or pony show , for each twenty-four hours 25 . 00 For each circus , or menagerie company , or wild west show, with over 25 cars 100.• 00 And 25 cars , or under , per each twenty-four hours 50 . 00 For each boot-black who exercises his trade on the streets , alleys , or sidewalks , per month 4 . 00 For each theatre , or opera house , per annum 100 . 00 For each moving picture show f 50 . 00 _ For each travelling or local show , or concert , per week 25. 00 For each twenty-four hours 10 . 00 For carrying on the business of tax, real estate , and 75 . 00 money broker , per annum 40 . 00 For six months 20 . 00:- For three months For money brokers alone , per annum 25 . 00 For each person who negotiates loans for others , or carries on the business of money , script , or bill.- broker , per annum 25 . 00 For each insurance agent , writing fire insurance , per annum 25 . 00 For each life or accident insurance agent , per annum 15 . 00 For every merchandise broker or commission merchant 50 . 00 For each person engaged in the business of soliciting, exchang- ing, selling real estate , or in handling rental property , � asao either for himself or for others , per annum 50 . 00 n For each sales stable , or lot kept for the purpose of buying and selling , swapping or exchanging horses , mules or other 25 . 00 live stock , per annum For soliciting orders by canvassers for enlarging pictures , I'M per day For selling toy balloons , or like articles , on the streets , alleys , or other public places , per day 2 . 00 Per week 8 . 00 CQ' lrakc� @c. e� , a4 in &k& iGW - 5o0,_ou a' 7 # 5 For each seller of patent glue , monogram cutters , per month 8. 00 For selling prize packages , per day 4 . 00 For selling goads , wares , or merchandise on the streets , sidewalks , or alleys , at public outcry , per day 3 . 00 For venders of Indian or other medicines , in tents or room , per week 10 . 00. For vendors of patent medicines , or other nostrums , from stand or wagon , per day 8. 00 Per week 15 . 00 For each stand on the street , sidewalk , or alley , selling fruit , nuts , candy , etc . , all or singly , per day 9 . 00 % _.Per .month _ _ 4 . 00 Per annum 120-00- For each and every auctioneer , per annum 25 . 00 For keeping each confectionery which furnishes hot lunches Per annum 10 . 00 Six months. 6 . 00 Three months 4. 00 For each dealer in second hand goods and keeper of junk shops per annum MOO For each itinerant umbrella mender or repairer , per week 3 . 00- Per day 1 . 00 For each hand organ grinder , unless blind or crippled , per day 3. 00 For each knife or scissors grinder , on the street , per month 3 . OQ• Per week 1 . 00 Per year 80M _ For each produce business , whether eggs , poultry , or fruit per annum 25 . 00 Per six months 15 . OQ For each bakery , per annum 25 . 00 For six months 15. OQ For each garage , per annum 25 . 00 For ageney for one make of automobile , per annum MOO For each additional agency 10 . 00 For agency for one make of truck , per annum 20 . 00 For each additional agency for truck 10 . 0Q. For vulcanizing or tire repair shop , per annum 20 . 00 For each batte ry charging or repair shop , when not •' ♦ connected with a garage , per annum 10 . 00 Section VI : Each telegraph, telephone , electric light or power company shall pay annually a sum equal to fifty cents ( 50�) for each pole used by them , whether such poles are leased , rented or owned by them . And each telegraph , telephone , electric light or powe company is hereby required to file with the City Clerk of the City o Fayetteville , Arkansas , annually , a sworn list of the number of pole in use by said company , whether the same are rented , leased or owned by said company , showing the location of said poles and the manner in which same are erected . The first sworn list required under this Ordi- nance shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before July 1 , 19199 and thereafter said sworn list shall be filed with said Clerk on the first day of July of each succeeding year . In addition to the above required annual sworn list , all telegraph , telephone , electric light or power " companies , shall file with the City Clerk a written report each time an additional post is erected within the corporate limits of the said City of Fayetteville , giving the place where located , and �# 6 A the manner in which the same is erected . Section VII The City Collector shall be required to keep a i stub of each receipt issued by him under the provisions of this Ordi- nance , and to copy the memorandum shown on said stubs into a Ledger to be kept by him for thiel purpose . Said ColIector. shall make a written report to the City Council , monthly , showing the names of all persons to whom a receipt has been issued , the amount of said collection , and the business for which same was issued . Section VIII The City Clerk shall monthly make a written report to the City Council , giving a list of all licenses or permits issued under the provisions of this Ordinance , showing the names of the parties. to whom issued , and the amount of the license fee charged to the Collector . Section IX All license fees herein provided for shall be due and payable in advance , and any person , firm or corporation who shall exercise or engage in any business , or exercise any of the priv- ileges for which a license is required , under any of the provisions of this Ordinance , without first having obtained said license , or permit shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean6r , and upon conviction thereof , shall be fined in any sum - not less than 510 . 00.0 nor more than $25 . 00 , for each offense . If such violation shall be in its nature continuous , in respect to time , each day of such continuance shall be deemed a separate offense , and shall be punishable in the same manner as above set forl.h . Section X All Ordinances , and parts of Ordinances in eon- flict herewith be , and the same are hereby repealed , and this. Ordinance shall take effect , and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication. Approved Mayor Attest Clerk Passed and approved this 20th day of Juge , 1919 .