HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 390 f' ORDINANCE N0. 390 AN ORDINA?ICE TO BE 7NTIMD "AN O PTA1iCE TO FIX TIS ?AT-S TO ]?3 C'iARC D FOR STMFT LIGHTS FURNISHED TO TM CITY OF FAYMEVILLF, ARKATTSAS By THE FAYETTSVILL_ GAS It UMTRIC 001.1Pt Ny, AND PRORIDING FOR THS MINIPRU?V NU1Wi R OF LIGHTS TO BE FURNISHEM, AND FOR OTIP"R VURPOSnS . n BE IT ORDAINED BY TH': . CITy coT.ICIT, OF FF.y9TT VIL?7$ ARKANSAS : Sec . 1. A charge for street lights furnished to the City. of Fayetteville. Arkansas by the Fayetteville Gas r Electric Comparq. shall be as follows , to-vita' 100 candle power lamps . . . . . 1 . 65 per la 1p per mo. 60 j' ° 1. 00 n n Sec . 2. The above rates shall apply to all street lights with the exception of those used in the ornamental standards around the public squt.re and on Dickson Street, the rate which shall be as follov:s, to Brit : 60 watt lamps . . . . , 1 . 10 per lamp per me . 100 n 1.50 n n mac • 3• All street lights are to burn from dusk until twelve oiclock midnight each and ever nights. Sec% L►. The minimum number of lichts to be used by the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas under the terms. of this ordinance sh to Twit : all be as follows, 142 lights of 60 candle powers 60 lights of 60 watts 10 light$ at 100 watts Seem 5. The City. of Fayetteville, Ark. shall have the rim;ht nand authority to increase the number of lights so furnished, C-t their opinion at the rate herein provided. See* 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect for two years' from and after Feb. 1, 1919 provided the same 'is accepted in writing by the said bayetteville Gas I Electric Company and made a matter of record by the Clerk of thq said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, within one week from the date of the passage of this Ordinance and all orknances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith he and the same are hereby repoaled. Jan . 21, 1919 MICROFILt#44 Mg DATE F Ell ORDINANCE N0. 390 AN ORDINANCE TO BE 7MTITL7D 'iAN ORDINANCE TO FIX T1iE ?.AVS TO BE C'iARG"ED F0A STREET LIGHTS rMNISIIED TC TIM CITY OF FAYCTTEMLE, ARMUSAS BY THE FAYETIrVILL_ GAS ?c ELMTRIC COTAi,Y9 ' AROVDING FOR THMNMROFLIGfIS TO Bl FURTISHUM ? .4 MR PURPOSrS . n BE IT ORDAINED BY Tir CITY _COUNCIi, OF "FAYTiTMVILT,?, ARKANSAS : Sec. 1. A charge for street lights furnished to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas by the Fayetteville Gas k Electric Company shall be as follows , to-wit : lCO caW18 power lamps. . . . . 1. 65 per lairp per mo. 60 n n 1 . 00 n n Sec . 2. The above rates shall apply to all street lights with the exception of those used. in the ornamental standards around the public square and on Dickson Street, the rate which shall be as follovis, to wit : 60 watt lamps . . . . . 1. 10 per lamp per mo. 100 ti 1050 tt n Sec . 3. All street lights atti . to. ham from dusk until twelve o ' clock midnight each and ever nights ; Sec . b. . The minimum number of lights to be used by the said City of Fayetteville ) Arkansas under the terms of this ordinance shall, be as follovrs, to tvit : 142 lights of 60 candle power: 60 lights of 60 watts 10 lights at 100 watts j Sec . 5. The City of Fayetteville, Arks s hall. have the right and authority to increase the number of lights so furnished, . a_t their opkon at the rate herein provided . Sec . 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect for two years from and after Feb. 1, 1919 provided the same is 'accepted in writing by the said Fayetteville Gas 2 ' Llectric Company and made a' M' 'tter of record by the Clerk of th.: said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas,. Within one week from the data of the passage of . this Ordinance and all cordi.nances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are& hereby repealed . Jan. 21 , 1919 1